Joni Askola Profile picture
Finnish PhD candidate @FSV_UK trying to help Ukraine with the @69thSB and by mocking disinformation. Opinions are my own

Jul 27, 8 tweets

1/8 Dictators only understand power and china picked its side long ago: Ukraine should exercise caution in placing trust in china and consider altering its strategy, as the current appeasement approach has failed to yield the desired results.

2/8 Following his discussion with the chinese counterpart, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba announced that Ukraine has received a clear indication that china is actively working to bring an end to russia's war against Ukraine.

3/8 While it's understandable that Ukraine seeks dialogue with china given its current predicament, it feels compelled to appease china in order to limit its support for russia in the war. Nevertheless, this may not be the most effective strategy.

4/8 For the past two and a half years, china has consistently supported Ukraine's invasion and genocide. china is actively engaged in a conflict against Ukraine and has displayed no intention of seeking an end to the war. Therefore, china's statements hold no credibility.

5/8 Ukraine should have absolutely no trust in china. When it comes to china, actions speak louder than words, and talks hold little significance.

6/8 china is providing financial support for russia's invasion of Ukraine, assisting russia in bypassing sanctions and supplying machinery for its defense industry. Additionally, china is providing russia with geospatial intelligence to target Ukraine and its civilians.

7/8 china does not respond favorably to appeasement, as it only comprehends strength. Ukraine may want to reconsider its strategy and take a firmer stance against china by exposing its behavior, instead of attempting to gloss over china's actions in the hope of appeasement.

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