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Editor-in-Chief @VigilantNews. Writer, video clipper, and pro-freedom citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience.

Oct 24, 10 tweets

The British CEO who plotted to k*ll @ElonMusk's 𝕏 has now been caught orchestrating a “BLACK OPS” campaign to silence Robert Kennedy Jr.

What this means is there was a covert order by the UK's CCDH to shut RFK Jr. down by any means necessary because they were “nervous” about his “impact” on “the election.”

Why is the UK's Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) orchestrating a “black ops” operation on a US political figure?

While the mainstream media shouts, “Russia! Russia! Russia!” it seems the real foreign election interference is coming from the UK’s censorship czars.


The man pictured in this image, Imran Ahmed, is the “founder and CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).”

“He advises politicians around the world on policy and legislation.”

A bombshell report by seasoned journalists Paul D. Thacker and Matt Taibbi revealed that one of CCDH’s “annual priorities” was to “kill Musk’s Twitter” and to drain its revenue stream by shaming and harassing advertisers away from the social media platform.

The story about the “black ops” operation launched against Robert Kennedy Jr. starts with a shocking statement made by Ahmed himself during a meeting on January 8, 2024.

He said, “RFK - black ops being set up to look at RFK. Nervous about the impact of him on the election.”

"Black ops" (short for "black operations") typically refer to covert operations that are carried out in secret, often by military, intelligence, or government agencies.

While black ops can involve a wide range of activities, including intelligence gathering and cyber espionage, they are often associated with violent or aggressive actions, such as assassinations, sabotage, or paramilitary strikes.

The key characteristic of black ops is secrecy and plausible deniability, meaning that even if they are discovered, the entity behind them can deny involvement.

Source: @sayerjigmi

CCDH (Center for Countering Digital Hate) claims to be a non-profit organization that combats “hate,” yet it uses violent undertones in its language, like “black ops,” to target a US political candidate.

The level of aggression and hypocrisy here is off the charts.

The revelations about CCDH’s “black ops” against RFK Jr. raise some serious legal concerns. If this UK-based organization is actively trying to influence U.S. elections, it could be violating key U.S. laws—especially the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

This law requires foreign entities involved in U.S. political activities to register as foreign agents, something CCDH has not done.

On top of that, CCDH’s tactics could run afoul of the Federal Election Campaign Act, which bans foreign nationals from making any contributions or engaging in activities that influence U.S. elections.

By running covert operations aimed at shutting down a political candidate like RFK Jr., CCDH may have crossed a line into illegal territory—engaging in what looks a lot like foreign interference in a US election.

Thanks for reading! If you found this revelation as alarming as I did, please do me a quick favor and share this thread before you go.

For more details on this disturbing development, check out @sayerjigmi's article below.…

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