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Author; Board member @HonestReporting; wrote @NGOmonitor rebuttals debunking HRW & Amnesty "apartheid" reports; articles in Tablet, Fathom Journal etc.

Mar 24, 2024, 11 tweets

🧵Starvation & famine in Gaza is a lie: According to UN World Food Programme's own statistics Israel has delivered double the food necessary to feed all Gaza over 170 days of war. Claiming Intentional famine is a lie (like @repAOC) proven by UN’s own metrics. See analysis: 1/11

WFP issued an emergency response report for Gaza in October and specifically noted that 951 metric tons of food can feed 488,000 people for a week. See link for the WFP report and key deta from their report below. 2/…

Israel has facilitated delivery of 233,530 tons of food since the war began via 11,065 trucks. It is well documented that Hamas steals aid, but as proven next, the food entering over the whole war is twice the amount needed to meet basic food needs of all Gazans daily. 3/

See calculations below. Israel has delivered 2x the 104,000 tons WFP itself says is necessary to meet food needs of all Gazans for 170 days. Demolishing constant libel by UN entities &NGOs, repeated by media, all intended to pressure Israel to stop the war and saving Hamas. 4/

In recent weeks Israel has been flooding Gaza with food with aid coming from many countries by sea, land & air far more than needed for basic food needs. Claims Israel is still not doing enough is also a lie. On Mar 21 Israel allowed in one day 5x the daily food needed! 5/

Israel has been allowing in food aid meeting basic needs since late October 23. In recent weeks it has been a “flood of aid” as proven by recent daily entries equal to 5x the daily need per UN WFP guidelines. UN's Guterres is clearly unaware of the actual facts on the ground. 6/

It can be proven from numerous videos (example below) and photos that there is sufficient food in most of Gaza. It seems in pockets in the north, which Israel told Gazan to evacuate in October, are seeing difficulty from distribution problems & theft. 7/

Here are other videos, busy food market in Rafah below and in link central Gaza schwarma restaurant serving customers. The extent of the famine libel is massive. It’s a widespread campaign of disinformation to protect Hamas. 8/

Israel remains the only nation in history that has worked to facilitate massive aid into the territory ruled by an entity it's at war with, Hamas – who steal much of the aid. Here a UN official notes that places like Syria in actual need are being neglected. 9/

Reminder that under international law, Israel’s only obligation is to allow third party aid to enter (absolutely no legal obligation to provide aid itself) under rules Israel creates and can be halted if it “fears” Hamas will steal – which it does. 10/

A feature of every comment by UN officials claiming famine is zero hard evidence or statistics (especially) to back up their claim. It’s obvious no matter what Israel does this is a deliberate tactic to help save Hamas. Expect the libel to get louder. END

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