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Jun 23, 2019 668 tweets >60 min read Read on X
taekook au ; shy boy jeongguk often gets picked up from school by his older brother’s friend taehyung, who’s been dubbed the ‘hot college guy’. no one’s actually seen jk and ‘hot college guy’ together until jk texts him that he feels sick before falling asleep in english class.↓ ImageImageImageImage
“Hey sorry to interrupt, I’m just here for Jeongguk. I signed him out.”

multiple pairs of eyes watch him walk over to the boy in the back with his head down and hood up, and taehyung lightly shakes him awake.

“Gguk? Baby? let’s go home, okay?”

☞ 𝙠𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜
- student at SNU
- charming, popular
- best friend: jeon namjoon, older brother of jeon jeongguk
- often travelling for studies or leisure
- people try to get close to him but it rarely ever works
- hard time trusting people
- an enigma to jeongguk ImageImage
☞ 𝙟𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙟𝙤𝙤𝙣

- student at SNU
- known from his intelligence; popular
- just like taehyung, people try to get close but know not to fuck with him
- in love with music
- very protective of jeongguk, but taehyung has his approval
- shares the same humour as taehyung ImageImageImage
☞ 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤

- seokjin, yoongi, and hoseok are also students at SNU and are friends with tae and joon
- jeongguk has no social media as namjoon advised against it, jk doesn’t mind
- jk is 17 turning 18
- tae and joon are 3 years older
- jimin appears later on
- please only quote instead of replying!! ( seen other people say that HA)
- feel free to quote as much as you want I love seeing it 🥺
- anything that may not be suitable for all readers will have a ❗️ or a ‼️
- i hope you like it 🥺💜
- hopefully I didn’t forget anything OUF
0.01 ImageImageImage
0.02 #taekookau ImageImageImageImage
Taehyung quietly opens the apartment door and slips inside. He doesn’t actually live with Namjoon and Jeongguk, but it’s easier to say he does.

He finds both brothers inside the promised pillow fort with a movie on the screen and pizza in their hands.
“Shouldn’t you be studying?”

They both jump at the voice, and Namjoon gets up to pull Taehyung in a half-hug. “Good to have to back Tae.”

“Oh please, you act as if I was gone for 3 months. It was just over 2 weeks.”

“It always feels that way.”
Taehyung looked behind Namjoon to find Jeongguk looking up at him with big eyes.

“Hey Jeonggukie.” Taehyung gave a small smile. “Did you finish your review?”

“Yeah, and I didn’t cram before you ask, it got easier as I went.”
“Damn, you always talk so nicely to me over text, why do you hate me in real life? Makes me sad.” Namjoon rolls his eyes, “stop getting all sappy over him. Jeongguk? Nice? Yeah right.”

“Shut it hyung, I am too nice.”

“Says the one who always stomps on my feet out of boredom.”
Taehyung can’t help but laugh, “yeah, Jeongguk, why do you do that?”

Jeongguk just shrugs, “whenever he starts lecturing me about something I have to find /some/ way to entertain myself.”

Namjoon scoffs, “yeah Tae, and he hates /you/.”

Taehyung makes a face at the two,
“You two can be so weird sometimes I swear.” He walks over to his suitcase and pulls out a bag. “I didn’t get to wrap it or anything, but when have I ever done that anyway.”

Handing the bag to Jeongguk, he takes it with a small smile and sad eyes.
“Hyung... you don’t have to get me something every time you go away, I feel bad.”

“Baby don’t you ever worry about that, it’s the least I can do when your stupid brother won’t ever let me take you with me.”
Taehyung slowly turns his head to look at Namjoon, who’s mirroring the glare he’s also giving him.

It was a joke, but Taehyung is also half serious. Namjoon thinks Jeongguk is too young to travel so far from home, but Taehyung thinks he’s old enough to do what he wants.
He almost gets offended by it, as they’ve argued over it countless times.

Taehyung knows that Namjoon knows he would take a bullet for Jeongguk, but at the same time, he somewhat thinks it would be for the best.
Jeongguk can’t speak fluent English, easily gets lost, and his social skills are... well not the best.

He’s just too shy; introverted. He prefers to be around people he’s familiar with basically all the time.
Jeongguk notices the awkward air and decides to break the silence.

“Well Joonie, lets see what hyung bought me.” And just like that the tension breaks.

Jeongguk pulls out a book, and his eyes light up.

“Taehyung, I love it!”
It was a book about the battle of D-D*y, a battle in which the 75th anniv*rsary has just passed.

Jeongguk had been interested in learning more about it after hearing Taehyung’s experience at the ceremony.
Taehyung always made sure to go to things like this, as he had such a high respect for history, and not just history about Korea.

It fascinates Jeongguk.

The book was in English too, which Jeongguk was excited about.
(Just a quick note: I blocked out d-d*y because it’s true that the 75th anniv*rsary recently just passed, I don’t want my au to interfere as it was a very upsetting ceremony, and sad battle in general)
“I.. this is great hyung, thank you.”

Taehyung just smiled at that.

See, a problem Jeongguk constantly has is having to refrain from embarrassing himself in front of Taehyung.

He knows Taehyung would never make fun of him for anything he’s ever done,
but he can’t help but want to look calm and collected in front of him. And he knows he’s barely passing at that.

So, standing there in the middle of his living room, he forces himself to sit back down in the fort and /not/ hug the living daylights out of Taehyung.
He sees his brother and Taehyung walking off towards the kitchen, talking about their own things, so he decides to flip through his new book.
In the kitchen, Namjoon turns on his heel, “did you see that one reply on your picture on twitter?”

Taehyung looked up at Namjoon confused. “No? Honestly I don’t look at anyone else’s replies other than yours and our friends’, why?”

Namjoon proceeded to take out his phone.
“This one. I swear I’ve seen that girl at Jeongguk’s school a few times when I’ve had to go there for something. Do you know her at all?”

“No, but what I do know is that my likes on that tweet have gone up a fuck load since I last saw it.”

Namjoon smacked Taehyung’s head.
“Ow what the FUCK Joon.” Taehyung glared at Namjoon who just rolled his eyes. “Watch your fucking volume around Jeongguk.”

“He’s not a little kid, Joon.”

“Well do you hear him swearing every other word? No, and I wanna keep it that way, unlike /someone/ I know.”
“Oh and you’re bitchass is any better than me. Please, don’t make me laugh.”

“God I hate you.”

“Feeling is mutual daddy, but anyways, what does it matter if some girl from his school found my twitter? I couldn’t fuckin’ care less. More likes for me.”
“Tae, put the 2 and 2 together. She saw you at Jeongguk’s school. She thinks your hot or whatever and now has your twitter. Sometimes you talk about Jeongguk on your account. Jeongguk’s /biggest fear/ is having attention drawn to him, especially at school. Get it now?”
“You’re overthinking this. I mean, it’s just /one/ person and her friend. They look like freshman. And even if I do talk about Jeongguk on my account I could be talking about any Jeongguk.”

“What if people start bugging him to give them your number or some shit?”
Taehyung sighed. “Really, it’s probably nothing. You know I wouldn’t do anything to upset him, and I don’t think this would be one of those things. If you /really/ want, I’ll block her and the friend, but really, it’s just one girl.”

Except, it wasn’t just one girl. It hasn’t been for a while.

Jeongguk always hears it. Not too much, but definitely too much for him.

“Have you ever seen that one guy that shows up here in an Audi? I heard he’s a student at SNU.”
“I saw the hot college guy today. He was wearing this red satin button up and god, he’s so fucking hot.”

“I really wanna know what the hot college guys name is.”

“The fact that he’s older just makes him so much hotter. Like I know that’s illegal but I don’t even care.”
And then the ones that he can’t believe he’s had to hear:

“I’d literally pay him to fuck me.”

“I want him to send me to Hong Kong.”

“I haven’t seen the hot college guy in awhile and now I’m sexually depressed.”

“I wonder how big the hot college guys di-“
It’s appalling to Jeongguk. The things people his age will say about Taehyung. Not that he’s jealous or anything, but sometimes... he just wishes they’d stop.

It’s so weird to him. He doesn’t know how Taehyung became so popular with the girls and boys at his school.
As much as he loves seeing Taehyung first thing after school, sometimes he wonders if it’s worth it.

But Jeongguk would never tell Taehyung about his impact on his school. Hell no.
Because he knows that if Taehyung knew it made him uncomfortable, he’d not only blame himself, but he’d try to do something about it. And that’s the last thing Jeongguk wants, is for Taehyung to bring attention to him at school.
He doesn’t necessarily enjoy being known as the super quiet boy who doesn’t talk, and he definitely doesn’t love the few times people will pick on him for it, but he’d rather that than have to deal with people he doesn’t even like everyday.
He hasn’t found one person that he thinks wouldn’t judge him for being himself, or wouldn’t use him.

He knows, he’s quite the looker himself.
Some girls have tried to talk to him, but when he wouldn’t reciprocate in the way they wanted him to, the ‘friendship’ they tried to form before their attempt to get in his pants would be completely forgotten, and he’s been forced to get used to that.
All this and Namjoon still thinks he’s this happy innocent little brother of his.

Jeongguk isn’t depressed, but, he feels like his life could be better, and having Taehyung as a prime example of a better life dangling in his face doesn’t help.
It’s not Taehyung’s fault. It’s not Namjoon’s fault either. His brother doesn’t want him living a life with a little risk in it, and he believes that’s his own fault. Because he let himself become so socially anxious that his brother thinks he isn’t ready for the world.

That same morning, but now hours later with the sun high in the sky, Taehyung was driving Jeongguk home from his exam. Not that Jeongguk couldn’t drive himself, he was just too afraid to.

Thanks to Taehyung’s charm and popularity at a school he doesn’t even go to,
Jeongguk always asks Taehyung to drop him off at the back of the school. When they drive in the front to make their way to the back, he makes sure to duck down and pretend he’s looking for something in his backpack,
and if Taehyung noticed how he decides to do that at this exact time everyday, he hasn’t said anything.

However, Taehyung has asked him before why he wants to be picked up at the back, to which he just responds that the back doors are closer to his locker.
There have been days where Taehyung will purposely go to the front, just to see if there was anyone that Jeongguk might not want to run into after school, or anyone Taehyung had to beat.

Jeongguk’s reluctance to come to the front had made Taehyung suspicious at one point,
but there was a day where Jeongguk was sure everyone was already gone so he - very cautiously, came to Taehyung, and as of then he seemed to be clear any of suspicion.
Since no one was staying around waiting for Jeongguk to come out those enterance doors, Taehyung didn’t think he had anything to worry about.

But oh how wrong he is.
0.44 Image
The last of June and half of July passed by way too fast for Jeongguk. He felt like weeks of his life had been completely wasted.

He did spend most of his time with his brother and friends, but one day in particular, July 22nd, had him a little.. shaken up.
The 6 of them decided to get a rental home in Jeju Island for a week, and after only being there for 2 days, he already sort of wanted to go home.
Not because it wasn’t fun, he was having a great time with his hyungs, and the rental home was beautiful; modern 6 bedroom 5 bathroom beach house over looking the water that constantly had a sunset sky.

He just.. he needed some time to think, about /things/.
They had gotten there late on July 21st, and now it being July 23rd, Jeongguk was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling while his hyungs were by the pool probably making dinner.

Yesterday, he heard some things come out of Taehyung’s mouth that he never thought he’d hear.
Taehyung and Hoseok were the last ones to come out to the pool last night, so Namjoon had him go inside the house to see what they were doing.

He heard voices upstairs and followed them until he was outside Taehyung’s bedroom where Hoseok and him were get changed.
At first, he was only waiting until they were done, spacing out to the sound of their conversation, but then he actually started to listen:

“When was the last time you got fucked?”

“Got fucked? Hobi, you know I’m a dom.”

“Debatable. But you know what I meant.”
“Ahh.... I don’t know. Hooked up with this one person when I was in London, but since then no one. What about you.”

“Same, no one in awhile. Not complaining though, sometimes I like not having to worry about someone else.”

Taehyung pulled on a light sweater.
Hoseok gave him a confused look, “you’re not swimming?”

“Nah, probably gonna send some emails on my laptop and finish up that stupid fuckin’ annotated bibliography Mrs. Hyun gave me.”

“Fuckk Tae she’s still pounding you with work? How is that even allowed?”
“She’s more than bitter to say at the least. And she damn well knows I would rather pitch myself off a cliff and die rather than anyone find out I fucked a teacher.”

Hoseok lets out a breathy laugh. “The fact that it isn’t the other way around makes it so much better.”
“Well I’m glad you think it’s fucking funny because now all she does it take her anger out on me by giving me assignments, and if I don’t do them I bet she’ll run to the authorities and make it sound like I harassed her or something.”
“Ha, yeah that’s pretty bad. Doubt she’s do that though, pretty sure you know that too.”

