🔥 Breaking! The Obama WhiteHouse along with the state dept was at TWO Open Government Hub events held for the Open Government Partnership!
And Samantha Powers was at the Open Government Hub grand opening on January 10, 2013 too!
This is Part 5 of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Open Government Hub series (OGH).
So we not only had the Serbian Otpor folks, State Dept, and USAID at the OGH, we had White House staff there too! I’m telling you, we had Government operating out of this hub! And here it is!
Here’s the first event:
“Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA February 23-24, 2016”
See the attached participant list but here’s the United States ones:
1. Corinna Zarek, White House, Office of Science Technology Policy
2. Camille Eiss, Department of State
Of course there was discussions of OGP steering committee involvement which is led and financed by the US government.
But remember Civicus being at a OGH event? The folks that want to wipe out the right? This OGH event was precipitated by a complaint from Dr Danny Sriskandarajah, Secretary General, of CIVICUS and two others.
Now here’s the next event, and I’m certain that there are more:
“Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA March 9-10, 2015”
USA Participants
1. Lawrence Sperling, Department of State
2. Corinna Zarek White House, Office of Science and
Technology Policy
Today, I also want to further clarify the cozy relationship of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Open Government Hub (OGH). There was a reason they were at the same address, as well as others.
But first let me remind you that the OGP was an Obama created org. So no wonder a Global Network Leader at his foundation led it, even over the entire Trump admin.
“President Obama launched the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in 2011 at the U.N. General Assembly meeting with seven other heads of state and an equal number of leaders from civil society. The OGP has grown to a global coalition of 64 governments and hundreds of civil-society orgs.”
“Since its inception, the United States has supported the work of the Partnership, including by serving on the OGP Steering Committee, providing critical financing to the OGP Support Unit and supporting NAP implementation around the world.”
And the OGP operated in the beltway loop, aka intelligence community.
2022: “OGP in the United States has always been a primarily “inside of
the Beltway” affair,”
The OGP was actually at the beginning, at the White House, and there was talk in 2022 of placing it back there.
So let’s review a little bit of their early history. And you’ll see why they are all so cozy. I’ll follow this 🧵 with photos so you get a glimpse.
“The OpenGov Hub is an intentionally themed SHARED office space – our only membership criterion is a fit within the "opengov" theme. This means the OpenGov Hub is uniquely positioned to explore how physical co-location can promote and deepen meaningful collaboration across organizations working on similar issues.”
“The 20,000 square foot Hub serves as the physical home of 35+ organizations (mostly international development nonprofits) and over 150 people promoting diverse “opengov" reforms.”
The Open Government Partnership was actually one of the first original members at the Open Government Hub. See the 1st photo? See the big sign on the right saying OGH? On the left, you see the OGP placard along with the other first members.)
So what did the working conditions there look like? It was one big happy commune. 🥳
They also had lots of events with food and drinks, and also lots of parties with food and drink. 🥳
The first photo is their 2014 launch party. Second is the one year anniversary. Third is their first happy hour. And the fourth shows their DevCliches Rehab Night. Gee who wouldn’t want to work there? 🥳
Let’s begin sourcing the Open Government Hub grand opening day event with Samantha Powers.
January 10, 2013!
Why would Samantha Power be there? Eh? 😉
Do you recognize any of the speakers? There’s tons more there than the photos I just shared. Feel free to visit the link.
Now these two events in this 🧵 were under the Obama admin, but it shows that the Open Government Hub was essentially an event holder for the Open Government Partnership and other orgs. Including involving Government officials.
Civicus came up and they are the right-wing haters that held an event during the Trump admin. Along with Serbian Otpor trainers.
Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Criteria & Standards Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Open Government Hub, Washington, D.C, USA
February 23-24, 2016
Participant list includes:
- United States
Camille Eiss Department of State
- Corinna Zarek White House, Office of Science Technology Policy
Folks a lightbulb just went off in my head, and it’s gonna be huge news!
The Open Government Hub wants to “change” the world with advocacy etc, but to what? And how? Using Serbian Otpor activist training? Why on earth would anyone invite those folks around like they have?
“The OpenGov Hub is an intentionally themed shared office space – our only membership criterion is a fit within the "opengov" theme. This means the OpenGov Hub is uniquely positioned to explore how physical co-location can promote and deepen meaningful collaboration across organizations working on similar issues.
The 20,000 square foot Hub serves as the physical home of 35+ organizations (mostly international development nonprofits) and over 150 people promoting diverse “opengov" reforms through technology, research, media, data and advocacy.
