Lazarus Long Profile picture
#H5N1isAirborne - it will be a miracle if the USDA and CDC don't 1918 us. Don't forget, the first wave was mild. Until it wasn't. #PZC.

Sep 19, 2024, 6 tweets

"Brain on Fire" " starring Chloë Grace Moretz is on Netflix now.

It's the story of the @nypost journalist who got autoimmune encephalitis - specifically, anti-NMDAR encephalitis.

Guess what COVID can give you?


It is the most common kind of autoimmune encephalitis, hitting women at a 4 to 1 ratio.

Nice, right? It can be very difficult to diagnose, so say hello to a psychiatric diagnosis.


There are numerous cases documented.

Here is one.

Here are 8 more.……

The mechanism may look like this.

More detailed yet👇....hit this study for even more.

Utterly fascinating.

"Just a cold" is not fascinating. I like my viruses boring and not thought of as, and I quote👇👇, "an autoimmune virus."…

Why do I mask? Because I don't want a brain on fire.

But you should go watch "Brain on Fire" with a friend.

But only while wearing an N95.

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