S & D • On Hiatus Profile picture
Mar 3, 2019 277 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Jikook Au | No one would ever expect “babyboy”, figure skater Jeon Jungkook, to be hooking up with arrogant hockey player Park Jimin in his free time. The two appear to be complete opposites to most but one thing they have in common is their addiction to each other #jikook Image
- May have some nsfw 🔞moments depending on how I feel
-I don’t know much about either sport but I’ll try my best to be accurate
-This is all fictional, please don’t be offended by characters actions
-Please QUOTE, we don’t want the threat to break
I’m really excited to start this one! 💕💕 Hope you enjoy it 💜
- Denise
Characters Background:

- A complete sweetheart to most
- Openly gay and adored by everyone
- Hopes to go to the next Olympics

- Player on the national team
- Aggressive unless your names Jungkook
- Most people assume he’s straight but he’s Bi

Characters Backgrounds cont:

- Jungkooks bestie
- Trains with Jk
- The only reason he still skates is because he likes the outfits

- Jungkooks best friend since childhood
- Music major at the Seoul U
- Jks self proclaimed “biggest fan”
-Family owns the rink used by the National hockey team and figure skaters
-Has won 3 Olympic medals
-Jungkooks coach

-Jimins friend
-Hockey player
-Think figure skaters are annoying and prissy

-Hockey team Captain
-Closet gay
-Lowkey a figure skating fan
Profiles: #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
1. Jungkook tries to act tough #jikookau ImageImage
2. Jimin knows he can be a bit of an a**hole sometimes #jikookau ImageImageImage
3. Jimins skipping the party #jikookau ImageImage
4. Tae senses a lie #jikookau ImageImage
5. Yoongi understands #jikookau (sorry for typos and any typos you see throughout this story) ImageImage
6. Jimins bias #jikookau Image
7. Jungkook goes over... a little 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
8. Jungkook can handle him #jikookau ImageImage
9. They have an understanding #jikookau ImageImage
9.5: Baby is knocked tf out already and didn’t see this #jikookau Image
10. Focus #jikookau Image
AN: Annnnd I’m back with the angst.. I guess that was a little angsty, right? Tell me what you thought about this first update guys💕 See you soon
11. Didn’t get much sleep #jikookau Image
12. Jungkooks confusing when he’s stressed #jikookau ImageImageImage
13. Yoongi tells him he’s wrong #jikookau ImageImageImage
14. Tae has a problem with Jimin #jikookau ImageImage
15. Jimin was distracted #jikookau ImageImage
16. Jungkooks the mediator #jikookau Image
17. Jimin and Hobi are bothered #jikookau ImageImage
18. He’s good for you #jikookau ImageImage
19. Jimin can’t say no #jikookau ImageImageImage
Visuals of their ice cream... date? ImageImageImage
Jungkooks feeding him at the ice cream shop #jikookau
20. Taes sees something #jikookau ImageImage
A/N: Sooo it looks like Tae saw Jikook together 🤭 Vote in the poll: What do you guys think Tae should do? #jikookau
21. Not sure if this is a date #jikookau ImageImageImage
22. Why? #jikookau Image
23. Jungkooks not stupid #jikookau ImageImage
24. Obviously you want more #jikookau ImageImage
25. Jimin noticed how upset Hoseok got #jikookau ImageImage
26. Tae’s angry #jikookau ImageImageImage
27. He’s done #jikookau ImageImage
28. Jungkooks freaking out #jikookau ImageImage
A/N: How do you think things will go between Tae and Jk? Vote if you guys think Tae is gonna understand or not : (this won’t affect what I write, I just want to know what you guys think will happen)
29. Jungkooks emotional #jikookau ImageImage
30. Talk it out #jikookau ImageImage
