This is a 14 year-old boy saying that transgender "forced feminization" porn spurred his decision to claim a female "identity".
The medical transitioning of young boys is an extension of an adult sexual fetish - therefore, it is sexual abuse.
In the comments, the boy says he was 9 years old when he first saw forced feminization or "sissy" porn. Many commenters say they had a similar experience. One responder says he was 7 years old.
Forced feminization porn involves a male being "turned into a female" through sexualized feminine clothing, makeup, lingerie, etc.
Drugs given to children referred to as "puberty blockers" are also given to convicted sex offenders to chemically castrate them.
One commenter, an adult man, who had not posted any content of his own and used his account to seek out this video of the 14 year-old boy, suggested that the boy should make his own "forced feminization" porn content for him to see on a "different account"
The central idea of forced feminization or "sissy" porn is that penetration turns a male into a female.
Transitioning boys into "girls" is pedophilic.
We know this because the most vocal and powerful advocates for forced femming boys are men who are addicted to fetish porn.
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Someone needs to inform all these well-off slebs that the term "sex work" was created by brothel owners in order to legitimize PIMPS, aka, the violent men who traffic women and children
"Trans women" are men acting out a BDSM fetish on the public. Therefore, the transitioning of minors is inherently pedophilic.
These are "chastity cages" that are worn by men who pretend to be women during BDSM sexual activities.
Men who claim to be trans women are getting the idea from porn and BDSM.
In these BDSM practices, the penis is referred to as a "clit", and the act of being penetrated by a dom is what is meant to turn them into a "female".
During the "sissification" process they are encouraged by a dominatrix (who isn't always female) to begin taking estrogen in order to "shrink [their] useless little sissy clit."
As the fetish escalates, body modification is also encouraged. The body modification is part of the same BDSM fetish.
Genital surgery is a permanent chastity cage, and puberty blockers for children achieve the same outcome: chemical castration puts minors in a chastity cage.
Here's Walter Bockting (who is homosexual), president of WPATH from 2009 - 2011, discussing how puberty blockers prevent male genital growth:
"What is it like to live as a transgender woman with underdeveloped genitalia? Maybe it's fine and wonderful."
Wikipedia, show me an example of a "moral panic". 🤔
"The moral panic over pedophilia began in the 1970's.
Sex was not yet part of the concept of domestic child abuse.
Pro-contact pedophile activist organizations such as Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) were formed.
The concern over child sexual abuse was caused by feminists...
This in turn led to the creation of sex offender registries."
Let me get this straight: pedophiles organized multinationally, lobbied governments for abolishing the age of consent; media began reporting on cases where actual children had been raped / abducted.
But the concern over child sexual abuse, says @Wikipedia, was a "moral panic" caused by feminists because until they spoke out against it, raping children wasn't seen as a problem, and actually, sex offenders aren't as dangerous as they are portrayed.
Wikipedia editors shouldn't be allowed to be anonymous.
Oh, look, sex trafficking is also a "moral panic" according to @Wikipedia
Not a single government is tracking deaths or adverse outcomes as a result of surrogacy, a medicalized process that uses powerful drugs such as Lupron - which is anecdotally linked to greater risks of reproductive cancer, and to elevated risks of lethal complications.
This is Lupron. This is the drug pumped into women's bodies during the surrogacy process. This is the drug used as a 'puberty blocker' on minors. Women have been trying to raise awareness of how it has ruined their health for decades now.
@DuncanHenry78 @Slatzism I'm tired of being gaslit about the harassment I've endured quietly, not making a fuss over, as if it isn't real, didn't happen, or someone else's feelings are a reason to discredit everything I've done.
This is about power, not feelings. That was obvious to me from the start.
@DuncanHenry78 @Slatzism I knew that the whole point of crying "homophobia" to the extent of making shit up, claiming bigotry and hurt feelings, was really about self-promotion, and I was proven correct.
@DuncanHenry78 @Slatzism Fred said I made up the claim that he compared me to Hitler as a form of "victimhood whoring". But the truth is he did compare me to Hitler, and tried to discourage people from listening to an interview I gave about the harms of porn, and women being battered by men in prison