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Jun 14, 9 tweets

Breaking: @UN_Women says gender-critical activists are an “anti-rights movement” 🧵

@DerryBanShee in @thetimes:

“It’s a sad day when UN Women lectures women’s rights campaigners on the need to include men with transgender identities in our work.”…

In an Insta post, UN Women claims that “anti-rights movements” – its deceptive label for sex-based rights campaigners – are on the rise

UN Women claims campaigners are putting “the lives of LGBTIQ+ people at risk” – a dangerous and irresponsible statement that has been refuted time after time

UN Women also says women’s-rights campaigners use “hateful propaganda and disinformation to target LGBTIQ+ people”....

… and that opponents of gender-identity ideology “falsely portray” the rights of LGBTIQ+ people as competing with women’s rights

UN Women absurdly denies that “trans women” – men who ID as women – can pose a threat to the rights, spaces and safety of “cisgender” women

UN Women signposts followers to an “explainer” that is full of gender-identity propaganda and misinformation:…

“Trans rights” – men’s demands to ID as women – are obviously incompatible with women’s rights. To conceal this, UN Women conflates the absurd claim that people can change sex with rights for LGB people

It is outrageous to call women’s-rights campaigners opposing a global tidal wave of gender-identity ideology an “anti-rights movement”. UN Women does NOT stand up for women

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