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Sep 11, 15 tweets

The Kamala-Trump Debate: Must-See Moments

All the key takeaways in under 5 minutes.


The Kamala-Trump debate is now over, and the mainstream media is rushing to declare her the winner. But Americans aren’t buying it.

Kamala carried herself as a typical politician, sticking to rehearsed talking points and failing to address the core issues facing the country.

Speaking of rehearsed talking points, Trump quickly called her out on an economic “sound bite” that was apparently fed to her.

“That’s just a sound bite. They gave her that to say,” Trump declared before retorting, “She doesn't have a plan [for the economy]. She copied Biden's plan. And it's like four sentences, like, 'Run, Spot, run.’”

On the topic of abortion, Kamala declared, “The freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government.”

But whoopsie. Kamala forgot that her administration denied that same freedom to Americans when Biden’s vaccine mandates essentially forced 100 million American workers to “get vaccinated” or lose their jobs.

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Then, the moderators jumped into the debate to defend Kamala Harris.

Megyn Kelly lamented, “The absolute gall of ABC to keep ‘fact-checking’ ONLY Trump while letting her lie in every answer is infuriating.”

This exchange captures the tone of the entire night, as David Muir—known for giving Kamala Harris 100% positive news coverage—focused on “fact-checking” Trump in real-time as he detailed reports of eaten pets in Springfield, Ohio.

Kamala went as low as to push the “bloodbath” and “very fine people” hoax that were debunked by even the mainstream media.

Trump’s “bloodbath” comments were in reference to the auto industry, while Kamala failed to deliver the full context of Trump’s “very fine people” comments with respect to Charlottesville.

Of course, the moderators offered no fact-checks on Kamala’s false claims.

In a surprise moment, ABC's Linsey Davis challenged Kamala on her socialist ideas to do away with private insurance.

"In 2017, you supported Bernie Sanders' proposal to do away with private insurance and create a government-run healthcare system."

Like fracking, Kamala pushed the idea that her values "haven't changed" while reversing course on every policy idea that doesn’t benefit her chances of winning.

Video: @TrumpWarRoom

Kamala also said she and Tim Walz were proud gun owners and wouldn't take away anyone's guns.

She forgot that she literally called for a gun "buy-back program" on NBC News.

While Democrats push the idea that Trump is a “threat to Democracy,” he flipped the script on them, mentioning the fact that the Democrats staged a palace coup against Biden before coronating Kamala as the nominee.

Speaking of Joe Biden, Trump asked on stage before millions of people, “Where is our President?”

“We have a president that doesn't know he's alive,” he declared as he mentioned the Democrats “threw him out of a campaign like a dog.”

Trump continued to go on offense regarding the crisis at the border, which has resulted in millions of illegal aliens pouring into the country.

Trump challenged Kamala to leave the debate immediately and convince President Biden to sign an executive order to close the border, saying she could wake Joe Biden up from his nap and get it done today.

Video: @TrumpWarRoom

Kamala made the mistake of accusing Trump of dividing the country based on race.

But whoopsie. Her hypocrisy was exposed as she failed to acknowledge that there’s a video of her nodding in agreement with the idea of special laws for Black people.

Kamala’s closing statements fell flat as she made the pitch to the American people that voting for her is voting for “a new way forward.”

Except there’s one harsh reality: she's literally been in power for 3.5 years.

In the final moments, Trump delivered a crushing blow to Kamala Harris, mentioning that she continues to promise “wonderful things” but hasn’t done anything while in power to fix it.

He harped on the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in 13 US soldiers dead, saying, “I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. She gave it to Afghanistan.”

In his ending sentence, Trump called the Biden-Harris duo “the worst president” and “the worst vice president in the history of our country.”

BONUS CLIP: Behavior Analysis Experts EXPOSE Moderator Bias Against Trump in the Debate

@DrPhil's guests bring the receipts.

1. “There was clearly a bias against Trump in their faces.”

2. Scott Rouse observed that Trump’s microphone was louder, making him appear aggressive.

3. Trump was “fact-checked” by moderators during his responses, while Harris's statements were left largely unchallenged.

4. Moderators frequently spoke over Trump as he tried to complete his answers.

5. Greg Hartley noticed that Trump received more questions with a negative framing, while Harris was given more neutral or "softball" questions. Overall, he called the moderators' treatment of Trump “a little heavy-handed at times.”

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