Speaker: Pst. Joel Awogu
Topic: Making Positive Impact
Hebrew 11:32-34
As a Christian your impact is different From that of an ordinary man.
In you dwells the ability to make tremendous impact on the earth (Gen 12:13-22 ) Your impact can have an heavenly dimension as well as earthly dimension.
Don't strive alone or settle to make impact in one dimension.
You need to understand that you are the salt of the earth (Math 5:13-16)
When you don't manifest your saltiness men will trample over you, your potential notwithstanding, you will be of no influence or impact. You need to enforce your saltiness.
How to make impact in the spirit
1. Boldness (Josh 1:6,7,9)
Boldness is necessary if you are going to make impact in life. You need to approach your opposition; you don't have to shy away from problems. You don't need to die before you face the challenge.
Fellowship with God (Jude 1:20)
You need to spend time with God. God is not asking you to pray because he needs your prayer, He is asking you to pray for your benefit (Acts 13:2)
Make it a habit to spend time with God.
3. Feed on the Word.
(1Pet 2:2)
Growth isn't complete without adequate feeding. As babies desire milk to grow, so does your spiritual man requires the word to grow effectively. Along with spending time with God also spend time to study God's word.
Live the Word (1John 3:5-8)
The more you feed, the more you become the word. The word is not just for hearing, it is for living. Constantly align your life with God's word.
How to make impact on earth
It is not enough to be heavenly conscious and earthly useless
1. Focus on purpose
Find out what you are called to do, you can't do anything that comes your way create a niche for your self and dominate in that industry you have chosen.
2. Improve your self continuously
In improving yourself you need to move forward and upward. Improve upward; learn things that you have not learn before add to your skills from time to time.
Improve forward by improving the way you are doing what you do, that is you can now do a lot more of what you are already doing in a more innovative and creative way.
Mutually beneficial relationships
There are two types of relationship
a) Parasitic Relationship: A parasitic relationship is one that draws from the other without improving the other.
b) High maintenance relationship: this Is where you are putting so much effort to keep the relationship going.
1. You should not be a parasite to someone else.
2. Don't be a high maintenance relationship object.
relationships should be give and take, Avoid parasitic relationships.
Maintain mutually beneficial relationships, go for them, seek them.
4. Help people
Help people because the help will either come back to you or your children.
Be Optimistic
Optimism will help you see the better side of things.
Always look at things from the positive side.
Even when things are going contrary to your expectations. Trust God that things will turn out for good.
The expectations of the righteous are always satisfied at the end of the day, don't kill yourself before its over.
Welcome to service! 🙌 Today, we step into a realm of divine power to Enlarge Kingdom Frontiers! 🔥 Get ready for an encounter that will shift your destiny.
Ministering: Pastor Sam Ekomekido
Topic: Power to Enlarge the Kingdom Frontiers
Text: Psalms 84:11, Proverbs 4:18
#SundayService #ChurchGRA #ChurchGRAService #GraceAndGlory
To advance and enlarge God's Kingdom, it is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit.
One major characteristic of living things is growth. When you are not growing, then something is wrong. Anywhere you find things not working, it is time to seek the face of God's help.
1. Impatience. Seeking quick solutions. You need faith and patience to inherit the promise. 2. Ignorance of the help that come from God and consequences...
Good morning, welcome to God's Royal Assembly online platform. We are excited to fellowship and worship God with you this morning. Thanks for joining us!.
Now ministering is our Senior Pastor, @danayidu
Topic: All Round Fruitfulness
Fruitfulness is the a state of being extremely productive or prolific (Gen 1:28). God desires that you be fruitful.
Five Areas God wants you to be Fruitful 1. Fruitfulness of your body: God doesn't desire any of His children to be barren. (Exodus 23:25-26)
God wants you to be fruitful in your body.