Christie Laura Grace Profile picture
Former Biotech/Scientist turned Clinician. Multidisciplinary. Musician. Artist. Nature Runner. Sifu: Kung Fu. Combat Pencak Silat Pertempuran. Views are my own

Aug 18, 2024, 104 tweets

1/ A 🧵combining a bunch of 🧵s on cGAS STING and modRNA and LNP harms, including peer reviewed studies, specific injuries, with substack and podcast at the end.
"BREAKING STUDY PUBLISHED 10/17/2023: Foreign dsDNA can cause strokes via cGAS STING":

2/ Length of the dsDNA plasmid drives strength of cGAs STING and the immune system. Cleaning it up and lowering amounts is a false statement.
Even in low amounts, longer pieces of dsDNA cause the most harm. 6/20

3/ T CELLS, have their OWN cGAS STING Pathway! DNA PLASMIDs can interact w/ cGAS STING OF T CELLS, causing FUNCTION of T CELLS to be: IMPAIRED, cause T CELL DEATH, IMPEDE T CELL PROLIFERATION, hindering an effective immune response, and CANCER.

4/ STING Type III (R71H-G230A-R293Q) Common in European and Middle Eastern populations. this variation of STING has the highest prevalence of AUTOIMMUNE DYSFUNCTION AND AGRESSIVE CANCER RATES. Common in European and Middle Eastern populations.

5/ A little map of injuries and image of a variation of STING and how that relates to mRNA NLP injuries

6/ Another cGAS STING thread (this is not the spike protein)

7/ CANCER: COMBINED" FEEDBACK LOOP of cGAS STING/ APOBEC: DNA plasmid in LNP +DS RNA triggers cGAS STING AND induction of DNA deaminase APOBEC3A + nuclear DNA damage: Dysregulation/feedback loops of cGAS STING meets APOBEC (DIFFERENT MULTI-HIT mechanism)

8/ COVID JABS CAUSING MULTI SYSTEM ORGAN DAMAGE /FAILURE through (hyper) ACTIVATION/DYSREGULATION of cGAS STING pathway by interacting with DNA PLASMID contamination, SPIKE PROTEIN. (variants of STING and mutation of STING)

9/ "Rapid Onset of Paralysis after COVID 19 Vaccination: potential cause: cGAS-STING "hyper" Activation a WITH INCREASED activation due to physiolgical differences in teenager compared to adult.


11/ "p53 acts on the cGAS STING pathway in tumor suppression. cGAS STING has multiple roles in both driving cancer and stopping it."

12/ There's a reason why hydroxychloroquine works with lupus and other autoimmune conditions (hydroxychloroquine works on the cGAS STING pathway).

13/ "How plasmid DNA will track to the nucleus before it gets degraded in the cell. First it gets recognized by cGAS, ..., and actually PROTECT it from being broken down, and zip it right to the nucleus.:

14/ cGAS STING DUOX2 and pancreatic cancer

15/ berrant activation of cGAS STING pathway can cause neurodegeneration, leading to Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders. This is a complex process, and aggregation of proteins with amyloid structures forming is part of this pathway process.

16/ cGAs STING during fetal development of lens

17/ activation of the cGAS-STING pathway by POLE mutation likely contributes to advantageous survival of endometrial cancer patients with POLE mutations, as cGAS-STING pathway is associated with anti-tumor activity via stimulation of inflammatory genes

18/ "Here is a list of many types of cells that are tied to cGAS STING. cGAS STING can be activated by pieces of DNA plasmid that exists currently as contamination in the current mRNA covid vaccines that utilizes plasmids. "

19/ Now we tie cGAS STING to GSK-3, and the implications of disease, especially, amyloid (no spike needed!)

20/ Our previous study found an increased accumulation of cytosolic dsDNA and expression of cGAS and STING in FLSs and synovial tissues from patients with RA. In addition, a positive correlation between the cGAS immunoreactive score"

21/ More cgas sting interactions (like manganese)

22/ cGAS STING pathway (DNA plasmid contamination can do this) activation and implications for prognosis, immune infiltration, and tumor metastasis in implications for prognosis, immune infiltration, and tumor metastasis

23/ Lyme's disease and cgas sting (know anyone getting paid to do a study on this?

24/ Brain injury, including seizures and strokes, have been recently found in studies this past year, to have involvement in activation by the cGAS STING pathway.