Taehyung stretched his arms out, sweater riding up a little. “Yeah I know, I’m just thinking worst case scenario. I just do the work anyway, it’s never that hard.”
“What did you even do to her?”

“Literally nothing, I just told her I didn’t wanna do it any more.”

Hoseok made a low whistling sound, “I don’t even know why you would in the first place. Why’d you tell her you didn’t want to anymore?”

Taehyung looked to the floor,
“I don’t know... made me feel... dirty.”

Hoseok let out a loud laugh, wheezing. “That’s fucking rich coming from you. Half the shit you say either makes you sound like a fucking sociopath or just a horny-kinky fuck.”
Taehyung smirked, “1 of those things just might be true baby.”

Hoseok made a face, “please never call me the same thing you call Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk’s heart stopped at the mention of his name.
Taehyung scoffed, “oh please. I call Gguk ‘baby’ without a hint of kinkiness in mind.”

Their conversation fell silent for a few minutes, both boys checking their phones, and Jeongguk was frozen in shock from all the information he’d just learned.
❗️[slight nsfw]

But then Taehyung spoke again: “actually Hobi.. can I be honest with you?”

Hoseok side-eyed him, looking interested, “yeah.”

“I.. I walked passed Jeongguk’s room earlier today and, well, I saw him changing.”
Hoseok looked up at that. “Please tell me you didn’t do anything creepy.”

“No- what the fuck, no.. just, I don’t know. He looked fucking good.”

“For fucks sake Tae-“
“No just hear me out, okay? Just, he always wears oversized sweaters that cover his thighs and- fuck. Since when was he just so.. pretty? Really I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about what my d¡ck would look like stuffed down his thro-“
“Holy fucking shit Taehyung we get it you want to fuck Jeongguk like I know you’re horny as fuck 24/7 and have absolutely no filter, seriously no filter at all, but I did NOT need that visual. Fucking hell.”

“God you sound just like Joon.”
Hoseok face shifted in horror. “You say that shit to his own brother?!”

“No you fucking spinach, he’d actually curb-stomp me if I did. I meant that he always says that I wanna fuck Jeongguk.”

Hoseok smirked, “whyy Tae? Do you liiiike Ggukkie?”

“What? No. He’s just.. he’s hot.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, smiling dropping. “K whatever.” He walked over to where he left his sandals and slipped them on.
“Also, why must you be so graphic when you talk about people you crush on? Like give me a fucking break. And- and, Jeongguk, of all people, my god. Could you imagine if he heard you? He’d probably be scarred for life!”

Taehyung gave a light laugh,
“you gotta agree he’s pretty cute.”

Hoseok just sighed, “fine, yeah he’s cute.”

Jeongguk quickly stood up from where he knelt on his knees and bolted for the en suite in his bedroom.

He shut the door, locked it, and slide down against the tub.
Jeongguk ran his fingers through his hair a few times, taking deep breaths, almost panting.

Taehyung thinks he’s hot. And has thought about him sucking his- Jeongguk couldn’t think straight.
Even though he was still in utter shock, he now had a.. well, a /problem/ to deal with. A problem throbbing somewhere it shouldn’t be.

❗️[end of nsfw]

0.70 Image
0.71 ImageImage
0.72 Image
Should Jeongguk send the text? (won’t really affect the plot too much)
0.74 | Jeongguk sends the text
0.74 Image
Namjoon stared at his phone with a puzzled look. Of all people, why would he choose Hoseok?

Not that there was anything wrong with it, just, normally when Jeongguk doesn’t feel well, he gets anxious and requires the company of him or Taehyung.
Namjoon makes his way over to Hoseok, who was peacefully enjoying the atmosphere with a bottle of soju.

“Hey.. I don’t know why, but Jeongguk wants you to go up to his room.”
Hoseok paid no mind to the comment, simply placing his drink on the nearest table and started walking towards the sliding doors of the house.

Before he went inside however, he heard Taehyung speak up.

“Why, Namjoon?”
Namjoon turned to face him; he hadn’t noticed him listening.

Taehyung was leaning against the railing, arms crossed with a bottle of soju in one hand. His face was unintelligible; eyebrows knit together, but, he didn’t seem confused per se, more.. unsettled.
“Uh..” Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck, “I don’t know, Gguk just asked me to send him up.”

Hoseok looked between the two before wordlessly slipping into the house.

Taehyung started to follow but Namjoon pulled him back. “Don’t, we can just ask Hobi when he comes back out.”

In the meantime, Jeongguk was freaking out.

What was he even supposed to say?

“Hey I heard you and Taehyung talking about how he slept with a teacher and how he thought about me sucking his d¡ck and it ended up making me hard”?
To be fair, he’s never even thought about Taehyung in that /way/. It just never occurred to him. He’d be lying if he said he’s never looked at Taehyung and thought he was handsome, because he does that everyday.

But now, he feels like he’s been missing out his entire life.
Jeongguk thinks that yesterday was the hardest he’s ever came in his whole life, and it was from thinking about /Taehyung/ of all people.

He feels as if he’s being dramatic, but the way Taehyung so carelessly said what he said, it makes his d¡ck twitch.
On top of that, Taehyung denied it the first time, but when Hoseok asked him why he gets so graphic when talking about people he’s /crushing on/, that got Jeongguk’s attention.

It’s as if something in Jeongguk’s head just switched.
A switch that’s always been there but never got used to the best of its abilities.

Jeongguk decided to make his d¡ck the switch in this scenario.

He’s acting like a sensitive virgin, but that’s because he is one.
In his defence, he knows what he likes and doesn’t like.

And the fact that Taehyung talking about a completely vanilla bl*wjob made him all hot and bothered, has him slightly panicking.

There were a few taps on Jeongguk’s door before Hoseok walked in. He gave a small smile as Jeongguk sat upright on his bed.

“How can I be of assistance?”

Jeongguk just smiled down at his hands, “Hey hyung.”

Hoseok sat down next to Jeongguk. He could tell he was nervous.
It was silent for a few seconds, Jeongguk having an internal breakdown on what to say, and Hoseok just watched him with a knowing look.

“I know you were listening to me and Tae’s conversation yesterday, if that’s what this is about.”

Jeongguk’s eyes shot up, wide with horror.

Hoseok thought this was probably the cutest thing he’s seen in a long time. He smirked lightheartedly. “Gguk, I saw you basically the second you came upstairs. You’re not very good at being discreet when you’ve got your eyes bulging out your head.”
“H-wh-why didn’t you-“

“Why didn’t I say anything?” Jeongguk nodded his head. Hoseok took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling as he spoke.

“Ah, I don’t know, honestly, I kinda wanted you to see the real side of Tae for a few minutes since the opportunity was there.”
Jeongguk tilted his head in confusion. “Real side?”

“Yeah, real side. Namjoon kinda forces him into having a filter on when he’s around you. That’s why you never really hear him swear or talk about stuff like.. that. He wants the same for all of us around you,
but mainly Tae, and let me tell you, Taehyung fucking hates it. Makes him feel like he’s treating you like a baby, which, is clear now that thats /not/ how he views you at all.”

Jeongguk mood shifted from nervous to angry. Namjoon has been making everyone conceal themselves
to the point where they can’t even
/swear/ around him? He can’t help but think his brother genuinely thinks he’s a 10 year old.

“Jeongguk, I can basically hear you think. Yeah it may seem a little degrading, but just know he does it out of love.” Jeongguk doesn’t respond.
“I will admit that because of this though, you’ve probably only seen a good.. ah.. 50 something percent of Taehyung’s true personality.”

Hoseok waited for Jeongguk to say something, but he only stared blankly at the floor. He took this as a notion to speak again.
“Look, Gguk, Joon would literally take a bullet for you in a heartbeat, you know that. So I’m not gonna let you sit here and throw a fit about this right now because that’s not important. Besides, you-“
“It’s important to me hyung. Because of how he’s constantly babying me I feel like now I don’t even know you guys at all.” Jeongguk let out a huff. “Y’know, I’m an adult too. Maybe not in the eyes of the law yet. But I’ve be hit on before. I swear in my head more often than not,
and I’m definitely not some innocent little virgin who’s never gotten off at the thought of getting dicked down by someone. And there was this one time when-“

“Wait wait wait Jeongguk, slow down for a sec.” Hoseok turned his whole body to completely face the younger.
Jeongguk just watched him with big, bunny-like eyes.

“Do you realize what you just said?”

“That I’m an adult and Joonie shouldn’t make you guys treat me like a baby?”

“No, Gguk. I didn’t know you were gay.”

Jeongguk realized it now. He did technically just come out to Hoseok.
“Does Namjoon know?”

“I don’t think so... Taehyung knows, though.”

“He does?”

“Yeah.. he- I-“

Hoseok put a hand on his shoulder, “you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want.”

“No, it’s okay. It was nothing special really,
just one night we were watching this show, and I actually think Joon hyung was at your dorm because you guys were studying or something, anyways it doesn’t matter. But, in the show, there was this gay couple and.. I don’t know, I just started to get upset.
Tae asked me why I was crying and l... I just cracked. I told him, and he just sat there and held me close while I let everything out. I don’t even know what made me so upset.”

Hoseok was silent for a second, before quietly speaking: “maybe... because you were alone
with Taehyung.. and subconsciously wanted something like that with him?”

Jeongguk paused. “What? No hyung, I-“

“I said subconsciously, Jeongguk. It’s not that hard to see how much you admire Taehyung.” Hoseok stretched his arms. “I don’t know, Gguk, maybe Tae and Joon
are oblivious to it since they’re around you way more than the rest of us, but you’re like an open book of emotions when it comes to him. It’s quite cute actually.”

“Okay, maybe, but that doesn’t mean I /like/ him.”

Hoseok laughed, “okay now you sound like a little kid.”
“Shut up, hyung.”

“Look, all I’m saying is that, you guys got one hell of a weird relationship. Like, it’s easy to see how much you guys admire each other, but other times I feel like you guys are eye-fucking and you don’t even know it. Well, more so you than him but, still.”
Jeongguk scoffed. “Please. Like when?”

“Like that one time like not even 2 weeks ago when that guy let us go on the roof of that one really nice restaurant and Taehyung was taking pictures of you?”

“I remember the day but I still don’t see how him taking pictures of me
means we were eye-fucking.”

Hoseok rolled his eyes “no you dumb fuck, I was talking about that day but I meant afterwards when the sun was down and he couldn’t take picture anymore because it was too dark. You guys were just sitting on the ledge staring at each
other for like 20 fucking minutes not even saying anything, and let me tell you shit was fucking weird but sexual as hell.”

The younger stared at Hoseok in shock, then held himself in his arms. “Okay hyung, I get it. You didn’t need to be so harsh.”
Hoseok has to think for a second, but then he understood.

“No- Gguk- see, this is was I mean by how we filter and stuff. That’s just how we talk. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Hoseok wrapped an arm around Jeongguk and pulled him into his side.
“Honestly, now that I think about it, yesterday’s conversation gives Tae a bad rep. I don’t want you to think he was just sexualizing you or anything, because that’s genuinely just how he talks. That’s actually not even the first time he’s said something like that about you,
but yesterday was more... pervy than usual, so it caught me off guard; hearing him talk about you like that, and that’s not even close to some of the wild shit he’s said.”

Hoseok snorts, “honestly if you’ve ever heard half the shit he says you’d think he’s on drugs 25/8,
I swear to god he’s fucking insane.”

Hoseok was full on cackling now.
“You know s..sometimes, oh my god I can’t breathe, oh my god. Okay. Sometimes, I like to believe that he gets some of the shit he says from his foreign friends, but he-he really is just a whole ass crackhead.”
Hoseok eventually contained his laughter, and once he did, he glanced over at Jeongguk who was quiet, looking down at his hands with a frown on his face.

Maybe he’d said too much.

“Gguk... I hope I didn’t just ruin your view of Tae, I’m sor-“

“No no it’s not that, I just..”
Jeongguk started to laugh quietly, but there were tears rolling down his face. “I guess it just- it hurts to know that he felt so close to me, but now he feels like he’s a million miles away. Like I don’t even know who he is anymore.”
He wiped his eyes profusely, feeling a little embarrassed. Hoseok must think he's being super dramatic right now. "I-I mean, Taehyung has always been a mystery to me, I-I can never understand how he's so... so intelligent,
and funny, and charming. Everyone likes him. He always seems like he knows exactly what to do at all times. I-It's like he's never had an awkward moment in his life. Sometimes when he's talking, I just can't help but stare in utter awe.
B-but now... now I feel like I'm talking about someone I just met." His voice got weaker with every word, and Hoseok felt like he was watching Jeongguk's whole world fall apart. Taehyung was all that he knew, or thought he did at least,
and it broke Hoseok's heart knowing he'd just destroyed that.

