2/5 #Microurbanism is redesigning the infrastructure of cities to optimize physical, social, and economic mobility (HT #UBM@AlexRoy144) using the technology, data, and cycle times of #micromobility#MMCA
3/5 Real-time data on mobility and livability (HT #MDS@seletajewel) is the new newspaper: a common set of facts citizens can use to make informed decisions for the public good. #MMCA CC @remix@RideReportApp
5/5 The resulting synergy of public/private collaboration on data-driven policy design and implementation will redefine leading cities within a decade, and bubble up to state and national polities by 2040. #MMCA#Prediction#Toynbee22
6/5 As a social movement, micromobility will shift urban/political power away from those with *money*, towards those with *data*.