2/ The FJG is a “transition job.” If you unexpectedly become unemployed, you can transition into the FJG with a dignified wage instead of splatting onto the ground at $0/hour – until private industry is ready to hire you back. #MMT founder @wbmosler:
1/ Up until now, Bernie & Warren refused super PACs in the primary. Warren, however, openly stated she'd take it in the general – but not Bernie. Today's she changed her mind. She WILL take it in the primary because all the other candidates are doing it.
Here is economist @SandyDarity’s thread criticizing @AndrewYang’s Freedom Dividend. The original thread was disconnected at multiple points so I’m reproducing it here in whole.
1/ Federal taxation is the destruction of money. This is not an option or a choice, there is no other way for it to be. @StephanieKelton (then Bell) in her 1998 paper, "Can Taxes and Bonds Finance Government Spending?” (levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp244.pdf)
@StephanieKelton 2/ Federal taxation is the destruction of money. This is not an option or a choice, there is no other way for it to be. Eric Tymoigne (@tymoignee) in his 2014 paper, "Interrelations between the Treasury and the Central Bank” (levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp_788.pdf)
@StephanieKelton@tymoignee 3/ As far as *how* federal taxes are destroyed... It’s no different than how the 100 is destroyed (or disappears or dies) when you minus it on a calculator. To the federal government, money is not real (as it is to me and you), it’s a concept.
1/ To me, this is the core of the FJG v UBI debate 👇. (I expect this will change, but these are my thoughts after two absolutely massive debates with UBIers that I've had in the past weeks.)
2/ A major objection UBIers have to the FJG is that in the hands of our corrupt government and their for-profit bribers, the FJG would be outright slave labor. Here is a leading UBI advocate, evoking the Nazi holocaust.
1/ To me, this is the core of the FJG v UBI debate 👇. (I expect this will change, but here are my thoughts after two absolutely massive debates with UBIers that I've had in the past weeks.)
2/ A check will undoubtedly help millions. My concern, a primary concerne of government and SOCIETY, is the collective. UBI will harm the collective, which in turn will harm citizens, starting of course with the most vulnerable.
3/ Most UBI supporters don't understand the fallacy of composition. They're so passionate abt the check being good for THEM, they don't look deeper to see that scaling that program up for the entire economy is extremely detrimental. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_o…
2/ #MMT Economist @ptcherneva: "Henwood is tethered to the wealthy by an imaginary umbilical cord. Time to cut the cord. MMT has a profound emancipatory power. jacobinmag.com/2019/02/mmt-mo…