He rubbed the younger's back softly as he continued. "I just- I feel- I don't even know. He's so far away and I-I know that probably doesn't make sense and I probably look so stupid right now but I can't help it."
Hoseok sighed. "You don't look stupid at all. Trust me, you don't. I understand that you must feel lost right now and I'm sorry I told you all of this. It wasn't my place."

Jeongguk lazily waved his hand. "No, hyung, really, don't apologize. I'm actually really glad you told me,
I'd rather know than be in the dark."

Hoseok smiled reassuringly, "well, if it makes you feel any better, at least you've never had to hear Taehyung call your brother 'daddy', but honestly I don't think he'd even do that in front of you anyway."
The younger made a face of anger, confusion, and disgust. "He fucking WHAT?"

Hoseok's laughter echoed throughout the room.

"Hyung what the fuck do you mean he's called my brother daddy."

The other threw his hands up in defence, "hey bucko, don't go all
jealous on me now. Remember I told you, that's just how he talks. He does it as a joke; not a very /funny/ joke, but a joke nonetheless. Never actually means it with serious intentions."

"Ew, okay stop. I've heard enough."
Hoseok sat back against the wall, looking at the younger. "So, you're really not a virgin?"


"Oh my god Gguk, that was such a virgin screech."

Jeongguk crossed his arms. "Was not."

"Then why are you pouting?"

"'m not pouting."
"Are too."

"Am not."
“........Are too-“

“Am not.”
1.25 | Having been preoccupied going back and forth with Jeongguk, Hoseok didn’t notice the notifications coming up on his phone. Image
"Hm, looks like your prince charming isn't happy."

Jeongguk frowns, "Are you talking about Taehyung? Why what'd he say?"

As if on cue, Taehyung yanks the door open with a sour expression. "Hobi what are you- baby... why are your eyes so red?"
Upon seeing Taehyung, Jeongguk feels sick with sadness all over again.

Taehyung's face switches into deep concern as he walks over to kneel down in front of Jeongguk, putting his hands on his cheeks.

Hoseok takes this as his chance to leave the two alone.
"Baby what's the matter? Why are you upset? Are you feeling anxious? What did he say to you?"

Jeongguk, who now felt overwhelmed with questions, felt tears prick his eyes once again and he let out a choked sob.
He tried to cover his face with his hands but Taehyung wouldn't let him, instead pulling him into a tight hug.

"Bun... seeing you so upset breaks my heart. Why didn't you come and get me?"
Jeongguk choked on all of his words. He couldn't understand why he was now struck with unbearable sadness. He felt as if he couldn't breathe. "I-I'm.. s-sorr-y."

"Baby you've got nothing to apologize for. Just breathe, in and out. I've got you in my arms."
Taehyung was astonished. He was holding Jeongguk as close as he possibly could and running his fingers through the boy's hair, but he still felt like he wasn't doing enough.

He quickly leaned back to plant a firm kiss on Jeongguk's forehead.
At this Jeongguk looked up, gaze meeting Taehyung's, and Taehyung felt his heart drop.

He's seen Jeongguk cry before, over a bad grade or an anxiety attack, but this... this was /different/.
Jeongguk looked absolutely /devastated/. Eyes wide and filled to the brim with tears, but behind that was a dazed look that showed just how tired the boy really was.
"T-Tae, p-please," Jeongguk couldn't stop his throat closing more and more when he tried to speak.

"Please what baby, what do you want."

Jeongguk swallowed, trying again. "Stay w-with m-me."

Jeongguk was mentally kicking himself. He sounded pathetic.
But Taehyung didn't need any more of an explanation, he knew exactly what to do.

Due to the game they always play during vacations; the one that determines who gets what room, Jeongguk was left with a single bed.
Taehyung slowly scooped Jeongguk up off the bed, putting one hand on his back, the other under his ass, and Jeongguk mindlessly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck. He could fall asleep right then and there.
They made their way to Taehyung's room, which had the best bed in the house (Taehyung really scored on this one), and Taehyung shut the door with his back.

He placed Jeongguk on the bed, kicked off his shoes, and lifted up the covers for them to slide under.
He pulled Jeongguk close up against his front, nuzzling his chin on top of the other's head.

He played with the boy's hair until he could hear a faint shift in his breathing and was sure he was fast asleep.
He knew this was the best option for Jeongguk right now. Even though he was dying to know what the hell had happened and why the younger was so brutally upset, he knew Jeongguk would've gotten sick from all the build-up of nerves.
Feeling sleep take over his own body, Taehyung snuggled into Jeongguk more, squeezing him for a second before softly whispering:

“Goodnight baby.”

The next morning was a little bit... awkward.

Very awkward.

Taehyung woke up to find the other side of the bed lacking a certain someone.
He made his way downstairs to the open concept kitchen & living room - not everyone was awake yet, only Namjoon, Seokjin, and Jeongguk.

No one was talking, the oldest silently making breakfast whilst Namjoon helped, and Jeongguk, well... he was just staring at the floor in front of him. Most likely in deep thought.
Taehyung could immediately sense the uneasy air, and he assumed the cause was from the overpowering aura that was radiating off Jeongguk.

He decided it best to try and break the silence.
“Morning guys.”

Namjoon and Seokjin looked up, giving weak smiles before channeling their attention back towards the food.

Taehyung turned to see Jeongguk’s reaction, but he was already up and out of his seat making a beeline to the bathroom.

He walked over to the two making breakfast, who now seemed just as stiff as he did. "So... has he said anything to you guys?"

Namjoon turned to him, wiping his hands on a napkin. He seemed content, but you could tell he was bothered by Jeongguk's odd behaviour.
"Um... no, but last night when you went up and Hoseok came down, he said that Jeongguk was just wondering about what's it's like being a university student; that he was curious what campus life was like."
Taehyung scoffed, "yeah okay, what an /exquisite/ excuse. I should tattoo that on my d¡ck so I can fuck the truth into compulsive liars."

Seokjin grimaces. "What that f-"

Namjoon cut him off, "wait, so you don't believe him?"
Taehyung laughs in disbelief, "and you do? Joon, that is the dumbest lie I've ever heard in my life. If that was the case, why wouldn't he just ask one of us?"
The other just simply shrugs. "I don't know. I thought maybe Jeongguk went to him since he lives on campus. Plus, I don't really have any other reason /not/ to believe him."
Taehyung slammed his hands on the kitchen island, leaning towards Namjoon with anger coursing through his body. "Oh, you want a reason? I'll give you a fucking reason. Maybe the fact that he had a full-blown pa-"

A voice from behind Namjoon swiftly cut him off.
"Woah there Taehyung, what's got you bitching and moaning so early in the day? Don't you usually save that shit for when the lights are low and you're all hot 'n bothered?"
Looking behind Namjoon and Seokjin, Taehyung sees Hoseok leaning against the doorway with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

This only irritated him more - seeing Hoseok look so pleased with himself.
If Hoseok had just told the truth, this wouldn't have been a big deal and Taehyung would've been busy checking up on Jeongguk, but if there's one thing that Taehyung cannot stand, it's people fucking with his patience.

And his patience was wearing thin.
He doesn't care if you're his friend. If the matter involves Jeongguk, he trusts no one but himself. Jeongguk is the most precious thing that exists to Taehyung and he knows he would literally k¡ll for him.
Hoseok should know, too: if there's one way to piss Taehyung off, look proud about doing something that made Jeongguk cry.

Now completely enraged, Taehyung stormed towards Hoseok, who quickly started walking backwards.

"Come and catch me~." Hoseok purred.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, groaning. "I should be more concerned, but honestly those two are a fucking nightmare to deal with sometimes."

Seokjin nodded, "agreed."
Taehyung hadn't noticed it, but Hoseok purposely lured him out of the kitchen, and more importantly, /away from Namjoon/.

When they reached Hoseok's room, he abruptly grabbed Taehyung's wrist. "What the fuck are you-"
Suddenly Hoseok yanked him further into the room and away from the door so he could turn around and shut it. When he turned back around, however, Taehyung was standing only a few centimetres away, his face sporting an extremely livid expression.

"Listen to me Hoseok, you're digging yourself a very fucking deep grave and I'll be the one to bury you in it if you keep fucking around. You know he means the goddamn world to me,
so cut, the, shit. Unless you want to go and get yourself punched I'd suggest you stop being an asshole and tell me what's going on before I /really/ lose my patience."

Hoseok's eyes were wide with shock, but he soon broke out into a huge smile.
"Damn Tae! I haven't seen you this mad in months. You see how evil he is to me, Jeongguk? He just threatened to k¡ll me! I bet that's like- like how mafia people talk! He's crazy!"
Taehyung remained confused for a few seconds until realization hit and he whipped around to see the doe-eyed boy frozen in place on the bed, utter disbelief written all over his face.
“Oh my god, baby, I’m so sorry you had to hear that.” He walked over to kneel down in front of Jeongguk; something he does a lot, and puts his hands on the other’s thighs.

“...You have some serious anger issues, Tae.”
Hoseok waved the comment off. “Nah, he just gets mad too easily. I pushed all your buttons, didn’t I Taehyung?”

From where he was in front of Jeongguk, Taehyung shot a glare at Hoseok. He stood up to sit on the bed.
“So you wanna explain to me why you lead me here and had me shout threats at you in front of Jeongguk? I’m just curious as to how you thought that was a good idea.” Taehyung crosses his arms, leaning against the wall with an annoyed expression.
Not only does he want to k¡ll Hoseok, but now he needs to worry about what Jeongguk’s thinking.

Hoseok started pacing, “well, if you weren’t so busy going psycho on me, we could’ve avoided that. But this morning has already felt like 86 years so I’ll cut right to the chase.”
He stopped in his tracks, planting his feet firmly. “I told Jeongguk how Namjoon makes us all watch what we say around him. I also told him about how he’s really only seen a small bit of your true, /crazy/ personality. So if anything I did you a favour. You’re welcome.”
Taehyung looked surprised, but also filled with worry. “Why would you do that? Joon is gonna beat you’re-you-”

“You can swear Tae.” He looked over to Jeongguk, who was sitting with his hands crossed in his lap. Now he just felt guilty.
“Why were you so upset yesterday? I’m sorry if I did anything to hurt you. You know I’d never purposely make you cry.”
Jeongguk smiled faintly. “You didn’t do anything to me, hyung, don’t worry. I guess I was just upset because... because I feel like- like I don’t even know who you are anymore. Joonie hyung should’ve never interfered. I’m so mad at him.”
Hoseok sat down on the bed, glancing at Jeongguk, then to Taehyung, “but, we both agreed that it’d be better if Joon didn’t find out anytime soon. Like you said Tae, he’d beat our /asses/,” Taehyung cringed at the use of swear words in front of Jeongguk. He wasn’t used to it.
“with that being said, all Jeongguk wants is for you to be yourself around him. I don’t know why anyone would /want/ that, but he does. So no more babying. If Namjoon asks just say you talked to us and that the excuse I gave was true.”
His face faltered a little bit more, but he nodded along anyways. “Hobi, I’m sorry for going off on you like that. I’m promise I’ll try to control myself better.” Hobi grinned, patting his back a little roughly. “Don’t sweat it. That’s how I expected you to react anyway.”
Taehyung was so grateful for Hoseok. He was seriously the chillest person he knew.

But, Taehyung still had one more question.
“Wait, I’m not saying you guys are lying or anything, but, it still doesn’t make sense why Jeongguk called you up to his room in the first place.”

Immediately after hearing those words, Jeongguk’s went completely red, blushing profusely.
Hoseok snorted, trying to contain his laughter. “Yeah, Jeongguk, why don’t you tell him the reason you wanted to talk to me in the first place?”

“Shut up hyung.”

Taehyung’s eyebrow arched upwards, curious as to what they were talking about.

Hoseok snickered, “go on, tell him.”
Jeongguk tore his eyes away from the ground, taking in a deep breath. He was just gonna say it.

“I heard you say you thought I was, um, hot, and how you pictured m-me... sucking... your d-d¡ck.” Nailed it.
Taehyung froze. He cannot believe what he just heard.

“H-holy fuck.”
(Quick note: 88% voted yes when asked if I should make a curious cat account, so I did! Please leave any questions or comments you have, and pLEASE don’t bully me 🥺)
1.80 ImageImageImage
Days passed since the incident in Hoseok's bedroom. It was now the 27th of July, and also the day that Jeongguk has officially decided that he's had /enough/.
It was almost like he'd jinxed Taehyung when he said he's never had an awkward moment in his entire life, because now it felt like the only thing Taehyung knew how to do was to /be/ awkward.

Specifically around Jeongguk.
It was almost like he didn't know how to act: any attempt Jeongguk made at conversation, Taehyung would give one-word answers, laugh oddly, and trip over his words.

He had /no idea/ what he was doing, which, was new for Taehyung.
All that Jeongguk wanted was for him to act like his usual self, with the condition that Namjoon wasn't around. This was a small amount of time too, yet Taehyung couldn't even handle that.

