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Oct 17, 6 tweets

WOW! Military whistleblower data shows that 64% of the 941 service members who died of/with COVID in military treatment facilities/other civilian facilities between March 2020 and March 2024 were "treated" with remdesivir. (1/5)

Brad Miller (@BradMiller1010), a former Battalion Commander in the U.S. Army, describes for Michael Nevradakis of Children's Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) some disturbing facts revealed by "The Remdesivir Papers"—a document assembled by an anonymous U.S. military whistleblower (known by the pseudonym Daniel LeMay) and investigative journalist J.M. Phelps (@JMPhelpsLC). The document divulges data derived from the Department of Defense Joint Trauma System (JTS) that's not otherwise not available to the public.

The Remdesivir Papers asks the question: "Are U.S. military treatment facilities and others hiding, or manipulating, the deadly results of clinical trials and more surrounding the controversial drug [remdesivir] purported to be a treatment for COVID-19?"

In this clip, Miller notes that the NIAID—that is, the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (the government agency that Anthony Fauci used to head)—sponsored four trials for remdesivir—an antiviral drug patented by the pharma giant Gilead—which found the drug "resulted in a minimal positive effect on instances of all-cause mortality and serious adverse side events when compared to the administration of a placebo" (quote from The Remdesivir Papers) despite "significant methodological questions that we might ask ourselves about the conduct of the trials" (Miller's wording).

A fifth trial, however, was conducted by Fort Detrick’s U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) in conjunction with Gilead.

"Headquartered in Foster City, California, Gilead agreed to provide remdesivir for the treatment of DOD personnel exposed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the causative viral pathogen of COVID-19," The Remdesivir Papers notes.

Note that while Miller says that "of those 941 individuals that were administered remdesivir, 601 of them died," The Remdesivir Papers states something slightly different: it evinces data that 64% of the 941 service members who died of/with COVID in military treatment facilities/other civilian facilities between March 2020 and March 2024 were "treated" with remdesivir. Meaning not all 941 service members were administered remdesivir.

Despite this caveat, it is still extraordinary—and extraordinarily disturbing—that of the 941 service members who (supposedly) died of/with COVID between March 2020 and March 2024, 64% were given remdesivir.

Partial transcription of clip:

"Now in addition to those four trials that were sponsored by NIAID, there is a fifth trial that is mentioned in the remdesivir papers, but this one was sponsored by the military, specifically a unit out of Fort Detrick, Maryland that is known as the US Army
Medical Research and Development Command.
It sponsored a trial. We know that that trial was conducted. However, there is no information that
is publicly available about the findings of that clinical trial.

"So we might ask ourselves, why? So we have these
four trials from NIAID. They appear to present remdesivir in at least a minimally positive light, but there seem to be some significant methodological questions that
we might ask ourselves about the conduct of the trials.
So we take those four trials. We then look at them alongside this fifth trial sponsored by a military unit, and yet there's no publicly available data. Why?

"Now in addition to all of that, with these five trials, we
then have information that comes directly from a military whistleblower who presents information that tells us that over a four-year period from March
of 2020 to March of 2024, a significant number
of people in the wider military community were administered remdesivir. And of those 941 individuals
that were administered remdesivir, 601 of them died.
That's a, uh, that's a death rate of 64%.

"So what caused their deaths? Was it the remdesivir directly? Were there other factors? Should we know?
Should we at least be asking questions? And can we trust the fact that the DOD has not been forthcoming with this information?"

@BradMiller1010 A link to The Remdesivir Papers:…

@BradMiller1010 Link to the article describing The Remdesivir Papers, written by J.M. Phelps, who assembled the whistleblowing document in conjunction with the anonymous military whistleblower:…

@BradMiller1010 Note that there has been robust evidence in the peer-reviewed literature since at least mid-2020 that remdesivir is poisonous. (Really, earlier because remdesivir failed as a drug to treat ebola before failing to treat COVID).

List of studies:

@BradMiller1010 Full CHD interview with Miller:…

@BradMiller1010 Addendum: missing key screenshot from The Remdesivir Papers document...

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