Genevieve Gluck Profile picture
Co-founder @ReduxxMag 🔸 🔸 🔸 🔊

Dec 19, 2024, 5 tweets

This is a 14 year-old boy saying that transgender "forced feminization" porn spurred his decision to claim a female "identity".

The medical transitioning of young boys is an extension of an adult sexual fetish - therefore, it is sexual abuse.

In the comments, the boy says he was 9 years old when he first saw forced feminization or "sissy" porn. Many commenters say they had a similar experience. One responder says he was 7 years old.

Forced feminization porn involves a male being "turned into a female" through sexualized feminine clothing, makeup, lingerie, etc.
Drugs given to children referred to as "puberty blockers" are also given to convicted sex offenders to chemically castrate them.

One commenter, an adult man, who had not posted any content of his own and used his account to seek out this video of the 14 year-old boy, suggested that the boy should make his own "forced feminization" porn content for him to see on a "different account"

The central idea of forced feminization or "sissy" porn is that penetration turns a male into a female.

Transitioning boys into "girls" is pedophilic.

We know this because the most vocal and powerful advocates for forced femming boys are men who are addicted to fetish porn.

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