And unbeknownst to Jeongguk, that was precisely the problem. He couldn't handle it.
Taehyung just kept avoiding him, and he would visibly stiffen at the feeling of Jeongguk's presence.

It drove Jeongguk /insane/, to the point where he would overthink and start to wonder if maybe it was something he did, but he knew that wasn't it.
Jeongguk couldn't help but obsess over the situation. He's never wanted anything more than this new, tough, (and kinda hot) side of Taehyung's personality to burst through his veins and take over this skittish, wide-eyed, awkward one.
In Taehyung's defence, he isn't used to being himself around Jeongguk. After years of holding back sensual comments, swear words, nasty threats, crackhead humour, dark humour, kink interests, weird facts, memes from twitter, disturbing stories, scary experiences,
drunk memories, high memories, and a thousand other things:

he feels like he's breaking a fundamental law.

Not that he's never broken the law before, but that's just another thing Jeongguk doesn't even know about.
If Taehyung were being honest, however; he's kind of glad that he knows Jeongguk still likes him after he cussed out Hoseok, which was the most hostile Jeongguk's ever seen him.

But what he doesn't know that the more Jeongguk thought about it, the sexier it was.
So during movie-night, a comfortable and enjoyable event in celebration of another trip down in the books, Jeongguk gathered the courage to try and do something about it.
He planned it out entirely.

Knowing that Taehyung was a night owl, he knew that the rest of his hyungs would either fall asleep during the movie or get tired and go up to their rooms. All he had to do was stay awake as it was already going on 1am.
Then, he could take advantage of it being normal to tell his hyungs that he wanted to sit specifically next to Taehyung.

So, anytime one of them sat next to him on the couch, he'd give them his best puppy eyes and say:

"Hyungie, is it okay if I sit next to Tae tonight?"
Not a single one of them said no to that sweet little face.

Finally, when Taehyung realized that the only space left was next to Jeongguk, he reluctantly sat down.

Much to Jeongguk's dismay.
But, all he had to do was wait.

One by one, his hyungs were falling asleep, nodding off until they were basically as alive as a rock.
On top of that, Namjoon grabbed his phone and his drink, saying he didn't want to strain his neck falling asleep in an awkward position on the couch, and so he chose to go up to his room.

This made things 1000 times easier.
Jeongguk rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Nothing out of the ordinary. He wasn't exactly sure /what/ he was going to do, only that he planned to land a spot next to Taehyung, which would be a piece of cake.
But his annoyance had been pent up; simmering, and he was instantly reminded about the constant struggle he's had throughout the past couple of days. He couldn't enjoy himself, because he had to try doing so without Taehyung.
Jeongguk wouldn't say he was /angry/ with Taehyung because he wasn't.

He hasn't ever been angry with Taehyung.

Not yet.

He was just sick of being treated like a parasite; like he was something worth avoiding.
Taehyung had his eyes glued to the screen. He wasn't really a movie person, so Jeongguk knew it wasn't because he was actually interested in the movie;

it was because he was focusing on /not/ focusing on Jeongguk.
Snores from the others quietly filled the room along with the hushed sound of the tv volume.

Jeongguk would open his mouth, then close it. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say.
Jeongguk thought that maybe he should just forget it.

He tended to freak himself out over little things that shouldn't even be considered a big deal.
As he sat there contemplating his options; losing confidence as he did, Taehyung took his eyes off the tv for the first time in at least a half an hour. He noticed that everyone else seemed to be asleep and that maybe it'd be a good idea to head up to his room.
That is, until he realized that the weight of Jeongguk's head on his shoulder had gone; the one thing he was trying so hard to ignore. Peering over to his side, Taehyung watched as multiple emotions muddled Jeongguk's face.
It was easy to see he was clearly deep in thought, even though Taehyung only had the tv brightness to make out the features of Jeongguk's furrowed eyebrows, downwards gaze, and slanted pout.

Jeongguk perked up at the voice but hadn't moved his eyes to meet Taehyung's.
That's another thing that bothered Jeongguk: that he's been demoted from the primary pet name of 'baby' back to the short, boring abbreviation of his real name. Every one of his hyungs called him that. He wanted Taehyung's name to be different.
"Yes, Taehyung?" Jeongguk responded with an underwhelming tone in his voice. He couldn't be bothered to try and hide it, as was already too obvious that he was upset about something, and Taehyung could read him all too well.
Taehyung held his breath for a moment, shifting uncomfortably. This was definitely not an atmosphere he was used to having with Jeongguk. In fact, he thinks this is the first time they've both evidently felt awkward around each other.
They were both being overly dramatic without even realizing it.

"What are you thinking about that's making your face look so squishable?"

Jeongguk's held it in for days. The words he wanted to scream right now.

So he was still subjected to being babied be Taehyung.
He couldn't raise his voice, due to the others peacefully sleeping around them, so he decided to viciously whisper.
"The /reason/ my face looks so 'squishable' - your words, not mine, is because you've been treating me like shit this past couple of days because you're so focused on trying to avoid me. You've continuously brushed me off and you don't even realize how /cold/ you're being."
Jeongguk let out a deep breath of air he didn't even know he was holding in.

Taehyung could only stare at him, completely taken aback. Jeongguk was right. He was so focused on trying to boycott the younger that he'd been mindlessly neglecting him for almost half the trip.
When Jeongguk was confronted with only a long period of silence, he exhaled with a hint of a growl and abruptly stood from the couch.

"Forget it hyung, it's not even a big deal anyway."
Jeongguk trudged towards the hallway which leads to the stairs up to his room, subconsciously taking his time doing so as he expected Taehyung to reach out and stop him, but it happened.
Taehyung didn't make any movements or sounds, only sitting there slackjawed in disbelief, to the point where he could almost be mistaken for deeply offended.
That wasn't the case, however, but Jeongguk didn't know that.

That Taehyung was just absolutely stunned, and was incapable of thinking of words that could possibly make the situation better.
Once Jeongguk had accepted that Taehyung wasn't going to stop him from leaving, he stormed out of the living room, and up to his room where he locked his door and flopped down onto the bed.

Taehyung just /didn't/ care, he thought.
But Taehyung did care.

He cared /so/ much. That's why he didn't let himself become a stuttering mess in front of Jeongguk. He just needed a few minutes to think.
While Jeongguk was on the upper level of the house - face buried in his pillow as he stopped the angry tears from falling from his eyes, Taehyung was on the lower level, standing from the couch, confident that he knew what he needed to say.
With quiet steps, Taehyung padded up the stairs, stopping in front of Jeongguk's bedroom door. He knocked softly, only to notify that he was coming in, but when Taehyung turned the doorknob, he realized that Jeongguk had locked it.
He must be really upset, he thought.

And once again, Taehyung was at fault.

He gently knocked again, hoping that maybe Jeongguk would at least give an annoyed 'what' or 'go away'; anything to signify that he was listening.

But there was nothing.
Taehyung almost chose to just leave the younger alone, but he knew Jeongguk didn't do well alone.

And he knew his heart was hurting for a reason.
He simply tried again. "Baby? Will you please open the door? I just want to talk to you."

No response.

Taehyung wasn't a patient person. That much was already established.

"Jeongguk. Open the door."
On the other side, Jeongguk was trying his hardest not to cry.

He was trying to put his foot down for once and not give in. He didn't want to be a crybaby, and he also wanted to ignore Taehyung as a favour for himself.

But Jeongguk was aware: that isn't what he actually wanted.
He wanted to let Taehyung in, hug him and tell him he's sorry for getting angry, and hope to god Taehyung doesn't continue to avoid him, now more than ever, considering he basically just threw a tantrum.
He acted like a child. After Jeongguk didn't get what he wanted, he stormed away like a kid when being told no by their parent. And he /mocked/ Taehyung for saying something that hinted he was child-like.
Jeongguk felt pathetic and was quick to reverse the vexation onto himself. He takes a step forward, then another, until he's standing in front of the door twisting the lock. He figured he owes Taehyung this much for being such a burden.
Upon hearing the click of the lock, Taehyung flings the door open, much to Jeongguk's disadvantage as he barely had time to move out of the way. Seconds later, Taehyung was pushing his hands onto Jeongguk's chest with a force that makes him stumble backwards.
The force previously induced on the door had it swinging back almost to a complete shut; not fully clicking in place, but still giving them the privacy they needed for the time being.
Jeongguk was taken aback as he was pushed down on the bed. He couldn't decipher whether or not Taehyung was genuinely enraged or if he was honestly just this aggressive when he wanted to talk.

"H-hyung, w-what-"
Taehyung chambers down onto Jeongguk's lap, gripping his shirt while pushing him further onto the bed, and Jeongguk had to stop himself from making an embarrassingly submissive sound.
"T-Taehyung-" he chokes, the name getting caught in his throat.

"Baby I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen very carefully: if something I've ever done, am doing, or am ever going to do is bothering you, you need to tell me the second it starts to bug you, okay?"
Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, delicately shaking Jeongguk back and forth in tiny motions by the grip on his shirt as if he was trying to express the emphasis on his words without seeming vicious or abusive.
Jeongguk notices the gesture and couldn't help but feel something in his heart flutter.
Taehyung's voice remained stern as he spoke, "I never, /ever/ want to hear coming out of your mouth that I was doing something that hurt your feelings. Even if it was just for a millisecond,--
you tell me, and I'll correct myself, alright? It fucking tears me apart that I'm the reason you've been feeling this way." Taehyung's eyes were fierce, acting as a physical representation of distress.
Jeongguk was rendered speechless, slightly overwhelmed by his words and actions. Taehyung soon becomes aware of his fists balling up the fabric of Jeongguk's shirt, and slowly loosens his grip.
He sighs, gently smoothing out the bunched up material of the younger's shirt with his palms, then moves his arms to rest lazily on Jeongguk's shoulders.

Taehyung brings one hand up to massagingly glide the other's hair, something he knows that Jeongguk loves.
"You know you are the most important person in my life, right?" Taehyung asks, lightly placing his head against Jeongguk chest, breathing in his scent.

Jeongguk feels a blush creeping up to his cheeks. "Y-yes, I know."
"So you know that I want you to take my words very seriously, alright? I mean it, don't ever let something like that go for so long," Taehyung brought his head up to look Jeongguk in the eyes.
"I was only acting so... awkward, I guess, because I'm just not used to this newfound freedom of speech around you. I'll work on it more. I'm sorry."

Jeongguk shook his head, "don't apologize hyung, I was just being stupid, I-"
"Don't talk about yourself like that. You're /never/ stupid. It makes me mad that you're so hard on yourself; give yourself a break. Your emotions are important, even more so to me. You're my first priority, okay? Not Namjoon, Yoongi, Seokjin, Hoseok, no one. Just you."
Taehyung pushed Jeongguk's hair out of his face, taking in Jeongguk's facial features.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?"

Jeongguk couldn't help but blush, a noiseless giggle playing off his lips. "Hyung... stop."
Taehyung only shook his head, changing the position of his hands to loosely hang behind Jeongguk's neck. "It's real baby, you're so elegant; you truly capture the essence of pulchritude." Taehyung mindlessly swipes his thumbs over Jeongguk's cheekbones as he continues,
"the way you are is just so captivating. I've been to some gorgeous places in my life, but baby nothing, and I mean /nothing/ is prettier than you. You're so, so pretty."
"Taehyung- p-please... I'm gonna cry..." Jeongguk laughed, but there was a heaviness to his voice. He couldn't understand what the hell he's done in his life to deserve someone so incredible like Taehyung.
Taehyung linked his hands together behind Jeongguk's neck and leaned in to place a soft kiss on Jeongguk's nose.

However, the second his lips touched Jeongguk, the door swung open.
"Hey Gguk can I borrow your charg- WHAT THE ACTUAL DIDDLY DARN ARE YOU DOING?!" Seokjin screeched, dropping his phone in horror.
Both boys jumped in surprise, Taehyung's ass lifting off of Jeongguk's lap, only to land back on it with a bounce that had a feeling going straight to Jeongguk's d¡ck. He accidentally let out a cramped moan but it went unnoticed as Seokjin started shouting again.

Taehyung shot him a pinched expression, eyebrows creasing in confusion as to why Seokjin was freaking out. The last time he checked, Seokjin was knocked out on the couch. "What the fuck are you-"
Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence before he was being yanked off of Jeongguk and face to face with a thunderstruck Seokjin.