The challenges and stakes of this work - reforming governments and changing how citizens and governments engage all around the world - are far too high for any one organization to tackle alone.
The OpenGov Hub’s mission and strategy will enable organizations on the front lines of this critical global work not only to experience cost and time savings, but also create more effective change through collaborative community.”
🔥🔥🔥Holy cow! I got the Soros Democracy Alliance Resistance Map! A RARE Democracy Alliance document given to their funders to show them who to contribute to. AND also, the Trump resistance started the mail-in ballots and drop boxes! Lastly these Trump resistance orgs are all non profits and many of them don’t seem to be following the rules. @PamBondi
This RARE DOCUMENT lists every org that was a part of the Trump resistance in the Soros Democracy Alliance as of July 2017!
This 💯 makes Soros, Obama, and Eisen the Resistance! Not just linkage, they are the resistance!
2017 was the year that the Democracy Alliance hired Archana Sahgal, a former Obama White House official, to help the new anti-Trump groups.
Here’s some of the summer 2017 Soros Democracy Alliance resistance, see photo for the remainder. And below this for why some are important:
So Obama and his OFA was more than linked (Partnered with Indivisible) to the resistance, they WERE the resistance! Told you so! ( I also had other early evidence that showed he was part of Indivisible too.)
This also connects ALL 2020 election change efforts to the resistance also! For example, the Brennan Center handled a majority of 2020 election changes, including mail-in ballots and drop boxes. (See my past work.)
The Transition Integrity Project (Protect Democracy/United to Protect Democracy) is listed there too. Recall they are the ones who war gamed the election.
As for CREW, from 2016 to 2019, Norm Eisen served as chair of the board and co-counsel on litigation matters, including emoluments cases in New York and Maryland federal courts[4] (CREW v. Trump and D.C. and Maryland v. Trump,respectively).
Planned Parenthood is taxpayer funded. Hope my resistance dollars were spent well.
The ACLU also staffed the 2020 election as poll workers in at least Georgia. Imagine this, having the Trump resistance as poll workers! (See past work.)
MoveOn was and still is involved in the Trump resistance.
Indivisible which is currently active as the 2025 resistance, has also received funding from the tech entrepreneur Reid Hoffman, as well as foundations or coalitions tied to Democracy Alliance donors, including the San Francisco mortgage billionaire Herbert Sandler, the New York real estate heiress Patricia Bauman and the oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix.
Since these are all non profits, I found a Forbes article that explains their status nicely:
Any of those listed that are a 501 c3, are not allowed to campaign against a candidate! The 501 c4’s can’t do it the majority of the time. (Indivisible, a 501 c4, was created strictly to resist Trump.)
This my friends is what we call evidence! Sources to follow!
Ok here’s the 2017 New York Times article where I found the Soros Democracy Alliance Resistance Map. This was impossible to find, so imagine finding it here?
This is the first 💯 confirmation of Trump resistance status and Soros Democracy Alliance funding for many of these orgs.
This article links to the document download link. And also lists donor info such as Reid Hoffman and Soros Democracy Alliance.
Here’s a direct download link for this Soros Democracy Alliance Resistance Map. This shows everyone that was a part of the Soros Democracy Alliance resistance as of July 2017.
🔥🔥🔥 Boom! In 2024, the brother of Maines Governor, Janet Mills, helped transfer a nine-acre black market cannabis grow to a Chinese national living in Guangdong province amidst the proliferation of illegal Chinese marijuana grows in Maine. Her brother did this 13 days after it was raided by DHS agents.
According to a leaked Department of Homeland Security memo, Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) control and operate more than 270 illegal marijuana cultivation and trafficking facilities throughout Maine, and the proceeds from those illicit activities are used to finance fentanyl trafficking, human trafficking, and other illegal activities.
A Chinese national living in the Guangdong Province, China, became the proud owner of the “fixer upper” in Penobscot County in thanks, in part, to title transfer services provided by Paul H. Mills, the eldest brother of Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D).
Paul Mills, 71, is the founder and managing partner of the Mills & Mills law firm, located at 163 Main Street in Farmington. People familiar with the real estate transfer process in Penobscot County said it would be uncommon for Mills — or any attorney based in Franklin County — to handle title transfers in Corinna.
H/T @bigsteve207
Source to follow.
There’s tons more in this article on Maine Governor, Janet Mills, brother and the Cannabis field sale only 13 days after the DHS raid.
🔥🚨🔥Breaking! The Munich Security Conference is partnered with the BMW Foundation which has an agenda of fighting the populist right to stop obstacles to agenda 2030!
