@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus @NPRKelly - my apologies for tagging you, but you do have a significant pulpit, and it is important to get the details right.
Here is Dr. Lewis, Technical Lead of the WHO MPox team. Sharing that it is spreading through families and community contacts via face to face respiration
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus Now, the video is above, but Dr. Lewis touched a key point that those who try to argue it is not airborne via respiratory aerosols fail to understand.
@mdc_martinus was privy to this conversation.
SEXUAL NETWORKS are efficient transmission networks.
Not that the physical
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus physical direct touch of the sexual act is necessarily the vector.
We can see this in the CDC explanation of how it can be transmitted - talking or breathing.
They changed this to this after noticing presymptomatic transmission was happening.
@WHOAFRO @NPRKelly @mdc_martinus So, let's tie it all together.
A network of people sexually involved will transmit far faster with respiratory aerosols than a network of casual acquaintances because they are directly in each other's face.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome linked to poultry eggs? H5N1?!
The BBC had a good article from February 3 that talks about how these Indian states' cases are linked to campylobacter jejuni, a bacteria. It IS the most common root-cause, globally.
And IT is commonly found in poultry.
"Campylobacter jejuni infection is the common associated microorganism (25–40%), followed by cytomegalovirus (6–15%), Mycoplasma pneumoniae (3–21%), and Haemophilus influenzae (1–9%)"
BTW - Cytomegalovirus is also an airborne virus - that just happens to cause brain cancer.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae - also airborne.
And...drum roll please...Campylobacter jejuni also airborne.
Don't get me wrong - jejuni most definitely is also fecal-oral, no question.