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Estonian Reserve Soldier. Bringing you the latest updates on the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Sep 20, 8 tweets

Russia is transferring new reserves to the Pokrovsk direction: a military man explained why the enemy is in a hurry. Russia is transferring new reserves to the Pokrovsk direction and plans to take advantage of favorable conditions to storm the city. It is in a hurry because

it wants to do it before the rainy season, because then it will be very difficult to carry out assaults. This was stated on air by Vlas, an officer of the 1st separate detachment of the separate special purpose unit "OMEGA". According to him, it is obvious that the Russians'

goal is to capture Pokrovsk and Donbass as a whole. There is high enemy activity in order to take advantage of favorable weather conditions. Because when the rains start, it will be very difficult or even impossible for the Russians to carry out assault operations. As far as

I know, the enemy is not trying to push the troops to the Kursk direction or anywhere else, on the contrary, they have a lot of reserves here," the soldier said. The occupiers constantly carry out assaults in small groups and try to gain a foothold, but the Ukrainian

defenders do not give them such an opportunity. "They keep coming and coming in small groups, trying to gain a foothold somewhere, but our unit is doing everything to ensure that the enemy does not succeed in this in any area. "They are just trying to gain a foothold, and we

immediately knock them out," the officer noted. Sergei Tsekhotsky, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, said that the Russian occupiers are attempting to bypass Pokrovsk and strike at the flanks. The situation in this area of ​​the front is tense, but

under control. It was previously reported that the pace of the Russian troops' advance in the Pokrovsk direction of the front is not very high and may decrease in the future due to weather conditions. At the moment, the enemy does not seem to be advancing particularly

far into the city of Pokrovsk itself, but there is a serious danger for the settlements to the south.

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