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I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. –John 14:6

Jul 13, 2017, 27 tweets

All wars are for the benefit of a few banksters

"🔯International Financiers🔯 are behind all wars." Cui Bono? "Show me who makes a profit from war, and I'll show you how to stop war" –H Ford

The Golden Rule: He who has the Gold makes the rules

The bankers who rule the world: Rothschild and Rockefeller

This is how the (((International Bankers))) use you as slaves for their wars

#MAGA starts with #EndTheFed and removing the banksters

Lawrence Patton McDonald, cousin of WW2 hero General "We-defeated-the-wrong-enemy" Patton (murdered 1945) was also killed in 1983. Why?

Larry McDonald 1983 TV interview exposing the bankers NWO. He was killed 3 months later when his plane was shot down

Robert Edmonson: "International Conspiracy: Communist Jews & Freemasons financed by central bankers"

Marx-Rothschild: "Communism seeks strong state centralization, meaning state central bank, ruled by parasitic Jewish High Finance" M.Bakunin

"(((Marxists))) have one foot in the socialist movement and another in the bank." - Bakunin

Jacob Schiff financed the Bolshevik 1917 Revolution $20 million. Communists gave back to Capitalists 600 million rubles and "Royal" welcomes

Communism was not about economic justice, but about Jewish tribalist supremacy

Jacob Schiff: "The Russian revolution is possibly the most important event in Jewish history"

The Central Comittee of the Bolshevik Party and the Soviet Central Executive Committee

Every political party in Russia was directed by Jewish leaders. Politicals in prison: most Jews. 80% of revolutionaries in Russia were Jews

"The Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated and killed millions of Russians" -A.Solzhenitsyn, Russian Nobel Prize

"There exists a strange surprising alliance between Communists leaders and Capitalists." -A.Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize, Gulag survivor

170 of 224 Lenin revolutionaries: Jews
447 of 545 Bolsheviks Admin: Jews
Anti-semitism is now counter-revolutionary and punishable by death

Soviet Communism was not "anti-religious", it was anti-Christian
First laws created to punish anti-semitism by death

"Communism is Jewish. Jewish bankers financed the Russian Revolution. Goal: destroy White Christian civ" -Kenneth Goff, former Communist

"We will turn Russia into a desert of white Negroes slaves. The biggest bankers work very close with us" -Lev Davinovich AKA 'Leon Trotsky'

Jews love turning goyim into slaves, then hide their tracks with their control of (((media)))

Many (((Wall Street bankers))) acquired their fortunes with Black slaves

They want MORE slaves: "The future is a mediocre mixed race ruled by superior Jews. Communism is decisive" –Kalergi
/This is happening now

The #KalergiPlan to enslave the world like the Bolsheviks did? Very interesting investment for (((bankers)))

The Rothschilds wanted to control the central bank of Russia. Tzar said no. You know what happens when you say 'no' to banksters

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