31. *After their talk, Tae took Jungkook home* Jungkook texts him because he still feels bad #jikookau ImageImage
32. They looked like they were a happy couple #jikookau ImageImage
33. Yoongi just woke up #jikookau ImageImage
34. Jimins lowkey a sweetheart #jikookau ImageImage
35. Flirting munchkins #jikookau ImageImage
Just a visual of how cute Jungkook looks when he goes to practice😊 #jikookau Image
36. Tae might end up being their biggest fan one day #jikookau ImageImage
37. Jin cares about him #jikookau Image
38. Unhappy Joon #jikookau ImageImage
39. Jimins serious #jikookau Image
AN: Please don’t hate me for making Namjoon so terrible 👉🏽👈🏽 On a lighter note, Taes being a good friend isn’t he? 💕💕 see you soon
40. *Later that night* Just a little bit of fluff because Jimins whipped #jikookau ImageImageImage
41. Nsfw for these next few updates 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
42. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImageImage
43.🔞 #jikookau ImageImageImage
44. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImageImage
45. Tae loves him #jikookau ImageImage
46. Yoongi doesn’t think Joon would do it ImageImageImage
47. He’s totally in love #jikookau ImageImage
AN: I hope you guys liked this update 💕💕 let me know what you thought about it! See you soon 💜
48. *Next Day* #jikookau Image
49. Date day Visuals #jikookau ImageImage
50. They’re children that jump into Waterfalls even when it’s cold outside (yes I know they’re wearing shorts but it’s a cute visual 🥺) #jikookau ImageImage
51. They went to the Amusement park too #jikookau ImageImageImage
52. You know how guys make up super quickly... #jikookau ImageImage
Just Jungkook being cute because he can be #jikookau
53. Jungkook updates Yoongi #jikookau ImageImage
B-boyfriends? #jikookau ImageImage
54. Jimins pretty extra and willing to spoil him #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
Of course the night ends with Kook sleeping in his bed #jikookau Image
AN: Hello again, bet you didn’t think I’d be back this soon lol I just got really excited about the date day💕💕 Hope you enjoyed it
55. The day before competition #jikookau ImageImage
56. Jungkook only likes Jimin because of his bed #jikookau ImageImage
57. A friend of Yoongi 💀 #jikookau ImageImage
58. The stimulation is glitching #jikookau ImageImage
59. His dads a hockey fan but maybe not a Jimin fan #Jikookau ImageImage
60. Competition Day!!!! #Jikookau ImageImage
61. They get along quite well #jikookau Image
Jungkook waiting for results after his performance #jikookau Image
62. First place!!!! #jikookau ImageImage
63. The timeline is in shambles #jikookau ImageImage
64. Jin wasn’t worried #jikookau ImageImage
65. I wonder who Jimins talking about 🤔 #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Hey💜 I hope you enjoyed this update, tell me what you thought about it 💕💕 See you soon
66. *Almost a week later* Jungkook has a lot of stress on his shoulders #jikookau ImageImage
67. Jin has to be stern with him #jikookau ImageImage
68. They’re back to being tres amigos #Jikookau ImageImageImageImage
69. Yoongi is always worrying about him #jikookau ImageImage
70. Hoseok shouldn’t overstep should he? #jikookau ImageImage
71. Hoseok did it #jikookau ImageImage
72. Jungkooks feeling some type of way #jikookau ImageImage
73. Puppy dog eyes aren’t gonna work in this situation #Jikookau ImageImage
74. Jungkook continues to Jump to conclusions #jikookau ImageImage
*Visual representation of Jimin being bothered*
75. Jungkook wyd? #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Tsk tsk tsk... what do you guys think about all of this? Vote in the poll:

