My job takes all my time, I have to quit to pursue my dream. FALSE!
Listen, one of the best things that can happen to an aspiring entrepreneur is working in a structured coy. Let me share a few tips on transitioning
Please don't let your village people win!
Test out that idea, get a proof of concept, acquire paying customers, make sure you have good traction and if possible achieve or have a clear path to Break-Even before considering quitting.
Yes, you spend 40 hours weekly on your job and if you live in Lagos add another 10 - 15 hours traffic time.
However, you have 168 hours in a week, your job takes up about 50, your sleep takes up 50, and you are still left with 68 hours to build your dream.
*It's unethical to spend time on your personal business at the detriment of your employer*
Starting out with a super co-founder @bimsofresh made all the difference for So Fresh, my best #business decision ever!
So ask yourself
What can you do that no one else can do? Consider outsourcing or finding a partner to do the rest.
Your current paycheck is probably where you'll get your first source of funding to birth that dream, cherish it.
I am forever grateful for my paycheck, it gave me room to experiment and take risk earlier on.
SAVE if you are serious about starting
I poured myself into work while I worked 9 - 5 (now I work 9 - 9😭) and it's amazing how much I learnt about running well structured organisations.