25/ cGAS STING, dead box and cancer

26/ I did this all to get sh1t on and used for a year, especially by people who pretended to be my friend and said they would help my dad. Scientists in THESE circles. Nice people.

cGAs STING injury and kidney injury link…

27/ Pulmonary tumor after vaccination. cGAs STING and the lung…

28/ cGAS STING pathway: there are four different types of STING--This is dependent on race. European and Middle Eastern race share one distinct form. Africans another. Asians. And the indigenous. And within this pathway mutations exist.

29/ impacts of the cGAS STING pathway activation with increased inflammation in hearing loss and tinnitus. The activation of the cGAS STING pathway by way of DNA plasmid contamination and the spike protein in Pfizer and Moderna MRNA vaccines...…

30/ cGAs STINg and carcinoma

31/ cGAS STING, RA, and mod RNA injuries

32/ cGAs STING T Cell Lymphoma after covid injection

33/ cGAs STINg Alzheimer's

34/ "GAS STING engages in what is called a 2:2 binding stoichiometry with DNA... two cGAS molecules bind to two DNA molecules. This is crucial for the activation of cGAS, leading to the production of cGAMP, which subsequently activates the STING

35/ around 40 bp can still activate cGAs STING, two strands of it. That is it

No volume needed

36/ ANCA-Associated Vasculitis after Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination (case report):

How Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is caused by cGAS STING pathway interactions--Case Studies: patients experiencing AIDP after AstraZeneca COVID vaccine.

38/ Covid injections can cause virus reactivation, by the cGAS STING pathway. cGAS STING pathway can be activated by: DNA plasmid contamination, the spike protein, bacteria, and positive charges in the covid vaccines.

39/ manganese activates cGAS STINg, and researchers want to add it to LNP platform

40/ f it hasn't become painfully clear yet, one would think it is imperative regardless of situation, to do everything possible, to keep inflammation down in the body, and to not trigger the cGAS STING pathway. Repeated activation of this pathway is tied cancer. The activation itself causes genomic instability and mutations.

41/ Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccines

42/ Role of cGAS STINg in tumor environment

43/ cgas sting, and tumor evasion without integration

44/ DNA Plasmid/Spike activate cGAS STING pathway, and cause progression of Adenomyosis, and other harms. (STUDY):

45/ not only did hydroxychloroquine interfere with the ACE2 receptor according to studies, HCQ and CQ block the binding of dsDNA (should do the same with spike) to cGAS, thus attenuating the underlying activation of the STING pathway mediated by cGAMP

46/ cGAS STING Path and Genetics Edition. TL;DR: Variations in cGAS STING pathway, immune system, hormones, and genes—XX versus XY--are the reasons.

47/cgas sting again at the molecular level

48/ The cGAS-STING pathway promotes the development of preeclampsia, in pregnancy, which is dangerous to the mother and baby. Preeclampsia can impair fetal growth, decreasing supply of oxygen and can lead to preterm birth, stillbirth, or infant death. DNA plasmid pieces and spike protein can activate the cGAS STING pathway.

49/ cGAS STING Pathway Activation in the BRAIN: "cGAS/STING signaling pathway-mediated microglial activation in the PFC underlies chronic ethanol exposure-induced anxiety-like behaviors in mice"

50/ High cGAS and STING expression was associated with a higher incidence of NRAS/KRAS mutations, which are linked to poor prognosis in several cancers.

51/ The Role of cGAS-STING Signalling in Metabolic Diseases: from Signalling Networks to Targeted Intervention"

52/ NO SV40 NEEDED! WHAT about MODERNA? Exactly! HMMM? There is no sv40 there. Been posting about cGAS STING since last October causing Aortic dissection, myocarditis, autoimmune, and cancer involvement.

53/ mRNA "vaccines" contain DNA plasmid, and spike protein, which can activate a pathway--cGAS STING, and drive ONCOGENE EXPRESSION and MUTATIONS W/OUT SV40!! "cGAS-STING pathway expression correlates with genomic instability and immune cell infiltration in BREAST CANCER"

54/ countless hours, making these threads.
If I counted them up I would probably, i dont know what

GAS STING, IS the unifying mechanism for "vaccine" injury, not just for autoimmune and cancer, but CLOTS too! Platelets and Megakaryocytes have cGAS STING activation for CLOT formation!




