Amanda Hu Profile picture
An artist who likes talking about clean air. She/her. My tweets only represent my views. Profile pic: @stwatson2 Banner: @calgaryhester

Aug 13, 2024, 6 tweets

I need someone to explain this to me: the concern was that mandating masks would reduce the confidence that things higher on the hierarchy of controls were not effective. Well, let’s see:

They did not eliminate SARS-CoV-2 from workplaces, so that level is infective 1/

They couldn’t replace SARS-CoV-2 with a less harmful virus, so Substitution is ineffective 2/

They didn’t ensure the ventilation and filtration of air was optimized to remove SARS-CoV-2 and plexiglass barriers installed do not sufficiently block aerosols, so engineering controls are ineffective 3/

Their administrative controls were social distancing, sanitizing surfaces and handwashing, which are not super helpful for airborne contaminants, so that was ineffective 4/

It seems like concerns that those controls were ineffective would have been *true*. That means implementing PPE to protect workers?

Oh, they didn’t do that… because they preferred that workers not be alerted that the higher levels of controls were insufficient? Seems bad. /end

*ineffective… but also infective 🙃

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