Juist! MEER NIEUWSPERSONALISATIE. “Ik zeg niet dat het nieuws alleen nog moet gaan over onderwerpen die de lezer leuk vindt. Maar ik vind dat de groep die wél zo wil consumeren, ook bediend moet worden…” — @AlexanderNLlink.medium.com/7hdEwbVP06
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Stoked that our paper "Beyond Optimizing for Clicks: Incorporating Editorial Values in News Recommendation" with @dsflu and @anca_dmtrch is accepted as a FULL PAPER at #UMAP2020! I am particularly happy with this publication because... 👇 (1/4)
1️⃣ In our paper we show how you can align algorithm design across stakeholders (data scientists + journalists), by effectively modeling an editorial value (dynamicness) in a news recommender
2️⃣ we present (more) empirical proof that #recsys (can) offer(s) users more diverse, serendipitous, and dynamic articles compared to editorially curated lists, and hence (can) help in avoiding, not creating filter bubbles!
@Avaaz To be honest, those numbers do not sound odd, to me. I'm afraid there's too much climate change-junk on @YouTube. Does that mean YouTube should start censoring? Imho: no.
@Avaaz@YouTube It reminds me of a situation we had in NL, where @bol_com allegedly "promoted anti-vaxx books". Why? A query for "vaccination" yielded a bunch of anti-vaxx books. Because pro-vaxxers don't write about the benefits of vaccination, but antivaxxers do... translate.google.com/translate?sl=n…
Dus Morozov heeft het op zich genomen om met zijn non-technical wit-russische arts major neefje een recommender system te bouwen. Met taxonomieën en categorieën. Geweldig, terug naar de AI van de jaren '80 😂