they said that all you need is kill < movie adaptation aka live die repeat/edge of tomorrow…
i still remember a scene in the original light novel where kiriya keiji tell us about what could have happened in the invading aliens' homeworld; i must reread it again cuz I'm going to retell it to you guys:
[Spoiler alert ahead!]
the invaders are far more intelligent than humans and live in a diverse planet in a certain star in the Cancer constellation. one day, one of them invented an "ecoforming bomb" (terraforming device)—put it to a spacecraft and it will explode upon reaching its destination...
...spreading terraforming nanobots (the Mimics).
Some experts questioned its usage—was it ethical? Why should we destroy native environments without examining them?
The inventor's (and maybe the ruling government's) answer was social darwinist:
"Our civilization is built on irreversible advances. We destroyed our environment to expand our territory: destroy forests, drain swamps, build dams... We can do this here, why we can't do it there in other planets? We're a Volk ohne Raum—people without space—anyway."
So they ignored the protests of the experts, which stressed that terraforming should be under direct supervision. They're finding another planet to become their new lebensraum—
—The new planet shouldn't be far, and must not be around a binary or flare star system, and it should maintain an orbit around a G class star at a distance sufficient for water to exist—they found it: it's Earth.
When the spacecraft arrived on Earth, we tried first contact, but the spacecraft was unmanned—some things happen, and terraforming nanobots we call Mimics appeared and its AI makers decided on a destroy-any-obstacles policy, United Defense Force established, AYNIK begins.
It's pretty bad that the movie Americanized the light novel and converted it into a US Army recruitment propaganda...
...and it spawns more theories that the movie is related to the infamous, #NWOConspiracy-related claim that Werner von Braun prophesized about a future False Flag Alien Invasion conspiracy, like the following article below: