Today is 131st birthday of #Ramanujan, celebrated as #NationalMathematicsDay in India.
This year is also the 100th anniversary of his election as FRS.
131 is a palindromic and permutable prime with 113 and 311.
Can also be stated as the sum of 3 consecutive primes 41 + 43 + 47.
#Ramanujan's letter to Hardy is an all-time classic -
"I beg to introduce myself to you as a clerk"
"I have no University education"
"I have not trodden through the conventional ... but I am striking out a new path"
"I have made a special investigation of divergent series"
Source: Bruce C. Berndt in Ramanujan's Notebooks: Part I (1994)
Initially, #Ramanujan mostly studied two books: 1. Carr's Synopsis of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2. Loney's trigonometry
Carr’s book is like an encyclopedia with a lot of formulas but no proofs.
Ramanujan imitated the style and probably felt formulas are left for him to prove
In his first letter to Hardy - #Ramanujan proved that
This is also called Ramanujan Summation, different from Ramanujan Sums.
(first proof of this is probably from #Euler ~ 1760)
During his 5 years in Cambridge/England, #Ramanujan published ~30 papers that founded the basis of modern maths. A few of them: 1. Prime numbers 2. Hypergeometric series 3. Elliptic functions 4. Partitions 5. Probabilistic Number Theory…
During his last year, when #Ramanujan knew he was dying, he worked even crazier.
The work is summarised in the "Last Notebook"…
These are 138 sheets of paper containing over 600 mathematical formulas without proof. Each proof starts a new field in maths.
Finally, #Ramanujan predicted his death (like everyone...:)
“I have made a serious mathematical assessment of my own horoscope, and there is no doubt about it: I will die before I reach the age of thirty-five.”
Ramanujan died at the age of 32 = 2^5 (1887-1920)
Link to @RSocPublishing special issue in celebration of the centenary of Srinivasa Ramanujan's election as FRS.
Thanks, @Stefan_W_Hell for sharing the data which helped to revisit the claims made in the following article "MINFLUX nanoscopy delivers 3D multicolor nanometer resolution in cells" @naturemethods…
Hope our findings are useful for MINFLUX research!
First, using PERPL, our localization precision estimates of 0.98±0.02 nm, 3.20±0.05 nm and 3.31±0.08 nm broadly agreed with the published analysis but implying FWHM of 2.4-7.1 nm.
So, what should be the best theoretical resolution? 1-3 nm as claimed?