"Y-you are a rat with wings! /Wings/ I tell you! Jeongguk is a minor! M-I-N-O-R, minor!" Seokjin bristled, "NO. PENETRATING. MINORS!"
"Seokjin what are you fucking talking about?!" Though he was questioning him, Taehyung made the connection that from the outside looking in, it probably appeared as if they were about to fuck.
They continued arguing, Seokjin blabbering and shouting while Taehyung kept yelling at him to lower his voice. Jeongguk just sat back and enjoyed the show.
It really /was/ like one of those comedic movie scenes: Seokjin slapped Taehyung across the face, but his head snapped back into place almost immediately. They stared at each other for a moment, eyes bulging out of their heads before Seokjin shouted: "I'm telling Namjoon!"
Taehyung tackled him to the ground, trying to cover Seokjin's mouth while he tried screaming for Jeongguk's brother; as if the entire house wasn't already awake and probably making their way to where Seokjin's hooting and hollering came from.
Seokjin bit Taehyung's hand which he pulled back instantly in pain and Seokjin took this as his chance to scream his heart out: "TAEHYUNG'S TRYING TO BOOF A MINOR! I thought we taught you better than this! No! boofing! mi-"
"Did you eat a fucking bath salt salad or something?! Shut the fuck up!"

The rest of the group barged into the room, Namjoon looking at the scene in front of him with an alarmed, perplexed expression. He'd clearly been woken up because of this.
"What's going on in here?!"

"Breakfast!" Hoseok shouts.

"What? You mean like the meme?" Yoongi questions.

"No I mean like the fucking book, yes the meme you gargantuan fuck."

Namjoon turned around to whack Hoseok upside the head. "Will you shut up for a second-"


"Knew it."

"I'm too tired for this shit."
Taehyung stuck two fingers in Seokjin's mouth to get him to be quiet. He knew he was almost to get bit in approximately 5 seconds, but at least he'd have time to clarify.
"Joon, Seokjin's high or something, I wasn't trying to fuck Jeongguk! I- would you knock it off! Stop fucking biting me!" He ripped his fingers away from Seokjin's mouth, only to end up grazing them against his teeth.
"What is this profanity I hear of?!" Seokjin asked, voice high and unnecessarily dramatic. He threw a hand over his forehead, taking the form of a 'woe is me' type of look. "I could faint!"
Seeing as there was no harm actually being inflicted and that Jeongguk was having the time of his life laughing at his hyungs, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi all left, sighing in utter disappointment that they were friends with such weird people.
The 3 of them collectively decided to make snacks and go for a movie-night round 2, ushering Jeongguk to follow them, which he quickly obliged while giggling at the thought of just leaving the other two in his room.
The yelling went on for about another 5 minutes until Taehyung came sauntering down the stairs with a dazed-looking Seokjin behind him.

He plopped down next to Jeongguk who immediately cuddled into his side, getting comfortable.
"You done gay-wrestling with Jin hyung?"

"Gay- gay what?"

Jeongguk giggled into his neck, "I'm only kidding, hyung."
The others in the room noticed the familiar closeness between Jeongguk and Taehyung that had been lacking for the past few days; all of them finding comfort in the fact that the two were back to normal.
They all sat in the same places from when the night initially started, but this time with a much more comfortable atmosphere in lieu of the tense, irritated one from before.
By the end of the movie, Jeongguk had fallen asleep slumped against Taehyung's side. He picked the younger up, cradling him until they were in his bedroom with his king-sized bed.
Taehyung gently lowered him onto the plush sheets, pulling them up to Jeongguk's neck, then got in bed beside him, bringing him into his arms.
Right then and there, Taehyung's never felt more at home than he has anywhere else in his entire life, and it was truly one of the most beautiful moments that he'll never forget.

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Taehyung threw his phone down on the bed with an annoyed growl, pushing himself up. As he opened his bedroom door, Jeongguk happened to be walking by; he looked up in surprise at the sudden movement but noticed that Taehyung never changed out of his clothes.
"Hyung? I thought you said you were going to bed."

"I was baby, but uh, Namjoon and I - we gotta go somewhere real quick. It won't be long."
Jeongguk seemed to buy his excuse, giving a small nod. His face then lit up, as he remembered something he forgot to ask Taehyung earlier.
"I forgot to ask today, but, what's my fact of the d-"
Suddenly Namjoon was in the hallway, briskly walking over to the two. "Jeongguk, Taehyung and I have somewhere to be." He didn't look happy, which made Jeongguk question the future whereabouts of Taehyung and his brother.
He didn't have a chance to ask though, as Namjoon latched onto Taehyung's wrist and started to pull him away.

"Hold on a second, Jesus! You didn't even let Jeongguk finish his sentence." Taehyung tried to tug his arm away, but Namjoon only tightened his grip, narrowing his eyes.
"It can wait. Jeongguk, stay here." Namjoon's voice was thick - it almost sounded as if he were about to cry, but he was really just choked up from anger. It was clear that he was quickly losing his temper.
The youngest watched as the two left for the door, Taehyung being dragged along by Namjoon; something he was surprised Taehyung wasn't screaming at his brother for doing. He heard a slam, and the two were gone.
He ended up not questioning it, mindlessly shrugging before continuing to the living room where he was going to watch a movie.

It wasn't the first time they've left to go somewhere seemingly last minute.
Namjoon was still pulling Taehyung by the tight grip on his wrist, and although Taehyung usually wouldn't allow someone else to control him, he did just this once. He's fought with Namjoon over this multiple times, and he was getting /very/ tired of it.
He was even more tired of Namjoon having so little trust in him when it comes to Jeongguk.

Once they got to Namjoon's car, they sat in silence as both collected their thoughts. Every time they fought, they would go to the car and sit in the front seats.
They don't ever drive anywhere - just stay there until the problem is sorted out.

This became a rule after the time Namjoon completely lost his temper when Taehyung came home crossfaded at 5 in the morning when he told Namjoon he'd be home by 1am.
Jeongguk remembers that night so vividly. Punch after punch; he seriously thought Taehyung was going to die. Of course, he knew his brother would never go that far, but they were both so violent that he thought death was a possibility.
Namjoon was worried that Taehyung was dead in a ditch somewhere after multiple calls to no avail. He assumed his worry transformed into pent up anger as time went on, and so the moment the door opened - Taehyung stumbling in barely able to walk, Namjoon was on him.
Jeongguk tried to pull his brother away, but it was no use. He was too weak from shaking so much, and he knew that Namjoon only saw red.
He stayed up waiting for Taehyung as well, also worried sick; but if he hadn't called Seokjin screaming and crying that his brother was trying to murder Taehyung, he doesn't know what in his life would be different today.
He doesn't like to think about it either.

He still doesn't even know why Taehyung came home in such a state.

On the other hand, Taehyung thinks it's ironic - that Namjoon would absolutely pulverize someone in front of the one person he wants to keep away from negativity.
However, resolving their fights in a car prevents them from hurting each other, as it's quite hard trying to punch someone at a parallel angle.

They swore they would never get out of the car until they were both calm and at a middle ground.
"You know," Namjoon begins, "I'm seriously starting to question whether you respect me as a person."

Taehyung stayed quiet, looking down at his hands.
He wanted to scream at Namjoon - how it wasn't a big deal and how he would never put Jeongguk in danger, but at the same time, Namjoon was his best friend; he didn't want to seem as if he'd disregard the other's feelings altogether.
But he wanted to stick up for himself too. "Well, I feel like you don't trust me at all. That hurts, man."
From the other side of the car, he hears Namjoon sigh. "I do trust you, I just- he's my little brother. If anything ever happened to him, I... I don't know what the fuck I would do."
"You think I don't feel the same fucking way? Joon, I don't know how many times I need to say it until you get it through your thick, /fucking/ head that I would never, /ever/ put him in danger-"
Namjoon bangs his fists on the wheel in front of him, making Taehyung jump. He was taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself.
"I /know/ that you wouldn't, but what about other people, hm? You don't know what everyone else is thinking or what they're doing. I don't trust anyone /other/ than you!" Namjoon lets out a breath didn't realize he was holding in.
He turns to look at Taehyung, who was still looking down at his hands.

"Look at me."
Taehyung purses his lips, slowly lifting his gaze to meet the others.

If there was one person throughout the entire Earth who could get Taehyung to submit to them, it was Namjoon. No one else had that power over Taehyung.
Namjoon pointed a finger at him as he spoke. "I have trusted you with more in my life than I ever have with anyone else and you /know/ that. So for you to say I don't - it feels like you never notice how much I actually /do/.
Taehyung puts his hands over his face, feeling flustered. "Godammit, I hate getting all soft with you. We sound like two emotional prudes in one of those marriage counsel things. It's fucking gross."
That earned a smile from Namjoon, the corners of his lips turning upwards just enough for it to be noticeable.

If they were both being honest, neither of them were that mad to begin with. Having fought over this so many times, they were more so stressed than anything else.
Regardless of how cold they may be to each other in public, they really do care about each other. Jeongguk being in their lives might've strengthened that to an extent, but it originally stems from their friendship alone.
Namjoon placed his hands on his thighs, rubbing them back and forth as he thought. "Why can't you just accept that I'm too nervous for him to be anywhere out of Korea? Here he knows what he's doing, he can speak the language, and he's familiar with everything."
Taehyung huffed, rolling his eyes. "See? This is why I feel like you don't trust me. We just- we keep going in fucking circles. I know how to travel. I know what I'm doing. If he's coming with me, he'd never leave my sight."
Namjoon stayed silent.

"Joon." No response.

"Namjoon." Still no response.

"Come on." He waited, but the other said nothing. "At least let me know you're listening."

Taehyung was starting to feel something more than anger; he was getting upset.
He wasn't going to cry; nothing like that, but he felt the achy feeling in his chest. He hated fighting with Namjoon - absolutely /dispised/ it. It made him feel so guilty.
Namjoon's voice faltered, he felt the same as Taehyung, but neither of them knew that. "Sometimes I think you think you're more important to Jeongguk than I am, and... sometimes I think he would agree."
Upon hearing that, Taehyung went completely slack-jawed, sporting an offended glare.

He couldn't believe Namjoon would ever think he'd be /that/ arrogant; and for him to question his brother like that, he was in disbelief.
"How can you even say that? You were just mad at me saying how you don't think I notice how much you trust me, but then you go and say shit about how Jeongguk thinks I'm more important than /you/?" Taehyung scoffed. Just when he thought they were getting to the middle ground.
He waved his finger as if he recalled something, looking up at the ceiling. "You know, the number of times he's told you he loves you and has gone out of his way to show it, and now you say some heartless shit like this."

"I didn't mean it like tha-"
"Wait a fucking minute," Taehyung says, his tone going from one octave to a much lower, more accusative one. "this- this is out of jealousy, isn't it? This whole fucking time, you've done this shit just out of spite-"
Namjoon stares at him, utterly taken aback. His mood shifted from calm to defensive, a seething undertone mixed with the urge to retort. "No Tae, what the fuck? What would I have to be jealous of?"
His voice was unwavering, not missing a beat. "Sure, I may have my suspicions that Jeongguk favours you over me, but no matter what: I'm in his blood. He's /my/ fucking family. Not yours."
Namjoon lets out a curt, breathy wheeze. His filter now entirely gone, only speaking with the goal of hurting the other.

"If anything you should be jealous of /me/, because at the end of the day, I still /have/ a family member go home to."
Taehyung paused, then went to respond, but only managed a slew of stutters and shocked gasps. He closed his mouth, thinking it better to stop trying instead of sputtering nonsense.
He could only stare blankly at Namjoon, which is exactly when the other realized what he just said.

It was too late, however; Taehyung's face eventually distorted with rage.
He yanked the handle, flinging the car door open, ignoring Namjoons thread of protests as he muttered a shakey "fuck you" before slamming it shut and storming over to his own car.
He wasn't upset, no, exasperated was the better word.

He just couldn't fathom the fact that his best friend would use that against him, of /all/ things.
Because of all people, Namjoon knew all too well, that when Taehyung was 6 years old, his mother left his father.

As he grew older and understood the situation better, he couldn't look at his father the same.
He was aware that it wasn't necessarily his father's fault, but he was just so disgusted by the fact that a grown man would let his wife walk away like that.
When he told Namjoon everything about his parents, he said that this mindset could be blamed on what Taehyung remembered of his mother, and how she raised him - that it wasn't his fault for thinking the way he does as he was basically brainwashed into it.
She was a very stern and authoritative woman.

The type who would always tell Taehyung how he was a big boy who didn’t play with girl toys, dress like a girl, take an interest in things that were considered 'girly' or have any relations to his person that would feminize him.
This was all because his 'future wife' wouldn’t approve, and neither would she. Taehyung was simply conditioned by his mother to agree with that.
So when his mother left, six-year-old Taehyung always wondered if his father had done something 'girly'; that being the reason why since it was something his wife did not approve of.

His view of his father had never really been the same after that.
Of course, his father hadn't done anything wrong; his mother was just a selfish, /arrogant/ person; so much that she would leave her husband and child because of it.
The only problem growing up was that Taehyung didn't have a mother to blame. He never had her there to scream at and tell her how much he hated her for ruining their family.
So, the one who fell victim to his anger was the only person who was around - his dad.