A) Jimin should tell Jungkook his reasons

B) Jungkook needs to apologize and be a good boyfriend by going to the game

C) Jimin is wrong for saying Jungkook shouldn’t go to the party anyways
AN: i can’t promise that I’ll write what has the most votes, but I love getting feedback from you guys so please vote 😊😊
76. Jungkooks bored #jikookau ImageImage
77. What Yoongi wants #jikookau ImageImage
78. He said sorry already #jikookau ImageImage
79. Jimin wants to show off #jikookau ImageImageImage
80. Dragging Tae #jikookau ImageImage
81. They‘re at the game, Jungkooks nervous when he watches the aggressive game #jikookau ImageImageImage
82. Jungkook can’t go incognito #jikookau Image
83. Intermission (yes that’s what it’s called in Hockey💀) Hobi is curious, and Jimins very happy right now #jikookau ImageImage
84. They won #jikookau Image
85. Jimin did what 👀👀 #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
86. Tae supports #jikookau ImageImage
87. Jungkook knows Jimin is anything but ashamed of him, and he’s loving it #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Thats all for the night, sooo I want you guys to decide, and I’m actually going to write whatever has the most votes... Vote in the poll: should Jimin and Jungkook attend the after party together?
A/N: Sorry guys I know it’s been a few days longer than my usual updates... I’m kind of experiencing some really annoying writers block and I am trying my best to write a good story so I still need to gather my thoughts,but thanks for being patient! -Denise 💕💕💕
88. Jimin knows Jungkooks a mess #jikookau ImageImage
89. Yoongi knows too #jikookau ImageImage
90. Jimins got some explaining to do #jikookau ImageImage
91. Jimins upset with himself #jikookau ImageImage
92. Jimin had his reasons #jikookau ImageImageImage
93. You’re my favorite #jikookau ImageImageImage
94. Taes advice #jikookau ImageImage
95. Domestic Jungkook #jikookau ImageImageImage
96. What Jimin wakes up to #jikookau ImageImageImage
97. Namjoons being Namjoon and Hoseoks being 🤔 #jikookau ImageImage
AN: I’m so so sorry for the wait, it’s really late as I update this but I wanted it out as soon as I finished it. I hope you’re still reading and that you all enjoyed this update 🥺💕💕
AN cont: Feedback is great and it means a lot when we know what you guys think. Curiouscat link is in our bio and please feel free to quote the story! See you soon💕
98. *A few weeks later* Jungkooks messing up #jikookau Image
99. Only a few days left #jikookau ImageImage
100. Taes the bestest friend #jikookau Image
101. Jimin brings him comfort #jikookau ImageImage
102. He knows how to make his baby smile again #jikookau Image
AN: This was a bit of a short update but I hope you enjoyed it💕 See you soon!
103. Jungkook has a question for Jimin #jikookau ImageImage
104. Jimin still makes him nervous #jikookau ImageImage
105. Down boy #jikookau ImageImage
106. They did what.... #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
107. Competition Day #jikookau Image
108. Old Buddies #jikookau ImageImage
109. Competition? #jikookau ImageImage
110. Updates #jikookau ImageImageImage
111. Qualify #jikookau ImageImage
112. Jungkook is very much a competitor to watch #jikookau ImageImage
113. Dweeb #jikookau Image
114. Jungkooks too pure sometimes #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Vote in the poll, do you guys think Taemin should go out with them? (No promises that your votes will affect the story) 💕💕
115. Sweet Pea #jikookau ImageImage
116. Power of the Pout #jikookau ImageImage
117. They can wait #jikookau ImageImage
118. Jimins a good Boyfriend #jikookau ImageImage
119. Tae doesn’t like ****** #jikookau ImageImage
120. Dinner is a disaster #jikookau Image
121. Ex Crush? #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Sorry for the long wait 💕 are you still reading? Tell me how you’re feeling about this
AN: I hate not behind able to update but I’m finishing my exams this week and I will be working on the next update as soon as I can💕💕 thanks lovelies
- Denise
122. Sweetheart #jikookau ImageImage
123. Rabbit Hole #jikookau ImageImageImage
124. Yoongi has standards #jikookau ImageImage
125. Cute twink #jikookau ImageImage
126. Yoongi just goes for it #jikookau ImageImage
127. Guess Hoseok is his type 💀 #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
AN: Short update but I hope to update more often now that I’m done with the semester 💕💕
And sorry for the typos in this omg I just noticed that there are so many, forgive me 😳
128. *A month Later* #jikookau ImageImageImage
129. Jungkooks a busy body #jikookau ImageImageImage
130. Tae was right #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
131. He’s domestic #jikookau ImageImage
132. Looking forward to the food #jikookau ImageImage
133. Dinner updates #jikookau Image
Jungkook is a chef
133.5 More dinner updates #jikookau ImageImageImage
134. A good night #jikookau ImageImage
AN: That’s all for tonight 💕💕 hope you’re enjoying it! See you soon!
135. Hoseok isn’t giving up #jikookau ImageImage
136. Jock Strap #jikookau ImageImage
137. Hockey Updates #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
138. Clean Sweep #jikookau ImageImage
139. Jungkook cheers #jikookau ImageImage
140. Jimin started a fight? #jikookau ImageImage
141. Jimin why? #Jikook ImageImage
142. What happened #jikookau ImageImage
143. Hm.. #jikookau ImageImage
144. Why won’t he tell the truth? #jikookau ImageImageImage