And the BMW Fndn also created the Alliance4Eu which works with our very own DHS. The Alliance4Eu also operated a Social Media Intelligence Unit (SMIU) on Twitter that created mental chaos for the right. This did not end well for some.
I really don’t know how I missed that the BMW Foundation created the Alliance4EU who were also STRONGLY vocal against the right. And here BMW is partners with the Munich Security Conference.
Of course right wing populists wouldn’t get a fair shake at a Munich Security Conference.
These excerpts are from a BMW Foundation document . There’s tons more out there too. I have tons more anti right wing sentiments from my previous posts on the Alliance4EU too. I’ll link those 🧵 later.
BMW Foundation:
“The rise of populism, the emergence of extremist political parties from the right, and a growing anti-establishment sentiment are a threat to many of the world’s democracies.”
“The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 16—Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions—aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.”
“Alliance4eu emerged during a BMW Foundation leadership program and has received Foundation support since its inception.”
(Its Social Media Intelligence unit was additionally funded by the European Commission.)
“Alliance4Europe has a Social Media Intelligence Unit that was designed by an ex-Scotland-Yard expert to counter hate speech.”
*Also inside this very doc we learn that the BMW Foundation partnered with the Prototype Fund. Does everyone here remember Travis Browns lists of the right used to go after us?
“By the evening of Monday, March 16, we’d decided to collaborate with six other civil society organizations — Tech4Germany, Prototype Fund, Code for Germany, Initiative D21, Impact Hub Berlin, Social Entrepreneurship Netzw- erk Deutschland—and that we’d kick off with a hackathon, because we needed mobilizing momentum.”
The BMW Fndn aims to advance 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
“In 2015, the United Nations agreed
on the 2030 Agenda to address the challenges and inequalities of our time. The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt has made it its mission to inspire responsible leadership and advance the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.”
“On the other hand, it is not helpful when political leaders, political parties, or entire governments in some countries dispute the need for the 2030 Agenda or even fight against it. It is therefore up to leaders in particular to gauge the 2030 Agenda’s options for action and its conflicting goals. We must not leave this to populists and simplifiers.”
This is the doc that keeps giving. But let’s check out an X post. This is from Michael Schaefer the now former BMW chairman and former ambassador to China from his BMW days.
“Obstacles to sustainable global governance are increasing protectionism and populism.”
Yes, the BMW Foundation vows to clear all obstacles to the 2030 agenda.
They also fund the European Hub along with Soros Open Society which housed the Alliance4Eu Social Media Intelligence Unit.
There’s tons of sources on everything, so bear with me!
It’s unimaginable how bad this all is. I have extensive research on the BMW Foundations Alliance4Eu.
First let’s show that the Munich Security Conference is partnered with the BMW foundation.
“As an official partner of the Munich Security Conference (MSC), we will convene leaders and experts from business, policy, science, and civil society at the Energy Security Hub BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt Pavilion from February 13 to 15, 2025.” archive.is/4qvJn
Next comes the BMW Foundation doc that keeps giving. There’s lots more inside, happy reading!
“How can we inspire and promote sustainable solutions for people and planet? How can we change focus and make progress toward the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations?”
“In a world that has been running on a fight-or-flight “lizard brain,” in which fear-mongering, populism, pandemics, and uncertainty have taken over, the mindsets and contexts that we have become accustomed to simply do not work anymore.”
“In 2019, he (Omri) became managing director of Alliance4Europe, a platform that pools the strengths of pro- European initiatives to combat right-wing populism. It emerged during a BMW Foundation leadership program and has received Foundation support since its inception.”
“By the evening of Monday, March 16, we’d decided to col- laborate with six other civil society organi- zations — Tech4Germany, Prototype Fund, snip..”
🔥🔥Breaking! The number one recipient of USAID, Chemonics, is linked to United Kingdom psychological operations utilized against alleged “disinformation” and much more! Operations that are currently being used on X, which include doxing and threatening folks!
The UK’s Valent Projects, had a contract with Chemonics, a Washington DC-based ‘Beltway Bandit’ firm which was overseeing the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU).
Amil Khan of Project Valient, was a member of Project Alchemy’s info ops team. Khan was hyped as a ‘StratComms Ninja. They were tracking pro-Russian disinfo targeting key audiences in key countries (e.g. US hard right, UK hard left).
The Chemonics/Valent project also focused on countering disinformation in Africa. Khan, referring to a Sudan-based effort funded by USAID’s OTI, which provides short-term assistance for political transition, discussed online criticism of the now-disintegrated, USAID-supported Khartoum government.