He knew it was evil and wrong of him, but as an angry teenager, he just didn't /care/. He was terrible to his father, and over time, his father was awful back.
By the time Taehyung was old enough to move out on his own, he was the happiest he'd ever been.
He had taken the money he saved up, along with the amount his father had thrown at him just to get him out of the house, and bought himself a beautiful, luxury apartment right in the heart of Seoul, and far away from Daegu.
It screwed his father over for sure.

Taehyung was already meant to go to SNU, but he and his father decided to send him to Seoul early to get away from each other; which already cost a hefty amount.
However, Taehyung had kept it secret that he'd been saving up from the moment he was able to work - taking every shift he could possibly manage.

At the end of it, he didn't have a fortune, but he had enough to rent himself a standard, small apartment.
But with the help of his father, which otherwise would be against the man's will; Taehyung scored big time in a big city.
This apartment, in all its glory, was where Taehyung was headed now. He had several texts coming from a particular best friend and certain younger brother.
He assumed Jeongguk grilled Namjoon with questions when he didn't return with Taehyung, to which he most likely gave in and spilled.

Taehyung ignored every single notification.
As he pulled into the parking garage, he couldn't help but think about what it would be like if the rolls were switched.

Taehyung liked to think he would never say something so incredibly taboo to Namjoon no matter how angry he was - but clearly, Namjoon couldn't relate.
However, something he could relate to was the lack of parents in his life.

That's the literal reason why they bonded. After meeting each other in their first years of university, they instantly clicked.
Namjoon made Taehyung feel comfortable in this ginormous city where he once felt alone. They would hang out on campus, go to parties, get dinner together after long days and stressful tests - everything.
Then a few months later, Taehyung met Jeongguk.

It was on Christmas Eve. Namjoon had invited Taehyung to stay the night once he realized the other didn't have any family to go home to during the holidays.
Taehyung could remember how he thought everything about Jeongguk was just so captivating; he couldn't take his eyes off the boy with the big, bright eyes and the cutest little smile.

He thought that Namjoon's brother looked like a little bunny. A baby bunny.

Jeongguk was so warm and welcoming - he never once asked any intrusive questions as to why Taehyung wasn't spending Christmas with his family, and instead treated him like his own.
Having heard so much about this brother of Namjoon's, he came prepared, bringing him a gift that Jeongguk still wears to this day.

At the time, Taehyung had no idea what brands Jeongguk liked and didn't like, so he opted for his personal favourite: Gucci.
When Jeongguk opened the box, he was absolutely in love.

It was one of the brand's popular styles: the interlocking G. It was simplistic, but elegant all the more.
But before the morning filled with gift-giving and warm wishes came, the night of Christmas Eve had to pass. Taehyung remembers Jeongguk showing him to their guest room.

The same room he now slept in every single night.
But not tonight. This time he was back where he started.

Taehyung stumbled into his apartment, kicking off his shoes and throwing his keys onto the nearest surface.
He walked as if he was trying to steady himself, down the hallway to his bedroom, which hadn't been used longer than he could remember.

He stripped himself of his clothes into a pair of unfamiliar pajama pants and an unwelcoming t-shirt.
His phone hit the bedside table with a series of clattered noises - the notifications still coming in.

He took a deep, trembling breath.

Just because it's said that it's extremely rare for Taehyung to cry, doesn't mean it never actually happens.
The only reason that trait belongs to Taehyung because he makes it that way.

He just waits.

He waits for anyone around him to be gone; whether they leave or he leaves them.

Then he waits until he's somewhere that he knows is private, only consisting of him and his thoughts.
Finally, he waits until his door is locked, face buried in a pillow.

That's when he lets whatever it is that's making tears sting his eyes burst out.

He'll cry for hours, or just until he's fallen asleep.
On this night, it's both.

Because his best friend, who he's been to hell and back with, made him feel like he's living in this world alone; with no one - no /family/ to turn to.

And second, he never got the chance to come up with something good for Jeongguk's birthday.

“For the last time Gguk, I don’t

Namjoon sat forward on the couch, head in his hands, while Jeongguk paced back and forth, seething.

There were 2 things currently missing:

1. The known whereabouts of Kim Taehyung.

2. Jeongguk’s mind. He was losing it.
It was nearing 1 in the morning, yet Jeongguk still couldn't get it through his head that Namjoon had no idea where Taehyung could've gone.

His older brother could only watch as his mistake affected the younger much more than he thought it would.
Jeongguk stopped in his tracks. "Hyung, how do you just /not know/ where he lived before he started staying here? I find that very hard to believe." He asks.
Namjoon rubs his eyes. He understood where Jeongguk's confusion was coming from, but he didn't know that his brother could be such a /pest/.

"For the millionth time, I don't know. We always hung out on campus or something before he started coming around our apartment."
"So for all we know, he doesn't even have another place to go. H-He could literally be roaming the streets right now."

"Gguk, I'm sure that's not the ca-"
"But you don't know that! Hell, what /do/ you know?!" Jeongguk turned to the nearest wall, resting his head against it.

He brought his fist up, roughly pounding the spot next to his head.
It created a loud bang, making Namjoon jump at the sound even though he watched Jeongguk as he did it. "Gguk, please don't hit the wall, you might wake up the neighbours."
His brother whipped around, staring at him with the most infuriated look he could muster. "You /really/ think that's what I'm concerned about right now?"
Namjoon shook his head, sitting back on the couch. He figured nothing but the sight of Taehyung walking through their front door would calm down the other.
When he came back after the fight, Jeongguk was sat on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. At first, there was no trace of concern - Jeongguk assumed maybe Taehyung was grabbing something out of his car before coming back up, but what once was 5 minutes turned into 10, 15, 20.
Namjoon knew it was coming, the series of questions that all lead to dead ends until he finally broke and confessed what really happened.

Jeongguk's initial reaction was to cry. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anguish at the thought of Taehyung having that said to his face.
Then came the anger.

Namjoon was given an earful, to which he just sat back and took; he did feel guilty, after all.
But then Jeongguk suggested they go to his home, and after finding out that Namjoon had no clue where that would even be, he genuinely thought he was going to faint.
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Jeongguk sent text after text, called, again and again, but never got a single answer.

His anxiety levels were through the roof, and in any other situation, he'd be balling his eyes out, but he was too focused on getting information as to where Taehyung was.
Namjoon knew Taehyung was perfectly fine, and even if he was roaming the streets, he was able to take care of himself.

He knew this, but there was no point in trying to convince Jeongguk.
3.67 | Fed up with Namjoon, Jeongguk seeks help from the groupchat. ImageImageImage
A few tosses and turns later, Jeongguk does ultimately fall asleep.

The more he thought about it, the more he agreed with what Seokjin said. Taehyung was an adult and was probably trying to make the tension dampen between him and Namjoon.
The next morning - while Jeongguk's eyes adjusted to the brightness seeping into his room, he remembered the events from last night and hurried to check his phone.
3.70 | Lo and behold, there was one, singular text message from Kim Taehyung himself. Image
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Jeongguk read the last text over and over, a red, hot blush creeping up his face.

Even though there was no direct hit as to what Tahhyung was referring to, Jeongguk knew exactly what he meant.
It seemed as if Taehyung's words could turn him in seconds; he couldn't even remember what they were talking about, too busy thinking about the /problem/ Taehyung said he'd be the cause of.
Jeongguk doesn't know why a simple string of words could make a certain feeling go straight to specific something, but they just /did/.

He posited that maybe he had a k¡nk for dirty talk but he thought he'd have to wait until he's experienced it first hand, not through a screen.
His phone pinged - another text from Taehyung, who assumed that silence meant Jeongguk was doing exactly what he /was/ doing: sitting there with his hands covering his face, flustered over Taehyung's mere flirtatious question. That wasn't even close to his /real/ abilities.
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Jeongguk could only gawk at his phone screen, feeling an uncomfortable amount of arousal since Taehyung wasn't actually there to /do/ anything about it.
His own thoughts left him in shock, as he's never thought so sexually about the elder up until recently during their vacation in Jeju Island.

His mind was continually fighting itself, arguing that it was wrong, but counterarguing that it felt so right.
Like a gem hidden in plain sight, Taehyung was there the whole time but was never able to convey his true, sexual persona.
Jeongguk thought maybe he was just too dumb to notice it sooner; regardless of the set circumstances, but at the same time: perhaps this was the perfect moment for it to come out.
He should've cracked the code earlier - he would've had a vessel to this 'bliss' Taehyung spoke of at a much preferable pace.

Jeongguk thought it was cruel, that nowadays, sometimes all he wants is to be d¡cked by someone who he needs to face almost 24/7.

It was torture.
This new side of Taehyung, the side he's never been exposed to before - it opened a portal to a brand-new mindset.

He remembered thinking in Jeju that his d¡ck acted as a switch; one that's never been used to its best abilities until that day.
And now, he felt like a similar metaphor could be used to describe his latest revelation.
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Jeongguk didn't even bother making a dumbfounded reaction at the other's response, instead finding no reason to argue with the option Taehyung proposed.
He shifted into a more comfortable position, replaying the other's words in his head. He honestly didn't need much else; only that and his imaginative fantasies.

Closing his eyes, Jeongguk took a slow, deep breath as he began to reach downwards.
But unfortunately for Jeongguk, good things never lasted, because as soon as his hand was in its desired location, a knock on the door rung throughout his room.
Jeongguk's breath hitched, he was so close.

But not in the way he actually wanted.
He let out a tiny whine, his face scrunching up into a defeated pout.

After rearranging himself into a decent and 'family-friendly' position, Jeongguk stuttered a light "come in" before Namjoon opened the door.
"Good morning my sweet, baby brother."

Jeongguk grimaced at his choice of words, but tried to smile nonetheless.

"Morning Joonie."
Namjoon walked over to sit on the bed, smiling at Jeongguk with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

His brother never came into his room in the morning, so Jeongguk knew something was up.
“Okay Gguk, you’re not allowed to get mad at me for this, because it genuinely didn’t occur to me to check until this morning,” Namjoon held up his phone, shaking it to bring Jeongguk’s attention to the screen.
Opened up on the phone was a snapchat map. “Dummy forgot to turn off his location.”

Jeongguk’s eyes shot wide open, grabbing the phone from Namjoon’s hands. There, was a small, animated person with a text bubble above its head reading “Tae 🌏” with a road name directly below it.
“Oh my god Joonie you’re a genius!” Jeongguk said as he handed the phone back to his brother.

He shot up from his bed and raced over to his closet where he began looking for an outfit.

Namjoon made his way to the door with a smirk. “We leave in 15 minutes, hurry up.”
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Both boys got ready and left in search of Taehyung. He didn't live that far from their apartment, only a 10-minute drive at the very most.
Namjoon turned to look at his brother for a second, before returning his eyes to the road, "Hey, don't text him or anything. I'm afraid he'll turn his location off."

"I know, I won't."
Within a few minutes, they were pulling into a parking garage with a sign labelled 'Guest Parking.'
"There is absolutely no way this is where he lives. Not possible." Jeongguk said, not able to comprehend that the structure in pair with this garage was an enormous luxury apartment building with modern architecture from head to toe.
He posited that there had to of been at least 50 floors, if not possibly more. "Hyung seriously, I think we're in the wrong place."
Namjoon rolled his eyes, lazily waving a hand towards Jeongguk. "Gguk, you're literally the one holding the phone, you can see that it shows his person in this building, just relax."
Jeongguk laid his head back on the seat, looking out the window with a pout on his face. He was going to feel very stupid if they were wrong.

After a bit of searching, they eventually found an open space in section E, since there were /letters/ organizing this place.
Jeongguk felt like a pleb coming in the territory of people who were much wealthier than he and Namjoon.

Not that their apartment was something to be ashamed of; it was above average for sure, disclosed with a modern interior and their own stylish touch.
The design of the home was more so Namjoon's doing, but Jeongguk loved every piece of art his brother used for their decor.
"Joonie, I don't wanna get out, I feel stupid. W-we don't belong here, even if this is where he lives." Namjoon unbuckled his seatbelt, turning to look at the younger.
He knew his brother was easily anxious and could be insecure, but never did he think that social status was something Jeongguk would care about.

"Ggukkie we're fine. No one here is gonna concern themselves with us to the point where they'd be bothered by our presence."
He pushed open his door as he continued. "People who live in this building probably have more important things to worry about. Now come on, let's go."
The difference between Namjoon's reassuring gestures to Taehyung's was still so fascinating to Jeongguk.

