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Apr 28, 2024, 7 tweets

🔥 Breaking! The Obama WhiteHouse along with the state dept was at TWO Open Government Hub events held for the Open Government Partnership!

And Samantha Powers was at the Open Government Hub grand opening on January 10, 2013 too!

This is Part 5 of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Open Government Hub series (OGH).

So we not only had the Serbian Otpor folks, State Dept, and USAID at the OGH, we had White House staff there too! I’m telling you, we had Government operating out of this hub! And here it is!

Here’s the first event:

“Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA February 23-24, 2016”

See the attached participant list but here’s the United States ones:

1. Corinna Zarek, White House, Office of Science Technology Policy

2. Camille Eiss, Department of State

Of course there was discussions of OGP steering committee involvement which is led and financed by the US government.

But remember Civicus being at a OGH event? The folks that want to wipe out the right? This OGH event was precipitated by a complaint from Dr Danny Sriskandarajah, Secretary General, of CIVICUS and two others.

Now here’s the next event, and I’m certain that there are more:

“Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA March 9-10, 2015”

USA Participants

1. Lawrence Sperling, Department of State

2. Corinna Zarek White House, Office of Science and
Technology Policy

Today, I also want to further clarify the cozy relationship of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Open Government Hub (OGH). There was a reason they were at the same address, as well as others.

But first let me remind you that the OGP was an Obama created org. So no wonder a Global Network Leader at his foundation led it, even over the entire Trump admin.

“President Obama launched the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2011 at the U.N. General Assembly meeting with seven other heads of state and an equal number of leaders from civil society. The OGP has grown to a global coalition of 64 governments and hundreds of civil-society orgs.”

“Since its inception, the United States has supported the work of the Partnership, including by serving on the OGP Steering Committee, providing critical financing to the OGP Support Unit and supporting NAP implementation around the world.”

And the OGP operated in the beltway loop, aka intelligence community.

2022: “OGP in the United States has always been a primarily “inside of
the Beltway” affair,”

The OGP was actually at the beginning, at the White House, and there was talk in 2022 of placing it back there.

So let’s review a little bit of their early history. And you’ll see why they are all so cozy. I’ll follow this 🧵 with photos so you get a glimpse.

“The OpenGov Hub is an intentionally themed SHARED office space – our only membership criterion is a fit within the "opengov" theme. This means the OpenGov Hub is uniquely positioned to explore how physical co-location can promote and deepen meaningful collaboration across organizations working on similar issues.”

“The 20,000 square foot Hub serves as the physical home of 35+ organizations (mostly international development nonprofits) and over 150 people promoting diverse “opengov" reforms.”

The Open Government Partnership was actually one of the first original members at the Open Government Hub. See the 1st photo? See the big sign on the right saying OGH? On the left, you see the OGP placard along with the other first members.)

So what did the working conditions there look like? It was one big happy commune. 🥳

They also had lots of events with food and drinks, and also lots of parties with food and drink. 🥳

The first photo is their 2014 launch party. Second is the one year anniversary. Third is their first happy hour. And the fourth shows their DevCliches Rehab Night. Gee who wouldn’t want to work there? 🥳

Let’s begin sourcing the Open Government Hub grand opening day event with Samantha Powers.

January 10, 2013!

Why would Samantha Power be there? Eh? 😉

Do you recognize any of the speakers? There’s tons more there than the photos I just shared. Feel free to visit the link.…

Now these two events in this 🧵 were under the Obama admin, but it shows that the Open Government Hub was essentially an event holder for the Open Government Partnership and other orgs. Including involving Government officials.

Civicus came up and they are the right-wing haters that held an event during the Trump admin. Along with Serbian Otpor trainers.

Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA
February 23-24, 2016

Participant list includes:

- United States
Camille Eiss Department of State

- Corinna Zarek White House, Office of Science Technology Policy

Folks a lightbulb just went off in my head, and it’s gonna be huge news!…

Whoops, here’s the second event. I mean to include this in my above post.

Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA
March 9-10, 2015

Participant List:

United States

- Lawrence Sperling Department of State

- Corinna Zarek White House, Office of Science and Technology Policy…

The Open Government Hub wants to “change” the world with advocacy etc, but to what? And how? Using Serbian Otpor activist training? Why on earth would anyone invite those folks around like they have?

“The OpenGov Hub is an intentionally themed shared office space – our only membership criterion is a fit within the "opengov" theme. This means the OpenGov Hub is uniquely positioned to explore how physical co-location can promote and deepen meaningful collaboration across organizations working on similar issues.

The 20,000 square foot Hub serves as the physical home of 35+ organizations (mostly international development nonprofits) and over 150 people promoting diverse “opengov" reforms through technology, research, media, data and advocacy.

The challenges and stakes of this work - reforming governments and changing how citizens and governments engage all around the world - are far too high for any one organization to tackle alone.

The OpenGov Hub’s mission and strategy will enable organizations on the front lines of this critical global work not only to experience cost and time savings, but also create more effective change through collaborative community.”…

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