PHYSICAL LAB TEST ASSAY: HOW to TEST the VACCINE INJURED and THOSE who have DIED from VACCINE INJURY if cGAS STING was part of the INJURY due to SPIKE protein, DNA PLASMID PIECES ETC from AUTOIMMUNE ATTACK resulting in MYOCARDITIS, Aortic Dissection, mulit organ system failure, Cancer progression at TUMOR SITE, AutoImmmune Neuropathy, AIDP, SFN, and more: BELLBROOK LABS Transcreener cGAMP cGAS Assay directly measures cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP) produced by cyclic GMP-AMP synthetase (cGAS, C6orf150, 2'3'-cGAMP Synthetase). These cGAMP measurements allow researchers to effectively determine the enzyme's activity.

58/ Layman's terms: The cGAS STING pathway is a very complex system in our bodies that protects us from infection. It is also a part of autoimmune disorders, neurodegeneration, organ injury and failure, myocarditis, AAD, and CANCER.

59/ Protocol to induce and assess cGAS-STING pathway activation in vitro" Perhaps some of the scientists who are doing tests on the vaccine injured, or those who have died from injuries, due to multi organ failure, myocarditis, aortic dissection, auto immune attack on any organ, on the nerves, on the brain

some people are disgusting, immoral, liars, and thieves


61/ MYOCARDITIS: Inflammation and damage to the heart by DNA plasmid contamination and spike--activation of the cGAS STING pathway causes damage including MYOCARDITIS after COVID "VACCINATION" Transfection of the cardiomyocyte (layman's explanation at the end)

62/ GUT MICROBIOME, and COVID: The microbiota in your gut is responsible for peripheral cGAS-STING activation, promoting resistance to systemic viral infections like COVID. If you give an antibiotic during a viral infection, you risk inactivation of cGAS STING to deal with that viral infection, systemically. Your gut microbiome is not some lone ranger just hanging out. Drinking, smoking, AND specific antibiotic use, will knock down numbers of bifidobacteria (some antibiotics, even one course will reduce for A YEAR).

63/ There's a lot of talk right now about P53 and cancer. This is a lot of science for 4 AM. P53 degrades DNA exonuclease TREX1 via TRIM24, causing cytosolic dsDNA accumulation thus, triggering cGAS STING. Loss of cGAS STNIG activation means loss of tumor suppression. Right now, there is a small molecule that should hit the market (probably in three years give or take), that has nothing to do with a gene, that goes right in, and acts on STING, regressing colon cancer tumors from 70-90%.

64/ cGAS STING is the primary pathway for many of the harms caused by the 💉 (outside of the genomic integration concern)

65/ cGAS STING!!!

66/ GAS STING Pathway Activation by DNA Plasmid Contamination, SPIKE, and LPS in modRNA "vaccines": AIDP, Myocarditis, Stroke, Aortic Dissection, and More: Overview, and Biopsy Methods for Detection. When DNA integration testing fails to produce results, this pathway, should.

67/ All the same pathway--myocarditis, stroke, rapid aortic dissection, neurodegenration, autoimmune demylenating polyneuropathy, fbirosis, RA, IBD, and other disorders: cGAS STING pathway. The DNA plasmid contamination and SPIKE can activate and send into a feedback loop.

68/ Super stack on how a positive feedback loop is generated by the 💉: cGAS STING Pathway activation by DNA Plasmid Contamination, SPIKE, and LPS in modRNA "vaccines": AIDP, Myocarditis, Stroke, Aortic Dissection, and More: Overview, and Biopsy Methods for Detection.


MEGA THREAD ON MULTIPLE PATHWAYS AFFECTED BY DNA PLASMID CONTAMINATION that exists as a CpG motif, and potential negative health outcomes, depending on exposure (dose amounts unknown/duration/frequency. cGAs STING included

67/ Recognition of DNA by cGAS is dependent on DNA length. Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) longer than 20 bp activates cGAS, inducing dimerization of cGAS and resulting in the formation of a 2:2 DNA/cGAS complex, whereas dsDNA less than 20 bp is not able to induce cGAS dimerization and activation"

68/ Inhibition of cGAS in Paraventricular Nucleus Attenuates Hypertensive Heart Injury Via Regulating Microglial Autophagy" The cGAS STING pathway is activated by exogenous (from the outside) ds(double stranded) DNA.

