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Running for US Congress (D) - OH12 Father, friend, veteran, American - ready to serve again. Help our campaign! ⬇️

Aug 19, 11 tweets

After Trump told Elon that “nuclear warming” is a bigger threat than global warming, I asked my team to dig up Trump’s past comments on nuclear war. I was NOT prepared for what they found.

I’m convinced Donald Trump is a pathetic psychopath… Thread. 🧵 /1

In 1985, Trump claimed to be in talks with the Reagan White House on a plan to stop countries from developing or buying nuclear weapons. 

“The Trump Plan,” would see the U.S. combine forces with the Soviet Union and wipe out other countries’ economies. /2

“There are so many of these countries that are so fragile and we have a vast power that’s never been used. They depend on us for food, for medical supplies… You go in and clean it out.” - Trump in 1985 /3

Trump said he would approach countries “as nicely as possible,” then attack.

“You do whatever is necessary so these people will have riots in the street, so they can’t get water… Band-Aids… food. That’s the only thing that’s going to do it — the people, the riots.” /4

I know what some of you are thinking. “Jerrad, that was 40 years ago! If Trump still wanted to do that, he could have.”

Look at what he said about the U.S. in 2014. See why I said he’s a psychopath? But I’m not done yet. /5

In his interview with Elon, Trump agreed that nuclear war isn’t as scary as people think, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt after being hit with atomic bombs in 1945.

In Hiroshima alone, 80,000 people -including babies and children - were killed instantly, vaporized. /6

Suggesting that using weapons of mass destruction isn’t actually a bad thing? That’s the mindset of a psychopath – but what else would you expect from a guy who wants to starve entire countries to have more power for himself? /7

Trump already told us why he didn’t start nuking countries when he was in office.

At a rally in January, he celebrated Truman dropping atomic bombs even though he could’ve been indicted. Trump said that’s why “you have to give a president full and total immunity.” /8

Now we risk this psychopath HAVING “full and total” presidential immunity to bomb other countries without consequence.

If he wins in November, then the only thing stopping Donald Trump’s dreams from becoming reality is a Democrat supermajority in Congress... maybe /9

As the next representative for OH-12, I will fully support every effort to reform the Supreme Court, hold corrupt justices accountable, and pass a constitutional amendment making it clear that NO PRESIDENT IS ABOVE THE LAW. /10

It is up to the next Congress to reinforce our system of checks and balances and make sure no one like Donald Trump ever has unlimited power.

Can you spare $12 today to help me flip OH-12, defeat one of his MAGA loyalists. and defend our democracy?…

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