His brother's tough, stern love compared to his hyung's soft, gentle love. He liked that they were so different in that sense.
They entered an elevator which took them to the main lobby; a beautiful foyer with tall windows and white marble flooring adorned with a brilliant sparkle bouncing off the sunlight filling the area.
Every inch was clean and crisp, with a polished, fresh set of furniture in charge of adding pops of color.
It made Jeongguk feel like a scuff of dirt ruining the elegant aesthetic. He closed into his sweater and jeans feeling vulnerable; it seemed like he and his brother were the only ones /not/ dressed up in lavish fits of clothing.
Namjoon sensed his unease, so he grabbed his sibling's hand and started to weave through the people scattered throughout the lobby.
Having no idea where to go, as Taehyung hadn't a clue they were even there, to begin with, they approached the front desk in hopes of receiving some sort of information.
They were met with an older lady staring down at them. The front desk was slightly raised a few feet and stretched a far distance, with other receptionists aligning the spots next to her.
"How may I help you?" she asked, a neutral tone representing her features.

It was easy to tell she was used to dealing with sophisticated regulars daily, so for two new faces to appear looking lost and out of place, she wasn't quick to put a smile on her face.
Namjoon cleared his throat, confidently squaring his shoulders. He wasn't phased by her cold demeanor, but Jeongguk definitely could not relate.

"We're here in hopes that you could direct us to Kim Taehyung? He's a resident here."
The woman's eyes scanned the two, a lingering gaze making Jeongguk's skin crawl. She raised an eyebrow. "What are your relations to Mr. Kim?"
He wondered if it was possible for her to actually recognize that they've never been there before, considering the number of people who must've come in and out of the building every day. Perhaps she's been working here a long time.
Namjoon smirked, a devilish grin carved on his lips. "We're his personal assistants. Usually, he requires us to meet him at a more... secluded location, like ah... oh I don't know, his beach house in the Hamptons, or sometimes just a private, luxury suite."
He waited to see some sort of realization strike the old woman's face, but it seemed as if she didn't get the hint just yet.
"Y'know... Mr. Kim has been working extra hard lately, and we're on-call 24/7 for whenever he /desperately/ needs us. I think that may be the reason why he called us to his own home. He /really/ needs our services."
Now, the realization dawned on Jeongguk, and he tried his absolute best not to gasp in shock at what his brother was doing.
Namjoon was making them out to be /escorts/, specifically for Taehyung. He didn't even need to be told he was blushing a rich, virgin, crimson color. He could feel it flaring through his face.

Jeongguk chose to keep his head down.
"If you wouldn't mind giving us our bosses floor and apartment number, that would be great. I'm sure he's impatiently waiting for us, and when we misbehave, well... let's just say he likes to go /rough/."

Jeongguk couldn't help it after hearing that, his jaw dropped.
He genuinely could not believe what he was hearing, and from /Namjoon/ of all people.

That also seemed to be the sentence that finally had the woman understanding exactly what Namjoon was talking about, her eyes going wide in horror as she connected the dots.
She looked quite disturbed but picked up the phone regardless.

It rang to the point where she was debating on just hanging up, but suddenly a voice came panting through the other side of the line.
Realistically, Taehyung had run to the phone from the other side of his apartment to answer in time, but it only further convinced the receptionist that he was in desperate need for their 'services' like Namjoon had said.
"U-um... I have two young men requesting to see you, Mr. Kim. Their names are..." She turned to Namjoon, to which he happily gave their names, "Jeongguk and Namjoon... yes... okay, I'll send them up."
She placed the phone back on the hook, keeping her eyes glued the front desk. "Floor 33. Have a good day."

Namjoon opened his mouth to speak, but Jeongguk grabbed his wrist and sped away from the desk before he could even say another syllable.
"What the /hell/ was that? T-That's so unlike you! Joonie, that was so... d-dirty."

He looked at his brother who only looked straight ahead, a smirk still evident on his face. He didn't respond, so Jeongguk never bothered asking a second time.
It took them a couple of minutes until they arrived on the 33rd floor.

"Wait," Namjoon said, "I'm confused." They were standing in a hallway lit with warm white fixtures, following into a miniature entrance hall.
Decorating the space was a bronze velvet chair; beside it a burgundy-wood console table with a glass vase holding what looked to be fake complimentary flowers. On the wall opposite was a mirror measuring from the floor to the ceiling - gold-rimmed.
It only took one knock until the door was flying open, a /very/ unamused Taehyung on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here."

Namjoon nudged Jeongguk's shoulder, smiling as he talked. "See? He does live here. You were worried for no reason."
Taehyung peered at the boy who was still very embarrassed by his brother's actions.

He lifted Jeongguk's chin with his fingers, forcing him to look Taehyung in the eyes.
As soon as their eyes met, Jeongguk immediately noticed an overpowering sense of lust pooling within his orbs, making them look slightly glassy.

Taehyung must've just finished doing what Jeongguk didn't get the chance to.
"Hey, Ggukkie, what's got you looking so nervous?" He asked, eyes half-lidded and a grin slowly making its way to his lips.

Jeongguk couldn't help but wonder as to when Namjooon and Taehyung got so sexual, or were they always like this? He chose to believe the latter.
Taehyung stepped aside to let the two enter his home and their eyes instantly started to wander. Unlike the lobby, the apartment featured black quartz flooring with cracks of white running throughout the tiles.
There were built-in wall speakers softly playing a French mix Taehyung had created a while ago.

Standing in the living area, the ceilings were high and decorated with giant pieces of artwork that matched the aesthetic, along with a 65-inch curved flat screen tv.
Opposite to where the entrance was, was barely a wall at all.

12-foot, floor to ceiling windows; the length of which making the apartment akin to being on the 37th floor. With this type of exposure, minimal to no additional lights are needed during daylight hours.
Namjoon crossed his arms, tsking at the sight before him. "Okay man, seriously, how on Earth did a half-wit ignoramus like you land a literal palace in the heart of Seoul."
Taehyung let out a wheezy laugh. "Have you seen me? I could have the world if I wanted to. I'm your favourite sex god, bow down before me."

Namjoon hit Taehyung's arm. "Hey, don't be so vulgar."
Jeongguk's eyes shot wide open in their sockets upon hearing that. He stuttered a bit, catching the attention of his hyungs until he was finally able to piece together a set of words.
"He-wha-Joo-are you serious?! You're saying /he's/ being too vulgar after what you just pulled in the lobby?! You've got to be kidding me!"

Taehyung whipped his head around to lock his gaze on Namjoon, who received the most interrogative glare the other could muster.
"What did you do in the lobby, Joon?"

He began to tell Taehyung about the fun he had messing with the receptionist, and Taehyung grew modified with each word. "Are you an idiot?! Now every time I come here, they're gonna think I'm some business-man whore!"
Taehyung put his fingers on his temples, rubbing them as if he were exhausted. "And you of all people, what the hell?"

He whispered, eyebrows knit in confusion. "Since when would you ever pull something like that in front of Jeongguk?"
They went back and forth until their chatter died down. It soon became silent, which reminded them of what had all previously happened that even brought Taehyung to his apartment in the first place.
Jeongguk noticed the shift in the air, going from relaxed to tense, so he decided it best to explore the rest of Taehyung's place to give the other two some privacy.
They noticed his gesture, and both silently thanked him for it. Taehyung waved a hand motioning Namjoon to sit on his tremendously large, white velvet couch. How it sat there remaining spotless was an enigma to Namjoon.
They sat silently for a few moments, both unsure of what to say.

Of course, Namjoon knew he needed to say he was sorry, but he didn't want to start with such a basic phrase that everyone mindlessly said on a daily basis.
Taehyung ended up being the first to talk. "So... I'm assuming you came here for something."

"You know why I'm here."

Taehyung played with the strings of his pajama pants, as he hasn't changed yet. "I don't know what you want me to say."
Namjoon sighed, head tilted down but he glanced upwards at Taehyung. "I know what I said yesterday really hurt you, Tae. I know that for a fact."
He wasn't sure if Taehyung knew this or remembered, but he's seen Taehyung cry once when he was drunk; Namjoon declared to himself that it was one of the saddest things he's ever seen.
It was the same night where he beat the living daylights out of Taehyung - after he'd calmed down Jeongguk and sent him to bed, he came back to find his friend balling his eyes out, but he was muffling it with his hands.

They don't ever talk about that night.
"Okay, and? It's old news, I'm over it." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, but still wouldn't make eye contact.

"I really, /really/ hope you know I didn't mean what I said last night," Namjoon said.
He waited for the other to say something but got no response. He continued: "seriously, I only said it intending to hurt you. I was just mad, Tae." Still no response.
"You are more of a family to Jeongguk and me than our own parents were. Relation by blood doesn't mean shit to me. I mean it. You /are/ family, and I hate myself for ever making you think you weren't. You've done so much to make us happy. We really don't deserve you."
"Joon... please stop. T-This is gross. I-"

"I don't care, I know how much we both hate being all fucking soft for each other, but..." Namjoon scooted closer to Taehyung - he hesitated for a second but just muttered "fuck it" before pulling the other into a hug.
Taehyung made a startled sound, freezing in place, but as soon as he started to protest Namjoon cut him off, quietly murmuring "do it back". Slowly, Taehyung wrapped his arms around the other, and it was awkward for a few seconds until they eventually got used to the closeness."
They stayed hushed as they embraced - it was an open opportunity for them to reach a middle ground they never got to yesterday.

"I think we fuck each other over way too often," Namjoon stated. He felt Taehyung nod in agreement, hearing him take in a deep breath. "I know we do."
"So let's stop." Namjoon pulled away, reaching a hand into his back pocket. "I'm gonna stop putting restrictions on you once and for all. Like, altogether. This is basically a milestone in our friendship."
He pulled out a folded piece of paper, handing it to Taehyung. He took it with a perplexed look but moved to unfold it. He only read one word before snapping his head up to stare at Namjoon in unbelief.

"No fucking way."
Namjoon shot him a huge smile, granting an elated feeling to rush through Taehyung's body. "Yeah fucking way. September 1st is your calling."
This time without hesitation, Taehyung threw his arms around his best friend, clutching the online receipt for 2 plane tickets to Paris tightly in his hand.
"Fuck Joon, thank you so much. You didn't have to do this, seriously." Taehyung said.

Namjoon squeezed him tighter, "I did, actually. You were right Tae, I gotta let him grow up at some point - if that means shipping him off to Paris with my idiot friend, then so be it."
"God, you're the best Joon." They pulled apart, happiness radiated off of them.
"Also, to keep with the theme of the milestone, I'm allowing you to start swearing and shit in front of Jeongguk. Be yourself or whatever. But... all I ask is just, don't be too obscene. I'll know what's obscenity when I see it, and I'll beat your ass."
Taehyung snorted, gently hitting Namjoon's chest. He felt so happy, like a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders. He was finally going to take Jeongguk to a whole different world, and he knew that's something he's wanted for so long.
"Promise me you won't be a gross fuck around my brother." Namjoon shot him a pointed look.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I promise, Joon."
Namjoon looked to his side, then the other way with only his eyes. "Speaking of my brother... where the hell did he go?"

"Mm, I think he went upstairs," Taehyung replied, turning to look in the same direction.
Namjoon switched his attention to the other with utter bewilderment clasping his face.

"This place has a /second/ floor?"
Taehyung smiled, standing up - he waved at Namjoon to get up as well. "Indeed it does, 2,300 square foot at its finest. Honestly, I consider this space more of a display room than anything else. Didn't you notice that the kitchen's not down here?"
Namjoon could only search around in amazement that, yes, there had to be a second floor as there was no kitchen to be found.

There was the main room they were currently in and a hallway leading to an office room and a bathroom.
At the end of it - as if it were supposed to be hidden - there was a tiny corner that brought you to metal spiral staircase leading up to the section of Taehyung's apartment he claims to be the /actual/ impressive part.
Completely open concept, the second floor consists of a living and dining area, 2 bedrooms, a powder room, and a kitchen including a 10-foot island with quartz countertops.
This level had teak hardwood flooring, unlike the floor downstairs, but the most breathtaking feature of all was the floor to ceiling windows built with a curved architecture making a beautiful view of the city no matter where you looked.

That is, from the inside.
One of the windows was a glass door opening to an outdoor patio with an infinity pool.

When day turns to night, the circular underwater lights on the floor of the pool look like stars; it gives the effect that the pool mirrors the night sky.
Namjoon didn't even want to know how jealous he'd feel at the sight of Taehyung's bedroom.

"Okay, this is literally insane. This is an actual penthouse."

"Right, hyung? I can't believe you've kept this place hidden from us!"
Jeongguk was sitting on one of the 3 couches making a 'U' shape - velvet once again but a grey shade rather than white.

Namjoon paced around the open room, taking in every little detail that when into the interior design of the - now by his vocabulary - penthouse.
He walked towards the kitchen area, which remained spotless, but a singular glass of white wine ruined the neatness of the aesthetic.

He picked it up, tutting at Taehyung's poor behaviour. "You were drinking? It's not even noon yet."

"Close enough," Taehyung retorted.
Jeongguk watched as Namjoon swivelled the wine in the glass, a heavy feeling sinking in his chest. He sincerely hoped that Taehyung had a reasonable explanation as to why he was drinking so early in the day.