In December 2021, The Grayzone exposed how the then-Prince of Wales, now King Charles, enlisted Khan’s Valent Projects to astroturf a pseudo-socialist YouTube influencer to attack skeptics of the government’s Covid response.
Additional background on Project Alchemy / Project Valent :
According to leaked files, Project Alchemy’s information operations were assigned to a member of the British Army’s psychological warfare unit, the 77th Brigade. Multiple emails reviewed, suggest the role was ultimately filled by Major General Alex Turner, who headed the 77th Brigade from 2020 to 2022. Also listed as a participant in the clandestine effort was longtime British intelligence-adjacent regime change propagandist Amil Khan, who founded the ‘counter-disinformation’ analysis firm, Valent Projects.
In an effort to ‘keep Ukraine fighting,’ a group of British military strategists and spies plotted to target and destroy media outlets that threatened their preferred narrative. This group, known as Project Alchemy, was organized by the British Ministry of Defense and led by Lieutenant General Charlie Stickland. Their goal was to prolong the Ukraine proxy war at all costs.
Project Alchemy proposed a range of aggressive tactics, including cyber attacks, ‘discreet operations,’ and terrorism, inspired by Operation Gladio, a Cold War-era secret operation involving CIA and MI6 agents.
Here’s the link to the Grayzone article at the Boston Times. There’s plenty more to read!
I think it’s kinda funny how this brought two recent subjects together, Chemonics and Psyops.
🔥🔥Breaking! Imran Ahmed and another founder of the Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), Aman Ahuja, weren’t just speakers at the Eradicate Hate summit 2023, they were in a summit working group! Along with every US and Global fed imaginable. And get this, Mary McCord and tons of big gov heavy hitters work there too!
Keep reading, it’s pretty bad!
Eradicate Hate also has a DHS FEMA grant:
“UP End Hate is an initiative of the Eradicate Hate Global Summit in partnership with Community Matters, The Reilly Group, and Moonshot (pentagon contractor).
This project is funded by DHS grant # DHS-23-GPD-067-00-01.”
Eradicate Hate is also partners with the United Nations for The Plan of Action to Combat Hate Speech through Engagement with Sports.
Now back to the 2023 summit. I just chose one year for ease.
One of their Keynote speakers was Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Also let’s name a few of their Global Advisors, ready? And remember the gov employees they still worked in the Biden admin at the time.
Global Advisors:
-Mary McCord, Visiting Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP), Georgetown University Law Center
-Nicholas Rasmussen, Counterterrorism Coordinator, Department of Homeland Security
-Amina Khan, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
-Vidhya Ramalingam, Founder & CEO, Moonshot (moonshot works with pentagon)
-Rajeev Ramchand, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation (RAND is special)
Now let’s get to the working group, this is just a tiny sampling and includes
-Imran Ahmed CCDH
-Aman Ahuja CCDH
-Edward L. Abraham, Unit Chief, UCR, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
-Adela Levis, Global Engagement Center, U.S. Department of State
-William Braniff, Director of the DHS Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships
-Sarah DeGue, Ph.D., Senior Health Scientist, Division of Violence Prevention, CDC
-Michael Duffin, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Counterterrorism
-James Felte, Chief of the Criminal Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
-John T. Picarelli, PhD, Director of Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention, National Security Council
-Nicholas Rasmussen, Counterterrorism Coordinator, Department of Homeland Security
-Scott Schubert, Chief of Law Enforcement Support Section (LESS), Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
-Jessica Stern, U.S. Special Envoy To Advance The Human Rights Of LGTBQI+ Persons, U.S. Department of State
-Derika B Sutton, Program Analyst, Uniform Crime Reporting Program, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
A couple of the government contractors in the working group:
-Vidhya Ramalingam, Founder & CEO, Moonshot (Works with pentagon. Plus tons other Moonshot folks were there.)
-Rajeev Ramchand, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation (RAND is special to me. Lots of other Rand folks were there too.)
Also in the Working Group were tons from Jones Day, McCain Group, United Nations, State Attorney Generals, District Attorneys, ex governors, US police, Global police, Global Intelligence, NGO’s like crazy, and so much more!
Sources to follow, and there will be more coming if my next plan works out.
Also, I have a ton of goodies I’m working on. Three major reports of mine somehow got linked together! So can’t release them yet.
Here’s the Eradicate Hate Global Summit 2023 Roster. There’s a bajillion heavy hitter names listed.
