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Feb 11, 11 tweets

A unique never before thread of how YAMRAJ PLAYED HAVOC WITH THE MARATHAS

The Marathas could have ruled the Indian subcontinent for much longer & kept the British out but 1 big strike of fate against them from start to finish prevented this


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj freed 230 forts from the Mughals and Deccan Sultanate, carved out an independent Hindu empire starting with just one jaagir around Pune.

But he died early at age 52 just when the empire was getting started

His son and great ruler Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj kept the fledgling empire alive, kept the Mughals at bay for 9 years and fought the Portuguese.

But was captured by Aurangzeb, tortured and martyred at young age of 32.

Fortunately under Rajaram and Tarabai Marathas won the 25 year war and Mughals were demolished.

The next great statesman, the first Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath, who inflicted the first defeat of Mughals at Delhi in 1719 died at young age of 52

His sons, Peshwa Bajirao 1 & his brother Chimaji Appa conquered most of India & liberated it from Jihadist rule.

But Bajirao died at age 40 of sudden fever

And his brother Chimaji Appa who liberated Vasai from Portuguese died a year later at 39.

After 1737 only Maratha puppets sat on the throne of Delhi.

However in 1761 in the Battle of Panipat an entire generation of leaders Sadashivrao Bhau (31), Vishwasrao (19), Shamsher (27) and Jankoji Shinde (16) were killed. All youngsters under 30 years.

Peshwa Nanasaheb, credited for taking Maratha banner till Bengal was ailing of Phythis for years before battle of Panipat and died of disease set on by shock at age 40 after the loss at Panipat.

The Marathas regained control of Delhi again in 1771 under the legendary Peshwa Madhavrao.

He could have done wonders and kept the British out.

But he died prematurely of Tuberculosis at 27.

Maratha recapture of Delhi was the last great news he received on his deathbed.

Raghunath Rao was a gray character but at least in battle and military affairs he was a legend and single handedly responsible for expanding the empire to Attock in West Punjab.

He too died of unknown causes at age 50.

Madhavrao 2's (Sawai Madhavrao) suicide in 1795 at age 21 by jumping off a palace wall started Maratha decline.

He was succeeded by the degenerate Bajirao 2

British won the 3rd Anglo-Maratha War in 1818 & the 1857 Mutiny.

And thus it was all over via EARLY DEATH OF LEADERS.

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