Joni Askola Profile picture
Finnish PhD candidate @FSV_UK trying to help Ukraine with the @69thSB and by mocking disinformation. Opinions are my own

Aug 17, 9 tweets

1/9 Day 12: The Kursk operation has restored a sense of hope, and we should not underestimate its importance during wartime. Nearly two weeks in, russia has yet to stop Ukrainians from advancing

2/9 russia remains unable to halt Ukraine's advances in Kursk. Ukraine is progressing in multiple directions, leaving russia struggling to find a solution to prevent this from occurring.

3/9 It appears that Ukraine is, as mentioned earlier, attempting to acquire territory for leverage while simultaneously establishing a buffer zone to shield its cities from russian artillery.

4/9 It is notable to observe the minimal resistance Ukraine encounters from local residents, who are receiving humanitarian assistance from Ukraine. This stands in stark contrast to the experience of russian troops when they occupy a city in Ukraine.

5/9 As Ukraine makes progress in Kursk, its forces in the east continue to face challenging circumstances, with russia gradually advancing while Ukrainian troops deal with significant manpower shortages.

6/9 The overall situation still presents numerous questions, but we should not overlook the significance of hope in a prolonged conflict like this. This operation has instilled hope in many Ukrainians and their supporters.

7/9 For a mobilized Ukrainian, witnessing the Kursk operation is more uplifting than observing the situations in Niu-York or Chasiv Yar. This operation has also demonstrated that the front lines can still change and that russia's red lines are merely a bluff.

8/9 Let’s hope that the remainder of this ambitious, risky, and so far highly successful operation is planned and executed with the same effectiveness as the first 12 days.

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