There may not have been 525,600 #medtwitter moments, but 2018 was quite the year to learn, connect, and share the joy of practicing internal medicine and caring for patients, ourselves, and each other. Here’s our 2018 #medtwitter highlights real! 1/n
We drove, walked, ran, and biked to work (the unicycle commuter isn't a resident, alas...), even during the long winter nights, taking in the sunrise while pre-rounding or rounding 2/n
Our peer scholarship support group, SPeAR (Scholarship Peer Advice and Resources), was formed—serving as a bridge between residents and faculty for mentorship and research projects 15/n
delighted a plethora of resident #OHSUscholarship triumphs, incl publications, poster, presentations (and this year all the more made possible by tweets, including #meetingtweeting about posters & oral presentations, by lots of faculty and fellows!) 17/n
and experience the excitement of our leadership and faculty share their expert voices at conferences and on podcasts including @thecurbsiders and @Plenary_Session@VPrasadMDMPH including Sima's incredible interview 21/n
as well as get to experience our residents make connections with and learn from thought leaders via #medtwitter and thanks to podcasts and the discussions they facilitated 22/n
1/ Curriculum #Medthread about our Global Health Track & Scholars Program!
The OHSU IM Global Health Program endorses a broad definition of #GlobalHealth rooted in interdisciplinary collaboration to promote better health for all
2/ As the program has grown over the years, one of the highlights of the program was a rotation at Scottish Livingstone Hospital in Molepolole, Botswana through our Harvard/Beth Israel Deaconess partnership
We are eager to learn from this #GrandRounds by @OHSU_ID faculty @lstrnad5 and @SikkaMon regarding the overlap between complex bacterial infections and SDOH
Looking at rates of IUD-associated bacterial infection versus other Oregon demographics.
These infections are more common in poorer and more rural areas
Racial disparities also exist in Oregon. Black individuals accord for a disproportionate % of IUD infection related admissions versus the 2% of general population
1/ We are going to start a series of threads, starting with this #tweetorial, to share more info about our program & curriculum. We will collate in a Twitter moment!
First topic—our Social Medicine Curriculum & Block:
2/ Why is this such a valued part of our residency program curriculum for > a decade?
Healthcare & health outcomes are about far more than just access to medical care and treatments. Social determinants of health (SDoH) are crucial to these outcomes
3/ Our Social Medicine curriculum includes an ambulatory block rotation & longitudinal learning across 3 years
We aim to:
⬆️resident knowledge of health disparities & system gaps
⬆️sociocultural awareness of SDoH
✅provide culturally responsive care for stigmatized patients
#GrandRounds today by @vaportland faculty Dr. Kate Mackey (and alumna/former chief resident) about evidence synthesis in the era of covid19 including overview of the VA Evidence Synthesis Program (ESP). Many thanks also for the mentorship of TEN residents working with the project
One of the research/writing teams including resident @DrLiederbauer and recent grad (& incoming faculty) @kieferm2 leading to this publication in @AnnalsofIM !
#OHSUscholarship#GrandRounds—if it’s been happening for over 5 years, we can call it a long standing tradition!
Celebrating the scholarly work of our residents today ~ through knowledge and curiosity, may we work to help our communities, patients, and profession!
Dr. Jenna Anderson shared her multidisciplinary work on developing an acute pancreatitis care guideline across the OHSU enterprise and partner hospitals #OHSUscholarship@OHSUsurgery@OHSU_DHM
Dr. @DrSimoneDekker sharing her research critical illness, traumatic injury, and gene expression
We’re proud to see residency training programs like @UofMPesRes stand up for health, justice, and the safety of their trainees and their community on. 1/x
In this week’s case, this means speaking out against racism. Too often, speaking up for justice and safety of human beings means speaking out against racism. 2/x