It looks like the Russian railway's western cassette roller bearing wear out & capability collapse I've said was coming for a couple of years... now arriving.
Assuming this report is true⬇️
In simple terms, we are in August 2024 after this bearing wear out prediction for February 2024.⬇️
This is something I've been expecting to see since September 2022.⬇️
The life of installed 5 million km Western roller bearings are ending for more and more Russian locomotives and rolling stock.
The Russian pattern of the most neglected...
...track meeting the most neglected engines & rolling stock will cause more & more derailments starting in the arctic, then the Far East.
Then derailments in the Caucuses, moving towards Moscow/St Petersburg.
Finally, we would see derailments of the repair trains.
In Oct 2022 Russia had 10,000 freight cars out of service, with 200,000 more railway freight cars at risk of bearing wear out after a few of years of Western sanctions
Every January the Russian government owned railway monopoly cycles a large fraction of the engines offline for periodic maintenance and it takes 2-to-3 months to recover full capacity.
Look what happened for the 2024 bottom red trend line.⬇️ (H/T @Prune602)
The count down to Russian railway collapse from a lack of replacement Western railway cassette bearings in railway car trucks was straight forward math, unless you believe in "Russia Strong ™️" or "Escalation Management™️" ideological delusions.🙄
If you believe in either delusion, then no amount of empirical evidence has any meaning.
The rejection of the empirical is the antecedent condition for either delusion.
If you accept empirical evidence, you cannot become invested in either
..."Russia Strong™️" or "Escalation Management™️".
The empirical view is rooted in ground truths, like sun rotted tires, & the delusional is rooted in wishful thinking.
And these twin delusions mean the West is failing to plan for a Russian railway collapse.
Western governments failing to plan for Russian transportation collapse & defeat, so as to manage the transition to a stable post-war world, will put post-Putin Russia on the slippery slope to the hell
...of becoming a continent spanning Lebanese Civil War with loose bugs, loose nukes & novachuk gas equipped sprayer drones.
It may not be possible to avoid this Russian meltdown collapse, but failing to plan for the possibility, is planning to fail when it arrives.
The economic repercussions of Russian energy & food suddenly just falling out the world economy from this pending "railway transportation collapse apocalypse" beggars the imagination.
Even @PeterZeihan pales at the thought.
Western national security and economic policy makers ought to be putting together crisis teams to evaluate the implications for both the world economy and for obtaining an armistice.
Using access to railway cassette bearings as a leaver...
12/ obtain the two most important concessions -- Pre-2014 Ukrainian borders & getting back Ukraine's kidnapped populations -- that will make a lasting cessation of hostilities possible.
But they won't.
They believe in "Russia Strong™️" or "Escalation Management™️".
13/13 End
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