Hurricane Watcher 🇺🇦 | #DemocracyWins Profile picture
NZ, US, UK. Ally🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🟦 #DemocracyWins against right wing autocracy. #BlackLivesMatter. She/her. Survivor. Stronger than ever. Slava Ukrainii.

Apr 27, 2018, 15 tweets

(1) French state visit photo series: Thread 2.4

Actually the previous thread was able to accommodate all my remaining state dinner photos. This one goes back to the arrival ceremony that morning with photos I found later. List of threads:… … …

(2) These are really good photos, worth the wait. Most are the official WH photos that are posted a day or so after the event.

The stars along the concrete matched the lapel pins that WH staffers wore.

(3) It's hard to see how the next state visit can be as successful as this one was... but I bet FLOTUS will find a way.

(4) View from the WH roof, I believe. You can see the gun salute smoke in the distance. The crowd is several people deep on either side of the structure set up for the media to stand on.

(5) Every WH department would have been involved in the state visit. Photographers in multiple locations. I'd say they had to outsource some of that work.

(6) Two Presidents who know their countries are free because of the brave. There were lots of references to previous battles esp. the War of Independence, WWI, and WWII.

(7) A very enthusiastic crowd at the Arrival Ceremony on Day 2.

(8) Waiting for the next task.

(9) Early on Day 2.

(10) Iconic photos.

(11) 😘

(12) These two different, yet similar, First Ladies also get on extremely well. I've seen them together in Hamburg, Paris and Washington, and each time they were smiling and laughing together, holding hands or arm in arm. It's not what I'm used to but I like it.

(13) I saved the best for last. Before the state dinner, these four sat chatting in the Red Room. Informality in a formal setting.


(14) @threadreaderapp unroll please, thank you

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