VC just been asked about @birminghamdubai and staff and student safety after #MatthewHedges jailing. Claims Uni would not have gone ahead with project if could not ensure safety of staff and students 🤔 #UoBVCForum
VC critical of #TEF methodology. Asked whether uni will choose not to participate in subject level TEF. Adopting a wait and see approach. Accepts need for accountability over public money. Wants sector to develop their own methodology #UoBVCForum
Great question from the floor, querying concerning messages academic staff receiving regarding the impact of fees review versus more update view today. VC says UoB is a 'university with resource' but nonetheless priorities and efficiencies will need to be made #UoBVCForum
After discussion about priorities, @BirminghamUCU rep asked VC THAT question about #FairPayinHE 21% drop in pay since 2009. No direct answer. Instead talked about discretionary payments and pressure on pay due to #USS contribution increases #UoBVCForum
VC explaining examples of UoB's civic engagement incl UoB School and public services academy. No mention of rejecting @LivingWageUK accreditation and outsourcing
of HAS into subsidiary company @EdgbastonPark where @BhamUniUnison not being recognised 😔 #UoBVCForum
VC asked about how to avoid re-run of #USSstrike. Says Unis need to have open and honest conversations. Also puts responsibility on staff/unions Signals industrial action which affects 'student experience' is corrosives
to public trust and damages support for HE 🤔 #UoBVCForum
So line managers at the @unibirmingham are still telling non-student facing staff that they have to come in, despite latest gov guidance this week. They are denying that advice on office workers working from home apply to us. Meanwhile we’re told at the weekly H&S briefly 1/
that the new rules do in fact apply, but that the Uni Exec will discuss on Monday whether or not to tell staff! This means we’re operating for a full week in breach of gov guidance & the latest rules.
On Monday, it will be the first day of the new term with thousands of 2/
students arriving on site. Staff will still be coming to work under the false instruction that the rules ‘don’t apply to us’ and that we need to come in to create a ‘vibrant campus’. If this applies to you, so you’re non-student facing and can work remotely, 3/
Disappointing to see @unibirmingham hasn't observed #IWMD20 but has made time to share #PetsofUoB updates... it's made all the more sad in light the tragic death of a construction worker on campus in January. Shouldn't we be remembering them today? 🤔…
.@unibirmingham didn't inform staff, students or even official safety representatives about the death. We only found out thanks to local news reporting. Let's remember Igor Malka's life and death today and resolve to fight for greater transparency and safer workplaces #IWMD20
For more information as to why continuing to operate building sites is so concerning, please read the following @BBCNews article… and follow the hashtag #ShutTheSites
The ongoing operations on campus building sites makes @oldjoeclock's message last week to 'Take care, be safe, look after yourself, your loved ones and your community' look pretty jarring...
Thank you to everyone who voted in the ballots - you have put senior management on notice that we will not stand idly by as our hard-won pensions, pay and working conditions are worn away, year-on-year #UCUballot#UCUstrike#HelloBrum#JoinIn
Birmingham UCU members have sent a clear message to senior management with a 82% yes vote in favour of strike action to defend pensions and a 77% yes vote for action in the pay, equality, workloads and casualisation ballot.
Turnout in both ballots exceeded the 50% threshold required for action under the Trade Union Act 2012, with a 57.92% turnout in the pensions ballot and 58% turnout in the pay ballot.