145. Trying to protect Jungkook #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this update💕💕 we’re going to be at the MetLife show on Saturday, are any of you going??? As always feel free to quote/give feedback on CC! It really makes my day💕 See you soon!
146. Jungkook isn’t happy #jikookau ImageImage
147. Silence #jikookau ImageImage
148. Let him go #jikookau ImageImageImage
149. Jimin tells Jungkook the whole truth #jikookau ImageImage
150. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
151. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
152. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
153. Jimins a good boyfriend, we been knew #jikookau ImageImageImage
154. In more ways than one #jikookau ImageImage
AN: That’s all for today 💕💕 hope you guys enjoyed it, tell me your thoughts 💕 more coming soon
155. *A few days later* Banquet Night #jikookau Image
156. Tae wants to get laid #jikookau ImageImage
157. Jimin is staying at home #jikookau ImageImage
158. It’s gonna be an eventful night #jikookau ImageImageImageImage
159. Who invited.... #jikookau ImageImage
160. Naive #jikookau Image
161. Jungkook plans on hiding in a corner all night #jikookau ImageImage
AN: Short update 💕 what do you guys think about all of this? You think Jungkook will be able to handle himself tonight? Vote in the poll: #jikookau
AN: Sorry for the wait, I will be updating sometime tomorrow I promise, most likely tomorrow night due to a busy schedule 💕💕 thank you for your patience
162. Award Winner #jikookau Image
163. People are watching #jikookau ImageImage
164. He already has a boyfriend #jikookau ImageImage
165. They left together? #jikookau Image
166. Tae got what he wanted #jikookau Image
167. Jimins worried #jikookau ImageImage
168. What’s happened #jikookau ImageImageImage
169. Image
169.5 Please don’t be mad #jikookau ImageImage
AN: That’s all for today💕💕 Tell me what you think, see you soon 💕
170. Jungkook tells Jimin #jikookau ImageImageImage
171. Always there for him #Jikookau Image
172. Taes worried #Jikookau ImageImage
173. Scared #Jikookau ImageImage
174. Finally told him #jikookau ImageImage
175. Namjoon about to pop off #Jikookau ImageImage
176. It be your own people #Jikookau ImageImage
177. Feisty Kook #Jikookau ImageImageImage
AN: That’s all for today💕 tell me what you think! See you soon
-Denise curiouscat.me/bangtanshewrote
178. Safe #jikookau ImageImage
179. A picture says a thousand words, right? #jikookau ImageImage
180. Leftovers? #jikookau ImageImageImage
181. So much drama #jikookau ImageImage
182. No apologies allowed #Jikookau ImageImage
183. A Solution #jikookau ImageImageImage
184. He said he’s sorry ... 🙄 #jikookau Image
185. The decision has been made #jikookau ImageImage
AN: That’s all for today! I know things are a little angsty but I hope you’re liking it💕💕Vote in the poll: Do you guys think Jungkook is making the right decision by doing the interview?? #jikookau
186. Late night shambles #jikookau ImageImage
187. Faith #jikookau ImageImage
188. Good Morning Seoul #jikookau ImageImage
189. The fans are angry #jikookau ImageImage
190. His fans are disappointed #jikookau ImageImage
191. You lose some... #jikookau ImageImage
192. You win some 😊 #jikookau Image
193. Deny Deny Deny #jikookau ImageImage
194. Truth #jikookau ImageImage
AN: That’s all for today, tell me your thoughts by quoting or through our CC 💕 I hope you liked it, See you soon
195. *A few weeks later* #jikookau ImageImage
196. Looks like Joons the only one... #jikookau ImageImage
197. Tannie wants to go for a walk #jikookau ImageImageImage
198. Another win #jikookau ImageImageImage
199. Koo is so oblivious #jikookau ImageImage
200. Party Time #jikookau ImageImage
201. Tae and Kook are lightweights #jikookau ImageImage
202. Uh oh #jikookau ImageImage
203. Which one of you traitors invited *** #jikookau ImageImageImage
204. It would be kinda weird to say that out loud huh #jikookau ImageImage
205. Weak #jikookau ImageImageImage
206. So Jin?... Meanwhile, Namjoon is throwing a tantrum #jikookau ImageImage
Poll (you decide): Do you guys want me to write out Jikooks 🔞 shenanigans? If not I’ll skip over it #jikookau
207. You guys voted, I’m giving the people what they want #jikookau ImageImage
208. So it begins 🔞 #nsfwjikook ImageImage
209. 🔞 #jikookau ImageImage
210. 🔞 #nsfwjikook ImageImage
211. 🔞 #jikookau Image
212. Fluff? #jikookau ImageImage
213. Cleaning Crew #jikookau ImageImageImage
AN: This has been a long journey, I know I’ve been writing this story for months haha and it’s time for it to come to an end soon. This isn’t the last update but the end is very near 😊 Tell me what you guys think by quoting or using our CC (link in bio) 💕💕
Thank you all for your patience! It’s been a busy time but I hope to have the ending out for you guys sometime this week! Look forward to it 😊😊
-Denise 💕
214. *One Month Later* #jikookau ImageImageImage
215. Supportive boyfriends #jikookau ImageImage
216. MVP #jikookau ImageImageImage
217. Yeet those tears away Jungkook #jikookau ImageImageImage
218. His #jikookau ImageImage
219. *Four Months later* #jikookau Image
220. True fans #jikookau ImageImageImage
221. Namjoon approves #jikookau ImageImageImage
222. Feels like a dream #jikookau Image
223. Kookie has something to say to Jiminie #jikookau ImageImage
Hooligans forever #jikookau Image
THE END 💕💜💕💜💕 Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story! Tell me what you thought about it💕💕 - Denise
Thank you for reading my AU! We appreciate all the support and love you have given it! If you would like to support this account in another way, you can buy us coffee!