The working group that the Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is in begins on page 12. web.archive.org/web/2023110913…
UP End Hate is an initiative of the Eradicate Hate Global Summit in partnership with Community Matters, The Reilly Group, and Moonshot.
This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, opportunity number DHS-23-GPD-067-00-01.
Eradicate Hate started with a Global Summit in 2021, and participants formed working groups to create concrete deliverables to share at the next annual Summit.
Invent2Prevent is a DHS FEMA grant program
These initiatives include Invent2Prevent (an experiential learning program for high school/college students), Prevention Practitioners Network (an interdisciplinary network), and SCREEN Hate (a national campaign).
🔥🔥🔥Huge! The Center For Countering Digital Hate, going after Elon Musk, receives UK government funding!
I’m telling you, every bit of disinfo work is connected to the UK. And the linkage to the UK’s progressive Labour Party is also greater than most realize.
And, Obama has both UK and CCDH links too, so don’t discount him. As I mentioned before, his Obama Foundation has a UK office. But there’s more, lemme explain..
You see, Simon Clark, the chairman of the CCDH Board of Directors is also a senior member of the American organization Center for American Progress (CAP).
And there’s a secret about CAP. You see the Times deleted an article that explains Obama’s use of CAP. It was essentially created for him and was founded by John Podesta.
“Center for American Progress (CAP), the most influential independent organization in Obama's nascent Washington. CAP was the brainchild of former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta.”
“Obama depended on CAP during the campaign for opposition research and talking points, President-elect Obama has effectively contracted out the management of his own government's formation to Podesta.”
The CCDH is also a primarily UK Labour (progressive) linked org also.
“Before becoming the executive director of the CCDH, Imran Ahmed, he worked with politicians from the Labour Party, a British left-wing political group.
Another member of the CCDH Board, Kirsty McNeill, was an advisor to the former British Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Gordon Brown.
Jonny Oates, also a member of the CCDH Board, is a politician in the Liberal Democratic Party, a center-left group in the United Kingdom.
A former board member was Morgan McSweeney, who left the organization and was later managing director of Labour Together, which defines himself as "a network for activists of all traditions of the Labor movement to explore new ideas and think about the future for the left."”
Sources with addition info to follow.
This foreign page had a lot of goodies on the Center For Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). And also linked me to the now deleted Times article.
The quotes on the Labour Party came from here. I was aware of this, but I like their handy list. This article needs translated.
I missed an important Soros linkage up top:
“Unlike other data verification organizations, the CCDH does not mention the organizations or individuals that support it financially. The field of "verifiers", as reported by ACI Prensa, is economically dominated by the controversial billionaire George Soros.”
Also, here’s more about Simon Clark working at both CCDH, and Center For American Progress which was started by Podesta.
“Podesta was also head of campaign for Hillary Clinton, a Democratic Party candidate in the 2016 US elections.
The current president of the Center for American Progress is Neera Tanden, a former official in the governments of Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who also worked on Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Tanden's nomination for a high position in Biden's White House had to be withdrawn by the current administration because it did not achieve the approval of the US Senate, due to Tanden's radical ideas.”
Needs Translated, but I screen shotted the best parts:
Ok now for the now DELETED goods. The Times article on the Center For American Progress and Obama.
“Inside Obama's Idea Factory in Washington” (Center For American Progress)
“If liberals had any hopes of being able to make the same claims in the near future, they knew they needed to be more like conservatives.”
“Five years later, they have that, and a lot more, in the Center for American Progress (CAP), the most influential independent organization in Obama's nascent Washington. CAP was the brainchild of former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta.”
“It is difficult to overstate the influence in Obamaland of CAP, a group with roughly $25 million in annual funding from mostly anonymous individuals, corporations and unions.
Podesta himself is leading Obama's transition effort, holding press conferences to speak for the President-elect, with an operation beneath him filled with CAP alum. The transition's operations director, the general counsel and the co-director all have come over from similar jobs at the think tank.
At least six other CAP alums or board members, including Daschle and former EPA Commissioner Carol Browner, continue to advise the transition or campaign on matters of policy; Daschle looks likely to become a part of Obama's cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services, in part because he wrote a book about health policy, with funding from CAP.”
“But personnel only tells part of the story. "There was not a policy ad that Obama did that did not quote us," boasts Jennifer Palmieri, who does communications for the think tank, and its more politically active offshoot, the Center for American Progress Action Fund.”
“At the same time, and largely under the radar, CAP worked furiously during the elections to deliver talking points to overworked journalists, including those at Fox, MSNBC and ABC News, who repeatedly used CAP and its Action Fund's research to quiz McCain surrogates.”