All the videos of the Azerbaijan Airlines flight showing the damage show holes in the wreckage have entry holes on the port side and exit holes on the starboard side, likely with a slight angle from below.
Here one can see the difference between the port and starboard side of the aircraft’s vertical stabilizer.
Visible damage to the port side flap hinge fairing prior to the crash.
If the damage was cause by bird strike or debris during the crash, I would expect a lot more dents on the fuselage around the holes.
It appears that every singe piece of debris that hit the aircraft had enough kinetic energy to punch through the skin and not just dent it.
No visible signs of a massive uncontained turbine failure on the footage we have of the aircraft just prior to the crash.
Both engines appear to be intact.
Life jacket from the aircraft pierced by shrapnel/debris prior to the crash, after the aircraft had diverted from Grozny.
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