@NPRKelly - hi, yesterday, Miss Emmanuel unfortunately got a crucial fact wrong - I could hear your eyebrows go up over the children 👇.
Per Reuters it spreads in children with routine close contact👇. Not animals.
Airborne respiratory aerosols are most concentrated w/in 6 feet.
As you can see below @WHOAFRO just pointed out that it is primarily inhaled.
Which means it's airborne.
Still not extremely transmissible, but more than last year, or year before.
Checking the AfricanCDC, we can see that there were 14,250 cases this year. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) had 13,791 of them.
Children <15 years accounted for 68% of those cases and 85% of the death.
Human to human contact is mentioned.
From the WHO HQ report, we can see zoonotic mentioned "in some settings" .
That is not a primary mode of transmission. That would be phrased as "in most settings."
And in any event, it seems slightly not done for us to ignore @WHOAFRO .
. who.int/publications/m…
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly - I prefer to deal in data, but here's a very human example. A 6 week old contracted monkeypox from being in the same room.
Now, imagine being that baby's mother being interrogated by a family member.
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly And that interrogation is a very real harm being recognized on the ground.
I don't know who Ms.Emmanual's source is, but it is clearly wrong.
H/t @mdc_martinus
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus @NPRKelly - my apologies for tagging you, but you do have a significant pulpit, and it is important to get the details right.
Here is Dr. Lewis, Technical Lead of the WHO MPox team. Sharing that it is spreading through families and community contacts via face to face respiration
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus Now, the video is above, but Dr. Lewis touched a key point that those who try to argue it is not airborne via respiratory aerosols fail to understand.
@mdc_martinus was privy to this conversation.
SEXUAL NETWORKS are efficient transmission networks.
Not that the physical
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus physical direct touch of the sexual act is necessarily the vector.
We can see this in the CDC explanation of how it can be transmitted - talking or breathing.
They changed this to this after noticing presymptomatic transmission was happening.
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus So, let's tie it all together.
A network of people sexually involved will transmit far faster with respiratory aerosols than a network of casual acquaintances because they are directly in each other's face.
This was the same conversation had back
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus In 2022 when @ReutersFacts decided to go after @danaparish.
I methodically explained all of this to them back then, as I am explaining it to you, now.
(@ReutersFacts - do please leave up your tweet.)
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus @ReutersFacts @danaparish Source for WHO press conference is here:
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