69/ going back to the new year time. Well before Valentines day anyways


Autoimmune diseases can be triggered by abnormal activation of the cGAS STING pathway. There are options to inhibit the cGAS STING pathway. The cGAS STING pathway is activated by exogenous DNA. Plasmid DNA contamination in RNA "vaccines" is, considered to our cells, to be exogenous (from the outside) DNA. "Meloxicam inhibits STING phosphorylation and alleviates intracellular DNA-mediated autoimmune responses"

70/ nhibition of cGAS in Paraventricular Nucleus Attenuates Hypertensive Heart Injury Via Regulating Microglial Autophagy" The cGAS STING pathway is activated by exogenous (from the outside) ds(double stranded) DNA. DNA plasmid contamination is exogenous DNA.

71/ Activin A alleviates neuronal injury through inhibiting cGAS-STING-mediated autophagy in mice with ischemic stroke dsDNA is exogenous DNA. Plasmid DNA contamination in covid RNA vaccines is exogenous DNA. Exogenous DNA activates the cGAS STING pathway in cells.

72/ cGAS inhibition alleviates Alu RNA-induced immune responses and cytotoxicity in retinal pigmented epithelium"

degusting pigs

73/ Inhibition of the cGAS-STING Pathway Attenuates Lung Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury via Regulating Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells of Rats

74/ nhibition of cGAS-STING by JQ1 alleviates oxidative stress-induced retina inflammation and degeneration"

75/ Inhibition of cGAS–STING pathway alleviates neuroinflammation-induced retinal ganglion cell death after ischemia/reperfusion injury"

There is a clinical trial on cGAS STING with IBS in kids correlating exogenous DNA--right now. cGAS STING pathway activation by pieces of DNA that do not belong, Maybe for vaxx injured, target it as last resort?

dont you wish you could go back in time, and never ever interact or cross paths with some people, ever?

me too

77/A lso, zeta potential with its impact on biodistribution, the specific molar ratio required to transfect the cardiomyocyte, the charge causing clots, remodeling the inside of the blood vessels, and the DNA plasmid causing activation of cGAS STING pathway and it's impact on so many organ systems, not to mention the cancer implications and how it satisfies the muti hit cancer theory, progressing cancer

78/ Spike protein activates the Sting pathway.


dna/rna hybrids, dna plasmid, spike, ssDNA and dsDNA, and some other things activate cGAS STING

Activation of cGAS-STING Pathway Is Associated with MSI-H Stage IV Colorectal Cancer (dsDNA activates the cGAS-STING. Plasmid DNA IS dsDNA)

80/ Nerve pain, chronic peripheral neuropathic pain, chronic central neuropathic pain, and inflammation can be caused by exogenous dsDNA interacting with the cGAS-STING pathway, resulting in a chain reaction. Plasmid DNA contamination in the RNA vaccines IS dsDNA.

81/ Happy new Year. Time to jump right in. Do or do not--there is no try. For the science folks: Read these two in tandem: 1: "Innate Immune Response to Cytoplasmic DNA: Mechanisms and Diseases" "Suppression of cGAS Activity" "Suppression of MITA Activity"

they all ignored this, including AMLOST everyone in these circles, with an exception of people who knew this was true, including a politician

two of the of the scientists even went on podcasts who knew of everything I was posting, called giradot an LNP expert, who are currently writing papers. about cgas sting while gutting me again, while another let them drag me, and watched with glee

What great people

82/ CLNICAL TRIALS ARE IN PROCESS ON THE HARMS OF EXOGENOUS DNA ON CHILDREN! "Exploration of the Activity of DNA Located Outside of Cellular Nucleus to Amplify Inflammation in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children Through Biological Pathway Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase (cGAS)

83/ dsDNA in💉activates "STING", and may cause: Subarachnoid haemorrhage, Hypoxia, injure mitochondria, neurodegeneration, MS, Lupus, ALS, PRION disease, brain cancer, AGS, SAVI, chronic neuroinflammation, increased tumor growth, impaired T-lymphocyte, and more.
Dec 2023

84/ more cGAS STING

85/ Background on cGAS–STING Pathway: Cancer cells contain high levels of cytosolic DNA. The cGAS–STING signaling axis is a major sensor of cytosolic DNA and triggers the innate immune response, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including type I interferons.

dec 5

December, 2023
Thyroid damage and auto immune is linked to dsDNA. dsDNA is found in the current plasmid DNA contamination. This is slightly different in the thyroid ( histone H2B)

