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Jul 24, 2024, 10 tweets


CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind the global tech outage that grounded flights and forced hospital systems and banks offline, appears to be engaged in alleged anti-white, anti-male discrimination.

We’ve filed a federal civil rights complaint:

/2 The cybersecurity technology company openly states that “diversity” includes “diversity of gender, race [and] ethnicity.”

Accordingly,  CrowdStrike uses this definition of diversity to describe that it unlawfully considers gender, race, and ethnicity, among other factors, when evaluating nominees to its board of directors.

/3 In accordance with its DEI goals, CrowdStrike has nine employee resource groups to “provide” training on diversity topics filled with implicit bias and also serve as “networking opportunities.” Yet these employee resource groups are solely based on race, sex, and sexual orientation. A few examples include: Women of CrowdStrike, Pride Team (LGBTQ), Team BELIEVE (Black employees), Communidad (Latina and Hispanic), and Embracing Equity.

/4 Notably, CrowdStrike does not have a resource group for “Men of CrowdStrike” or one for white employees.

/5 CrowdStrike also mentions that it runs a program called the “Women of CrowdStrike Mentorship Program,” which appears to provide mentorship opportunities on the basis of sex. No such program appears to exist for the mentorship of male employees.

/6 CrowdStrike's public proxy statement includes a “Board Diversity Matrix” that tracks the sex, gender identity, race, and ethnicity of its current directors and is used for accepting future board members.

By openly hiring to “build a diverse workforce,” instituting race and sex-based development resource groups, and creating a “Board Diversity Matrix,” CrowdStrike’s actions patently violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

/7 CrowdStrike’s Chief Human Resources Officer, J.C. Herrera, said, “I believe a diverse and equitable organization is key to our success, and we have a deep commitment to listening and learning to become a stronger, more inclusive organization where our people feel a sense of belonging. In fact, innovating through inclusion is a big part of our lives at CrowdStrike.”

/8 These diversity-motivated initiatives are featured prominently on CrowdStrike’s website, specifically highlighting “CrowdStrike’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.”

/9 Under the header “Building a balanced workforce,” the website states that CrowdStrike has a “commitment to building a diverse workforce” and also “champion[s] inclusive recruitment initiatives.”

These diversity-motivated initiatives include “employee resource groups, internal development programs, allyship training, speaker series, networking opportunities… to create a workplace that reflects the diverse communities around us.”

/10 The promotion of DEI practices in the workplace is a direct violation of Civil Rights law and AFL will do everything in its power to stop these discriminatory actions.…

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