Ramesses I was founding pharaoh of Egypt's 19th dynasty.His wife was Sitre.& tomb is in #Abyodyas. Labarna I was 1st founder of #Hittite Kingdom in lower Egypt. Lango tribe was from Syria which was Hittite empire syr-lanka. Ramayana is mix of #Ramses 1,2,3 stories. #RamPharoah
#Egyptians (Kemet) called foreigners #Hyshkos (Ikshavaku). Labarna I is Ravana, Pharoah Ramases 3 was a builder and warrior.. perhaps built a bridge along Dead sea. Things float on dead sead. #Indology hides facts
Temple of Ramses 2 in Luxor and #lAbydos Facade of Ramses 1 who married Sitre. Unlike other Pharaohs he had only 1 wife (the one wife Ram of Ramayana) . King Ramses II promoted the cult of the divine pharaoh and declared himself God. #RAMAYANA.
The Lisan Peninsula is a large spit of land that now separates the North and the South basins of the Dead Sea. This is probably the Ram Setu bridge referred to in Ramayana.. the story of Pharoah Ramses en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisan_Pen…
Nubia (lower egypt) was the “Land of the Bow”. “Land of the Bow” is the meaning of Ta-Seti, an ancient Egyptian term used to denote Nubia for thousands of years. Ramses 2 marries daughter of Hittite king-or in Ramayana "picks up bow" oi.uchicago.edu/museum-exhibit…
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Bapna also Bafana or Bapna or Bafna (Hindi: बाफना / बाफणा )is Indian Jain or Brahmin community. The name was used 4 for Brahmin in #Andhra. Derived from Bahufana & Bafanha. Phaṇa ( Sk. phaṇa) the hood of a snake. How did #Jains end up with #Sudra??This is major spiritual #fraud
#Brahmins are apparently meant to be one group with Jains-this is covenant system. They were imposed on Sudra in British era when Tirupati temple was set up. #Nemi (Jain/Jinn) statue removed and the Tirupati Jinn installed. This is not good news 4 Brahmins as #Nemi is #wrathful
"To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning". "So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead" (vegan) #Daniel 1:16 #JainBrahminAramic