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Mar 21st 2023
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
On today's #Crypto News and #Project updates
Date: 03/14/2023

#Avalanche CEO @el33th4xor appointed as CFTS's Technical Advisory Board
Jump and Jane Street under probe by prosecutors

@binance halts sterling transfers
Instagram sunsetting digital #collectibles
@CoinbaseAssets disabled trading for $BUSD

📍Projects Updates:
@eulerfinance updates on $fund recovery
Read 8 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
This morning #EULER DeFi protocol was exploited & a small portion of #SwissBorg’s Smart Yield Program was impacted. Fortunately, we have been preparing for years for these scenarios and our users will not suffer any loss from this event. 😇 🧵:
1/ The DeFi Protocol @eulerfinance has been exploited, unfortunately, the #SwissBorg Earn strategies for USDT & ETH have been partially affected by the exploit. Fortunately, the extent of the damage is minimal thanks to our Risk Management Procedure. 💪🏽
2/ The ETH Earn strategy has suffered from a loss of approximately 1617.23 ETH (or only 2.27% of the total assets subscribed to the program).
Read 8 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
The relationship between the #EthereumMerge and #DeFi is a fascinating case study for a changing economic ecosystem.💎

And @variantfund's Twitter Space dove deep into how the #merge affects #DeFi.✨

Here is the summarized version:👇
The space was conducted by @variantfund and @eulerfinance.⚡

@spencernoon, @gham1lt0n and @Derekmw23 represented Variant.💰

@MacroMate8, or Seraphim, the head of risk at Euler, was the Euler side's representative.👑

@variantfund @eulerfinance @spencernoon @gham1lt0n @Derekmw23 @MacroMate8 @MacroMate8 first laid out what the long-term focus of @eulerfinance would be.👀

Euler will focus more on #Oracle technology to improve smart contracts.💎

This is why the #Euler team has added @chainlink support to the ecosystem.🤝

Read 13 tweets
Mar 14th 2021
¡¡Feliz Día de Pi 2021!! ¡¡Feliz Día internacional de las matemáticas 2021!!

Hoy 14 de marzo, 3-14 en notación USA, es el mejor día para mostrar la belleza del número Pi. Por ello, durante el día de hoy os iré dejando curiosidades sobre él en este hilo #DíadePi #PiDay #PiDay2021
Y la primera va a ser la que he publicado hace un rato. Se sabe que Pi no es construible con regla y compás, pero sí hay construcciones aproximadas muy interesante, como el llamado método de Kochanski. ¿Lo conoces? Mira, mira #DíadePi #PiDay #PiDay2021…
Seguro que todos recordáis que Pi aparece en la fórmula para calcular el área de un círculo: A=π·r². Ahora, ¿habéis visto alguna demostración de ese hecho? Aquí tenéis una "sin palabras" muy bonita… #DíadePi #PiDay #PiDay2021
Read 35 tweets
May 24th 2020
Según la @RAEinforma, “interpolar” es “poner algo entre otras cosas” o “calcular el valor aproximado de una magnitud en un intervalo cuando se conocen algunos de los valores que toma a uno y otro lado de dicho intervalo”.

¿Cómo se calcula el polinomio #interpolador?

A pesar de que “la historia de las fórmulas de interpolación es complicada y muy discutida” (#Bell), esta comienza con los matemáticos babilónicos y sus esfuerzos a fin de completar los huecos de las tablas exponenciales.
De hecho, según Bell, la #interpolación puede ser considerada como un estímulo en los siglos XVII y XVIII para la evolución independiente de las operaciones fundamentales de la teoría clásica de las diferencias finitas, aplicadas principalmente en #astronomía y #mecánica.
Read 37 tweets
Dec 22nd 2018
Today is 131st birthday of #Ramanujan, celebrated as #NationalMathematicsDay in India.
This year is also the 100th anniversary of his election as FRS.
131 is a palindromic and permutable prime with 113 and 311.
Can also be stated as the sum of 3 consecutive primes 41 + 43 + 47. Image
#Ramanujan's letter to Hardy is an all-time classic -
"I beg to introduce myself to you as a clerk"
"I have no University education"
"I have not trodden through the conventional ... but I am striking out a new path"
"I have made a special investigation of divergent series" Image
There are ~ 4 photos #Ramanujan according to
"Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys" by Bruce Berndt and co.

Ramanujan's Lost Notebook series here: ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets

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