Hillel Neuer Profile picture
International human rights lawyer, writer, Executive Director of United Nations Watch. BA, BCL, LLB, LLM & Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. 🇨🇦🇨🇭

Sep 14, 2017, 8 tweets

1. Even within the rogues' gallery that is the U.N. human rights Council, this panel speaking now is the mother of all rogues' galleries.

2. Jean Ziegler, panelist who just addressed @UN_HRC—defending Maduro regime—is co-founder & 2002 laureate of the Qaddafi Rights Prize.

3. Panelist Idriss Jazairy is @UN_HRC expert mandated to call Sudan & Russia victims of Western sanctions. Former Algerian ambassador to UN.

3. After UNHRC panelist Jean Ziegler defended Maduro regime, he was thanked by the panel chair: yes, #Venezuela's ambassador, Jorge Valero.

4. Another panelist today was @UN_HRC expert Alfred de Zayas, a defender of Iran's right to nuclear weapons—and a hero to Holocaust deniers.

5. Lead panelist was UN expert Idriss Jazairy—who defends Putin's Russia. As Algeria ambassador to UN, he said "antisemitism targets Arabs."

6. Finally, OHCHR's @hickspeggy (ex-@HRW). I hoped she'd dissent—but she echoed same line. And when Ziegler praised Maduro—Peggy was silent.

7. Yet despite this grotesque @UN_HRC panel backed by Russia-Cuba-Venezuela, sanctions against gross abusers were just enacted by #Canada.

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