Sam Brinton, from @TrevorProject, is the sexual deviant that wrote policies that K-12 school counselors @ASCAtweets use to keep Transgender secrets from parents. #NSCW24
Director of ASCA @jcookASCA was very proud of this “Suicide Prevention Policy” 🧵
Among all the child-abusing and parental-rights destroying policies that K-12 school counselors @ASCAtweets implements, none is more disgusting than the ones they develop with @TrevorProject
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject Let’s see what this “Suicide Prevention Policy” actually says that @ASCAtweets Director @jcookASCA is so proud of.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA To @ASCAtweets, suicide is “not a dichotomous concern” when they are covering their own ass, but when emotionally blackmailing parents to allow their children to be recruited into the transgender cult, then it’s “If you don’t affirm, your child will commit suicide”. Disgusting.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA Our friend @MichaelGAG_EIC from @againstgrmrs wrote a scathing piece exposing what child abusers @TrevorProject are.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs This is who @ASCAtweets partners with to craft their “suicide prevention policy” that actually brainwashed children into Transgenderism, deems parents “unsafe and abusive”, and justifies keeping secrets from parents.
If you’re sick of Transgenderism being pushed onto children and secrets being kept in schools from parents, here is your mission:
1) Every time you post or share something regarding the Transgender Cult, use hashtag #NSCW24
2) When you repost something of ours, also use #NSCW24
Send a message to these insufferable disgusting “school counselors” that parents will no longer tolerate their manipulation of children.
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs Here is the link to @ASCAtweets “Suicide Prevention Policy” where we pulled all the screen captures above.
This is for the gaslighting Transgender Child Mutilation Advocates that will attempt to deflect and scream, “Where’s your source?!?”
@ASCAtweets @TrevorProject @jcookASCA @MichaelGAG_EIC @againstgrmrs The @TheMaineWire did a tremendous article on this sexual deviant and how it impacts K-12 schools in Maine.
To be clear, these transgender secret policies affect ALL 50 STATES. Please stop thinking your children are safe because you live in a red county.…
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✨EXCLUSIVE ✨This morning @megynkelly exposed a FOAA of a school board member, Matthew Lillibridge, of @msad11curriculm threatening to meet me with "an AR 15 and a Doberman" in response to me sending their school board an email to offer more information about the school-based medical clinic they are looking to install.
Watch this clip and see the 🧵below to read the FOAA for yourself. This is the type of people who is making serious policy decisions for your children in government K-12.
Thank you to the incredible Megyn Kelly for the conversation and to the wonderful team at the @MegynKellyShow
Here is my email and Matthew Lillibridge’s response we obtained via open records request.
The radical school board looking to vote in a school-based medical clinic to be able to offer transgender treatments and pharmaceuticals without parental consent.
They want to separate children from parental rights so badly. Help us stop them here, take 30 seconds to send them all a message:
This is one of the most often go-to attempts to manipulate your empathy as President Trump and Elon Musk eliminates fraud and corruption.
We’re going to show you a quick way to expose dishonest cucks like @DennisPCrawford
They always start off with vague accusations and hope you’ll fill in the blanks.
In this case, dishonest Crawford is hoping you would think Elon Musk is a terrible person for denying budding teachers from gaining a teaching degree at the University of Nebraska on how to better educate poor kids.
But let’s take a closer at what these federal grants are really for 🧵
Here is a $1 million grant that the University of Nebraska received to help teachers “improve math and science in K-12” 2016.
As we're all excited about the dismantling of the wasteful and corrupt Department of Education, it's crucial for parents to know this is just the first step in a longer journey.
The federal law that ties all school districts to much of the indoctrination we've seen over the last decade is known as ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015).
ESSA is a broad and complex piece of legislation. It operates through three departments that use federal grants to incentivize school districts to align with the political ideology of whoever is in the current administration.
Under the Biden/Harris administration, which was anti-America and despised parental rights, ESSA was leveraged to push for Critical Race Theory (CRT), Queer Theory, and climate change propaganda. They wanted open borders and used American taxpayer money to support all illegal aliens, so government K-12 pushed children to support that viewpoint.
Every guideline issued was essentially a nudge towards these ideological goals and the districts all complied because they wanted to secure those federal grants.
And here's the kicker: there isn't a single school district across all 50 states that doesn't take these grants.
Check out the 🧵 below for a high-level summary of how these three departments have been pushing these ideologies.
TLDR: ESSA is the federal law that schools must comply with, and these three departments use federal grants to essentially hold school districts hostage to the whims of Washington.
To truly send the control of K-12 back to the states, we MUST repeal ESSA.
🚨CALL-TO-ACTION: At 6:30pm ET | February 6, 2025 this corrupt school board will vote to install a school-based medical clinic. ➡️
This clinic will be able to offer, but definitely not limited to:
• Counseling of children with “affirm-only” therapists/counselors who default to transgender ideology.
• Transgender treatments such as binding, tucking, and sterilization drugs.
• The clinic rely on federal funding for the initial installation. It will require increase in taxes to continue operations after the first year. It is a violation of two of President Trump’s Executive Orders.
All the above can be administered without parental consent, as long as the counselors label the parents “unsafe and abusive”.
(It will take you 1 minute, we do encourage you to add additional thoughts)
For exposure on both the school board and the company setting up the clinic, see 🧵 below.
HealthReach is the company installing the clinic. Listen as they say that the clinic will have decision-making capacity for the minor child.
Listen as the board chair, Becky Fles, says that parents are “not the decision makers”.
One of the largest pushers of transgender ideology and DEI in government K-12 is Planned Parenthood.
- In 2023-2023 they clocked in at a staggering $2.05 Billion of income.
- 34% of their funding comes from the federal government.
@elonmusk @DOGE - they are violating @POTUS' Executive Order every day and pushing transgender ideology and DEI in government K-12. It would be a massive help for those of us fighting indoctrination in these schools if we got Planned Parenthood out of there.
The 🧵offers some exposures in more detail.
Planned Parenthood aggressively pushes transgender language to children.
Planned Parenthood pushes transgender mutilation surgeries through states.