Sam Brinton, from @TrevorProject, is the sexual deviant that wrote policies that K-12 school counselors @ASCAtweets use to keep Transgender secrets from parents. #NSCW24
Director of ASCA @jcookASCA was very proud of this “Suicide Prevention Policy” 🧵
Among all the child-abusing and parental-rights destroying policies that K-12 school counselors @ASCAtweets implements, none is more disgusting than the ones they develop with @TrevorProject
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject Let’s see what this “Suicide Prevention Policy” actually says that @ASCAtweets Director @jcookASCA is so proud of.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA To @ASCAtweets, suicide is “not a dichotomous concern” when they are covering their own ass, but when emotionally blackmailing parents to allow their children to be recruited into the transgender cult, then it’s “If you don’t affirm, your child will commit suicide”. Disgusting.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA Our friend @MichaelGAG_EIC from @againstgrmrs wrote a scathing piece exposing what child abusers @TrevorProject are.
Full link:…
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs This is who @ASCAtweets partners with to craft their “suicide prevention policy” that actually brainwashed children into Transgenderism, deems parents “unsafe and abusive”, and justifies keeping secrets from parents.
If you’re sick of Transgenderism being pushed onto children and secrets being kept in schools from parents, here is your mission:
1) Every time you post or share something regarding the Transgender Cult, use hashtag #NSCW24
2) When you repost something of ours, also use #NSCW24
Send a message to these insufferable disgusting “school counselors” that parents will no longer tolerate their manipulation of children.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs Here is the link to @ASCAtweets “Suicide Prevention Policy” where we pulled all the screen captures above.
This is for the gaslighting Transgender Child Mutilation Advocates that will attempt to deflect and scream, “Where’s your source?!?”…
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs The @TheMaineWire did a tremendous article on this sexual deviant and how it impacts K-12 schools in Maine.
To be clear, these transgender secret policies affect ALL 50 STATES. Please stop thinking your children are safe because you live in a red county.…
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