87/ Nov 26, 2023

cGAS STING pathway is activated by ds DNA ( plasmids) in cells (outside nucleus). It is complicated, and interacts with helicases, like DEAD box (DDX#) Proteins. Dysregulation in cGAS-STING pathway, like DDX41, can lead to tumor formation (cancer). cGAS STING can be mutated

88/ DEAD BOX ! Dead box! and cGAS STING!

cGAS STING pathway is activated by ds DNA ( plasmids) in cells (outside nucleus). It is complicated, and interacts with helicases, like DEAD box (DDX#) Proteins. Dysregulation in cGAS-STING pathway, like DDX41, can lead to tumor formation (cancer). cGAS STING can be mutated

These same scientists, doc, etc told me I did not know what I was talking about here either.

THIS delayed science, actually delayed trying to warn people, by dragging me through the mud while focusing on sv40 and defamed me. I think some people do not owe just ME an apology, but to apologize to others for covering me up, slandering me, defaming me, and dragging me through the mud for over a year, it meant this info was sh1t on while they sh1t on me. How terrible!

Think about that
What great people.

89/his study comes in handy. The cGAS-STING pathway "sees" aberrant nucleic acids. The DNA plasmids are already aberrant in more than one way--it's bacterial, recombinant, has CpG motifs, AND, according to the study breakdown in the thread below, is being mutated inside the LNP!

The cGAS-STING pathway in humans, can detect and be activated by pieces of DNA, bacterial DNA, AND RNA (all are in the LNP!) If activated (which is outside of the nucleus), this can lead to multiple diseases, including autoimmune disease and cancer.

When these people sh1t on me, they sh1t on everything I was posting here, with malicious intent.
While people kept getting harmed, while articles were written about green monkey DNA.
Think about that

They all ignored it while people kept getting harmed.
DNA contamination found in c@vid vaccines IS dsDNA. Humans have a pathway called, cGAS–STING pathway. This pathway can be activated by dsDNA (PLASMID DNA), causing autoinflammatory, autoimmune, degenerative disease, and cancer.

we are now into november, 2023. The only thing being discussed was SV40 and DNA plasmids. Think about this.. dragged through media channels while people were harmed and died. I have no good words here.

What great people.

92/Npv 15 2023
DNA PLASMID CONTAMINATION in mod RNA "vaccines" does NOT have to enter the nucleus to cause cancer. Recent advances have now expanded the roles of cGAS-STING to cancer. Highly aggressive, unstable tumors have evolved to co-opt this program to drive tumorigenic behaviors. "The cytosolic DNA-sensing cGAS-STING pathway in cancer": can be activated by dsDNA outside of the nucleus, which can be in the form of DNA plasmid contamination, which was recently found by multiple scientists in the c@vid "vaccines", thus, causing aggressive, unstable cancer.

I was told I did not now what i was talking about, by scientists i these circles, and that I was a piece of sh1t

By doing this, that buried everything I was talking about, for a YEAR, all for the pleasure of beating someone up online

what great people

93/ oo. SAME PATHWAY (cGAS) Acute myocardial infarction is accompanied by massive cardiomyocyte necrosis and tissue inflammation. In multiple studies, it was reported this extensive cardiomyocyte necrosis is also associated with elevated circulating mtDNA

Right there. November 2023--I talked about mtDNA and myocarditis

nov 15 2023

DNA PLASMID CONTAMINATION in modRNA vaccines can cause STROKES Same pathway as CANCER. IT does NOT need to enter the nucleus. cGAS-STING pathway is mediator in response to dsDNA. DNA plasmid contamination is dsDNA.

(I was told everything that was said by CR. Receipts)


96/ rumble cgas sting (I was supposed to record something similar MONTHS ago but my friend /podcaster had a baby, which is more important,…

97/ cGAS STING Pathway activation by DNA Plasmid Contamination, SPIKE, and LPS in modRNA "vaccines": AIDP, Myocarditis, Stroke, Aortic Dissection, and More: Overview, and Biopsy Methods for Detection.…

98/ CANCER: "COMBINED" FEEDBACK LOOP of cGAS STING AND APOBEC: DNA plasmid in LNP +DS RNA triggers cGAS STING AND induction of DNA deaminase APOBEC3A + nuclear DNA damage:…

99/ Hydroxychloroquine! But, it's not just antiviral. Look what it is doing to cGAS!

100/ this actually occurs via cgas sting, apobec, a couple of other things, and one mechanism I a waiting to finish writing and submit on.

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