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Feb 1, 8 tweets

RFK Jr. Exposes Joe Biden’s Racist Past in Viral Black History Month Post

The viral tweet brought to the forefront Biden’s role in the 1994 crime bill, "you ain't black" comments, his past positions on school busing and segregation, and much more.

The post reads:

Joe Biden is campaigning in South Carolina right now. Tomorrow is the first day of Black History Month. Let’s reminisce on everything he’s done for Black Americans:

– Authored the 1994 crime bill which led to the mass incarceration of black people

– Said if you don’t vote for him, “then you ain’t black”

– Extended penalties for people under 21 charged with selling marijuana

– Endorsed segregationist senators

– Opposed busing because he didn’t want his kids to grow up in a “racial jungle”

Let’s delve deeper into an analysis of how Biden’s actions have impacted Black Americans, as outlined by @RobertKennedyJr's 𝕏 post.

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#2 - The 1994 Crime Bill

The 1994 crime bill, formally known as the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, has been a point of contention in discussions about systemic racism and its impact on the Black community. RFK Jr.’s tweet suggests that this legislation, which Joe Biden played a key role in authoring, contributed significantly to the mass incarceration of Black Americans.

The bill included the “three strikes” rule and other stringent measures that led to increased prison sentences for many offenders. Critics argue that these policies disproportionately affected Black individuals, exacerbating racial disparities within the criminal justice system. The conversation around this bill remains a critical part of the broader dialogue on reforming criminal justice to address its impact on minority communities.

#3 - You Ain’t Black

Joe Biden’s comment during a radio interview in which he stated, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” sparked widespread criticism.

RFK Jr.’s mention of this remark in his tweet underscores the controversy it stirred. This statement was perceived by many as a presumptive and dismissive assessment of Black Americans’ political agency, raising concerns about racial insensitivity and the complexities of voter allegiance within the Black community.

Biden later apologized for this comment, acknowledging that it was a mistake to take the Black vote for granted.

#4 - Weed, Really Joe?

Joe Biden has faced criticism for past legislative actions, such as the extension of penalties for those under 21 charged with selling marijuana. RFK Jr. points to this as a policy that has been scrutinized for its role in the broader issue of criminal justice reform, especially concerning its impact on younger individuals within the Black community.

Critics argue that such measures have contributed to long-term legal and social consequences for a generation, affecting their opportunities and exacerbating the cycle of criminalization among youth, particularly in minority populations.

#5 - Senators of Segregation

Joe Biden’s historical political relationships, particularly his past endorsements of segregationist senators, such as Senators James Eastland and Herman Talmadge, have been brought to light by RFK Jr.

These endorsements have raised questions about Biden’s commitment to racial justice and equality. The scrutiny of such endorsements is part of a larger conversation about the evolving political views and alliances within American politics, and how these historical associations are viewed through the lens of current societal values.

#6 - No Bussing Biden

Joe Biden’s past opposition to busing initiatives, crucial for school desegregation, has come under severe criticism. RFK Jr.’s tweet highlights this stance with a quote where Biden expressed his concern about his children growing up in a “racial jungle,” a term now widely condemned for its insensitive implications.

This comment reflects a historical resistance to integration efforts that were designed to dismantle the pervasive segregation of the time. Biden’s position on busing is viewed by many critics as a stark example of resistance to the progress of civil rights and racial equality, illustrating a controversial pattern of racial prejudice during his career.

#7 - Conclusion

The revelations put forth by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding Joe Biden’s past have ignited a reexamination of the President’s positions on critical race issues.

As the nation reflects on its leaders’ roles in shaping policy and societal norms, this scrutiny underscores the importance of accountability and the evolving understanding of racial justice.

The claims made by RFK Jr. challenge us to confront the clear pattern of prejudice in Joe Biden’s political career and to demand continuous progress towards equality, reflecting the imperative for leaders to not only evolve but to actively rectify the repercussions of past actions.

Thank you for making it all the way to the end!

This post was originally an article written by @VigilantNews writer Dallas Ludlum (@dcludlum), which was then adapted into a thread.

Dallas does amazing work. You can follow him on 𝕏 here:

--> @dcludlum

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