I need someone to explain this to me: the concern was that mandating masks would reduce the confidence that things higher on the hierarchy of controls were not effective. Well, let’s see:
They did not eliminate SARS-CoV-2 from workplaces, so that level is infective 1/
They couldn’t replace SARS-CoV-2 with a less harmful virus, so Substitution is ineffective 2/
They didn’t ensure the ventilation and filtration of air was optimized to remove SARS-CoV-2 and plexiglass barriers installed do not sufficiently block aerosols, so engineering controls are ineffective 3/
Their administrative controls were social distancing, sanitizing surfaces and handwashing, which are not super helpful for airborne contaminants, so that was ineffective 4/
It seems like concerns that those controls were ineffective would have been *true*. That means implementing PPE to protect workers?
Oh, they didn’t do that… because they preferred that workers not be alerted that the higher levels of controls were insufficient? Seems bad. /end
*ineffective… but also infective 🙃
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Friendly reminder that anti-intellectualism is an authoritarian tactic that is used to control a population by robbing people of the tools to understand and solve problems, foster innovation and build up communities. Education gives people power to improve their conditions.
Curiosity and the drive to keep learning are essential survival skills and enrich our lives. I see it as a gift when people offer some of what they know so that I can know too. It’s how I’ve learned so much over the past 5 years: the generosity of others with their knowledge
Not knowing shouldn’t be shamed or feel embarrassing. It’s an opportunity to learn. And others knowing and sharing is not meant to harm.
Just an FYI, pretty much whenever you go out in public, you’re visiting a space with immunocompromised individuals. That’s why it would be nice to have a culture of masking where people just wear them sometimes if they are sick or don’t want to get sick.
It’s not really feasible or encouraged for many without sick leave or other societal safety nets to stay home for 24hrs, which is often why people just go everywhere sick all the time and get others sick, and then they go and get others sick. There’s where masks were nice
It’s just a nice tool to have that people just refuse to use!
We don’t have to empathize with people who make decisions that we think are wrong, but we do have to get over the shock that they would make different decisions, because they did. They’ve done it many times. Accept it and look for the reasons why and how we can change things
“I’ll never understand why people voted for <x person>. They are wrong!” That doesn’t matter. We need to accept that they did, and figure out why. What benefit did they see for themselves? What did the alternatives look like for them?
There are multiple possibilities why someone would vote for Donald Trump, like:
- they think he will make their lives better
- they think their lives being better relies on someone else being worse off and he’ll target those other people
- they believe something that isn’t true
One of the most important defenses against institutional gaslighting is to have a friend who will say to you, “No, the person in charge here is being a ridiculous clown who is likely driven by their fear of liability or personal discomfort.” Consider me this friend.
There is some heinous and bizarre behaviour coming from people in positions of authority happening every day that probably make a lot of you feel like you are losing your mind. Believe me when I say a lot of this is a “them” problem.
Teachers yelling at kids for wearing a mask? Pathologizing the reasonable want to avoid being sick all the time? That’s weird stuff.
My regular reminder to public health officials that denying the harms of COVID infections and obvious increase in post-viral sequelae leaves a wide open space that is filled with misinfo about the vaccines. You are spawning more antivaxxers every day people aren’t told the truth.
Facebook groups, parent meetups, WhatsApp chats are filled with people trying to understand why they’re experiencing nerve damage, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular issues, and DBH et al are still going on the news saying that Covid infection may even be good for you.
What are people supposed to think? Where are they supposed to find answers?