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Lawyer, writer, painter, poet, gentleman of culture.

Aug 2, 13 tweets

Keith Olbermann has called for Elon’s arrest so I thought I would do a thread of my favorite times Keith has demanded someone be arrested along with why he wants them locked up.

Elon Musk: Donating to a PAC that gathers voter info.

Ron DeSantis: Flying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

“Select Supreme Court Justices”: He didn’t like one of their rulings

Rep MTG: Talking about border security

Tom Wilson: Fighting in hockey

Rep. Gosar: Endorsing Trump

Donald Trump: Making terrorist threats

Ted Cruz: asking for an audit

Rep Heather Scott: posting on Twitter a picture someone sent her

Chief Justice John Roberts: arrest needed if he doesn’t respond to a subpoena from Dick Durbin

Jared Kushner: Espionage

Donald Trump Jr: treason.

Ending it with my overall favorite Keith moment that doesn’t involve him demanding an arrest: the time he tried to dunk on someone but ended up saying he pisses on his own face.

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