PS don’t feel obligated to do so, it’s completely optional 🥺


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More from @bangtanshewrote

Nov 11, 2019
BEAUTY • #TaeJinAU || Art student Kim Taehyung never expected helping out a friend would land him a modeling career. Overwhelmed by this new fame he finds comfort in his new mentor, Kim Seokjin who is known for being the most handsome man in Korea, & quite possibly the world. Image
Things to Remember:
▫️This is all fiction!
▫️Don’t pay attention to time stamps or follower count.
▫️Quote don’t reply!
▫️Interact with me! It motivates me to keep writing & I love hearing your thoughts!
Potential Warnings for this AU:
⚠️ NSFW Content.
⚠️ Issues with body image.
⚠️ Mentions of eating disorders.
⚠️ Bullying.
❗️These things will all be marked so you are able to skip them if you aren’t comfortable with reading them.
Read 192 tweets
Dec 29, 2018
Jikook NSFW Arranged Marriage AU—- Jimin and Jungkook are the sons of businessmen and when Jungkooks father feels like his son is all work and no play, he arranges a deal with Jimins dad hoping if his son has love in his life he’ll be happier. But before love, there comes lust.
Hey guys it’s Denise, I plan on starting this one soon! Thought I’d gift you with a bit of information before we begin 😘 This one is gonna be pretty different from the last story I wrote but I’m super excited 💜💜💜it’s my first time writing a #jikook au But LETS GET IT
This au revolves around two families, the Jeons and the Parks
Jungkooks brothers are:
Jimins brothers are:
Read 225 tweets
Oct 21, 2018
A few things you should know before beginning: (this is pure fiction)
- Don’t pay attention to time stamps
- Tae, And Yoongi are friends with y/n and live in America
-Namjoon, Jungkook, and Seokjin are friends with Jimin and live in Seoul
-Jhope is Jimins Rival
Social Media Part 1
Social Media Part 2
Read 190 tweets

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