Senate Judiciary Republicans Profile picture
News and updates from the Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans | Ranking Member @ChuckGrassley

Oct 4, 2017, 11 tweets

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform Package #cjreform…

.@senjudiciary Committee Chairman @ChuckGrassley is one of 11 original, bipartisan cosponsors of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act

@ChuckGrassley Senate Democratic Whip @SenatorDurbin of Illinois, and @senjudiciary member, also sponsoring the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin Republican @SenMikeLee of Utah on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee Democratic @SenWhitehouse of Rhode Island on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse Republican @LindseyGrahamSC of South Carolina on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse @LindseyGrahamSC Democratic @SenatorLeahy of Vermont, @senjudiciary member and former Chairman on the introduction of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorLeahy Democratic @SenBooker of New Jersey on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorLeahy @SenBooker Republican @SenatorTimScott of South Carolina on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorLeahy @SenBooker @SenatorTimScott Democratic @SenFeinstein of California, Ranking Member of @senjudiciary, on the introduction of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

@ChuckGrassley @SenatorDurbin @SenMikeLee @SenWhitehouse @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorLeahy @SenBooker @SenatorTimScott @SenFeinstein Senate Republican Conference Vice-Chairman @RoyBlunt on the introduction and his sponsorship of the #SentencingReform & Corrections Act:

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