Paul D. Thacker Profile picture
Journalist; Former Investigator U.S. Senate; Former Safra Ethics Center, Harvard.

Aug 22, 10 tweets

1) Twitter Files: Democrats & media claimed Twitter 1.0 was a “private company” that made its own decisions, despite Biden Administration pressure to censor.

But new emails show Twitter hired a lobby shop staffed w/ Biden loyalists & then coordinated w/ Biden State Dept.

2) “This is John Hughes from Albright Stonebridge Group, the commercial diplomacy firm founded by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,” wrote Twitter’s lobbyist to a senior official at State.

Twitter was seeking “advice” and help.

3) Politico reported around this same time that 10 of Biden’s top foreign policy crowd came from Albright Stonebridge.

“The Blob”

4) Albright Stonebridge’s chair was Madeleine Albright who also sat on the board of the Atlantic Council.

@mtaibbi reported that The Atlantic Council was also pressuring Twitter to censor, and had a State Dept grant.

5) So State was pressuring Twitter to censor, but Twitter partnered w/ State to deal with censorship in India.

Does the make Twitter appear a “private company” free to make its own decisions? Or one reliant on State Dept approval?

6) Twitter VP: “Would you have time to meet us again for an update ….on government action against Twitter in India?”

State: “We are trying to get in touch w/ our colleagues in the Embassy as well as get more details.”

7) In a hearing on #TwitterFiles Congresswoman Sally Plaskett said that “real evidence shows there wasn’t coordination between Twitter and the federal government…”

This is laughable.

8) Twitter to State: “Happy to brief you before you speak to your colleagues at the Embassy, who have been briefed by my colleague, Shagutta, in Delhi.”

Seems Twitter was coordinating w/ State, no?

How was Twitter “independent” at that time?

9) A State Dept official then asked Twitter to send around a calendar invite to all fed officials on the email, noting that both Deputy Assistant Laura Stone and another Deputy Assistant would attend Twitter briefing.

10) How could Twitter claim to be "independent" of the Biden Administration while coordinating w/ Biden's State Department on India?…

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