He didn't, really. Not by Jeongguk's standards at least.
Taehyung made a face as if it were nothing. "That's the only thing in this place that's edible. I haven't been here in /months/, not including the times I've stopped in here to grab some stuff, but even then there still wouldn't be food here."
That seemed to be enough for Namjoon to drop the subject, as he scoffed but smiled right afterward. "Then you go and /get/ food. God, with a set-up like this you would think you'd have a personal chef making dishes topped with edible gold."
Jeongguk chose to keep quiet about how when exploring the - also by his vocabulary - penthouse, he found water bottles in the fridge.

He wondered why Taehyung wouldn't of drank one of those instead.
Namjoon went towards the stairs. "I'm going to go and get us all some /real/ food. Any requests?"

He took note of Taehyung's suggestion; a cute little ramen place they've frequented when they both had morning classes, before disappearing down the spiral of steps.
Because the morning had gone well so far, Jeongguk pushed his concerns aside. He didn't want to add more negativity. Plus, being anxious all morning made him a bit tired.

Taehyung sat down beside him, patting his thighs lightly. "Come here."
Jeongguk did what he was told, throwing one leg over to the other side of the other, then sat down on his lap.

He instantly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and placed his chin on the elder's shoulder.
Taehyung could clearly tell that Jeongguk looked a little bit exhausted, and he knew that the younger knew he only wanted to hold him.

They were good at communicating like that; more so Taehyung than Jeongguk, but it still worked.
He squeezed Jeongguk a little, making him whine. Taehyung snickered, moving a hand to brush through Jeongguk's hair. "You don't like it when I do that?" He asked.

"Not when I'm busy trying to breathe, no," Jeongguk muttered back.
They sat in comfortable silence, and after awhile Taehyung figured that Jeongguk has fallen asleep until he felt him push himself up.

He looked at Taehyung, big eyes filled with curiosity. "I really do want to know how you managed to get a penthouse, Tae."
The elder gave Jeongguk a confused look with a smile, slightly tilting his head. "You know how. I got money from my father and used the amount I saved up."

"Well, why don't you ever come here? If I lived here, I'd never leave," he asked.
Taehyung didn't respond for a few seconds, only staring at Jeongguk. The younger watched as he moved his gaze from one facial feature to another; for Jeongguk, it felt like he was being analyzed, but Taehyung was just admiring him.
"Well, this apartment just doesn't feel like home to me," Taehyung explained, "home is where you are, baby. You know that."
Jeongguk recalled the time when they swapped numbers after a few days of knowing each other, and how Taehyung put the red pushpin next to his name.
Seeing as he couldn't make the connection himself, he asked, "why the pushpin, hyung?"

Taehyung didn't take his eyes off his phone as he spoke. "I just... well, the first thing I thought of when searching for an emoji to put next to your name was one the symbolizes you well."
Jeongguk tilted his head. "So a pushpin resembles me? ...Hyung, I don't understand."

"No, no, JK, it's just that- well, if I'm honest.." Taehyung stopped, trying to find the right words, "you've made me feel more at home than I've ever felt in my entire life."
He remembered how he felt after Taehyung said that: very flattered but a little uneasy. Back then, he felt as if now he had an expectation to uphold.
Now, in present time, he understood that Taehyung meant he as a person - wherever he was in the world, represented a pushpin that said 'home'.

Jeongguk giggled, nuzzling into Taehyung's neck. "I know."
"What's so funny?" Taehyung resumed playing with Jeongguk's hair - it was getting a tiny bit of length to it - more fluffy.

The younger smiled against his neck. "Remember when you used to always call me JK?"
Taehyung thought for a minute, then slowly nodded in agreement. "Oh yeah, I forgot that was my go-to nickname for you. I rarely ever call you that now."
Jeongguk only nodded in response.

"But you like the name I call you now, right, baby?"

"Yes, I love it. I love that only you call me 'baby'."

Taehyung hummed. "Then that's the way it'll stay."
He turned his head to place a kiss on Jeongguk's neck, then another, and another.

Taehyung's never kissed Jeongguk's neck before, but the kisses were delicate and sweet, and it was /Taehyung/, so he relaxed and closed his eyes.
Taehyung planted a few more on his neck, then rested his head against the back of the couch, closing his eyes as well.



Jeongguk hesitated, dubious of what Taehyung's reaction would be, but he chose to ask anyway.
"Do you ever think about what your father is doing? Or where he is?"

He felt Taehyung tense, which immediately sent him into panic mode. He shot up to look at Taehyung. "I-I'm sorry, it was a stupid question! I-"
"It's okay, it just caught me off guard a little bit, that's all," Taehyung said, rubbing circles into Jeongguk's hips. "As for your answer: no. Not really. Why? Do you think about your parents at all?"
Jeongguk's eyebrows creased; he wasn't expecting the question in return. He pondered for a moment, thinking about the last time he thought about his parents, which wasn't recent.

"No, not really."
It was silent for a bit, but then Jeongguk asked another question. "Do you... ever... miss him?"

He assumed Taehyung was going to laugh and answer with something along the lines of "hell fucking no" or something like that, but he remained quiet.
Jeongguk wasn't sure he 100% believed him, but he could tell Taehyung wanted to drop the subject, so he switched it.

"When does your semester start again?" he asked, resting his chin on Taehyung for the umpteenth time.
Jeongguk nodded. "I'm gonna miss having so much free time with you," he said, staring blankly at the view behind him.

Taehyung grinned, placing his hands to rest on Jeongguk's ass. "It's not like you don't already get enough of me every day."
Jeongguk shook his head in disagreement, his hair grazing Taehyung's neck.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned, "I never get enough of you. I-I've never even gotten all of you, and that's all I seem to want."
Taehyung went rigid, his voice coming out in a deep, stern tone. "Jeongguk."
Since the younger wasn't looking Taehyung in the eyes, and since he was too relaxed to care, he continued. "Am I ever gonna get that? Every single inch of you all for myself, Tae? I think that's when I'd be satisfied with how much of you I've got."
Taehyung tightened his grip on Jeongguk's ass, looking downwards and he exhaled. His voice remained strict. "I mean it, Gguk. Stop."

He then pressed his lips against Jeongguk's neck. "If... if you keep going... I won't be able to hold back."
Jeongguk's face got hot; hotter when Taehyung started to kiss along his neck again, but this time, he would suck on his skin.

Jeongguk felt the warmth of Taehyung's tongue touch his neck and he shivered as his eyes fluttered shut.
Taehyung eventually found the spot that had Jeongguk gasping a bit; it directly under his jaw.

Jeongguk had moved into a slightly more comfortable position for Taehyung to mark up his neck, making it all too easy to have the younger quietly whining in his lap.
It was just a hickey, nothing special whatsoever, but the fact that it was /Taehyung/ is what had him all the more excited.

Jeongguk held him tighter when he pulled away.

His eyes opened slightly as he came back to reality - he knew that's all he was gonna get.

"You're tired, babe. Close your eyes and get some sleep." Taehyung pats his ass twice, then moved a hand to massage Jeongguk's scalp once again.
The younger didn't try to argue, Taehyung's stern voice replaying in his head.

He felt his eyes droop after a few minutes - Taehyung's finger's feeling like heaven, and soon enough, he was sound asleep.
Namjoon returned shortly with food but noticed his brother asleep on Taehyung's lap, the elder slowly drifting off as well. It was well past noon now, but he let them sleep.
Taking his portion of the food, he decided to make use of the beautiful living area Taehyung heartlessly called the 'display room'.

He sank back into the couch, turning on the curved flat screen with a sense of relaxation taking over his mood.
He would definitely be convincing Taehyung to come here more often.
[ #taekookau ] ━━━

It's been a few days since Jeongguk and Namjoon discovered Taehyung's remarkable penthouse.

They spent some time tidying the place up - not that there was much to clean, but the pool needed some assistance.
The penthouse also accumulated quite a bit of dust, but other than that, the place was spotless. Taehyung had left it mostly empty other than the furniture.
Jeongguk was still amazed. He'd never been somewhere so lavish, and yet Taehyung kept telling him and Namjoon to stop referring to it as a 'penthouse' and to call it an apartment instead.
He didn't understand why, as the name 'apartment' didn't do it justice, but Taehyung explained that the word 'penthouse' was too grand.

Jeongguk didn't care for that opinion though, he still felt like he was in a vacation home because of how beautiful it was.
Taehyung and Namjoon were currently out buying groceries since Jeongguk convinced them to stay at Taehyung's tonight.

The fridge was empty other than alcohol and water, so food was a dire need.
But the reason Jeongguk wanted to stay was that they finally finished cleaning the pool.

He sat in the upstairs living area, bored out of his mind. Nothing was interesting on tv, and Taehyung didn't have much else to do at the penthouse since it wasn't being used until now.
He pulled out his phone.

The other hyungs haven't really received an update on the situation that happened a few days ago. All they were told was that Taehyung was safe and everything between him and Namjoon was okay.
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[ #taekookau ]

As soon as Taehyung and Namjoon returned, the three of them put the groceries away and headed back to Namjoon's apartment to change clothes.

They spent the next couple of hours getting ready until it was nearing time to leave.
What Yoongi said about the restaurant was unmistakably true; the place was packed, loud with conversation and alternative-style music.

The dimly lit atmosphere held a mixture of different people, young and old.
Once they sat down at their booth, Jeongguk couldn't help but feel extremely content.

Tonight he could relax and spend time with his hyung's while filling his stomach with food and not anxiety.
He felt extremely confident in the outfit that he had chosen; waxed black skinny jeans, white t-shirt tucked into his pants with a black belt, black Chelsea boots with the slightest heel, and he styled his hair to be somewhat wavy.
[ #taekookau ]

Jeongguk usually went for an oversized top with any look he wore, but tonight was different.

He wanted to look hot. This motive was inspired by the new approach he's taking with Taehyung, that if he wants to be treated like an adult, he had to look the part.
"What are you thinking about, Gguk?" Jeongguk turned his head to see Taehyung.

"Oh, nothing really hyung, I'm just happy to be out with you guys. It's been a while." Jeongguk said.
[ #taekookau ]

"You know, I don't think I've ever really seen you wear something that doesn't cover your ass." Taehyung laughed, "You look different in a way, a good different."
[ #taekookau ]

Jeongguk smiled, feeling a little flustered. It felt good to know his efforts hadn't gone unnoticed. "Thank you, hyung. I wanted to look good tonight."

"You always look good baby."
The waitress arrived after Taehyung's comment, ready to take everyone's order.

They all ordered alcoholic drinks other than Jeongguk. He was expecting one of them to poke fun at him for not being old enough, but surprisingly no one said anything.
The group talked and joked like any other usual get-together, Jeongguk listening and laughing along.

For a moment his eyes drifted away from his table and landed on two sets of eyes staring right back at him.
It spooked him for a second - he didn't expect to catch anyone staring.

It was a girl and her friend. Once they realized he was staring back, they looked away, only to look back with smiles.
Jeongguk was confused, especially when they gestured for him to come over to their table.

It was then that he realized that these girls went to his school.
Jeongguk pointed at his chest to retain some clarification from the girls as he figured maybe they were looking at someone else, but they both nodded, waving for him to hurry.
His curiosity was fighting off the anxiety that was building in his stomach.

He had no clue what the hell they would possibly want from him, but he decided it would be rude if he ignored them.
Jeongguk excused himself by telling his hyungs that he was heading to the bathroom, to which they paid no mind.

He got up and looped his way around the restaurant so that it would appear he was going somewhere other than the girls' table.
Jeongguk pulled back a chair next to one of the girls and sat down. "You... you were waving at me, right?" He asked.

"You ask that /after/ you sit down with two young women?"
Jeongguk's eyes widened. "Oh my god, you weren't talking to me?" He abruptly stood up from his seat. "I'm so sorry I-I thought you were looking directly at me so-"
"Relax, I was joking." The girl sitting beside him put her hand on his arm and made him sit back down. "I'm Hyunae. Bae Hyunae." Jeongguk tensed under her touch, but even if she noticed, she didn't acknowledge it.
"And I'm Lee Yumii, with two i's. We go to school with you, Jeongguk."

He was a little shocked that they knew his name. Sure, Jeongguk recognized them from school, but he didn't know their names.

He certainly didn't think many people knew his.
"Yeah... I knew I recognized you guys, but I couldn't remember your names, I'm sorry." Jeongguk replied.

He was nervous; he hoped that they couldn't tell, but his leg bouncing under the table and his inability to maintain eye contact might've given that away.
"Don't be sorry, Jeongguk. It's fine. We saw you at the other table and thought it would be nice to chat a little."

Hyunae smiled at him, but he was still confused. He doesn't recall ever talking to them before, so he couldn't think of a reason why they'd want to talk now.
"So, um, is there anything in particular you guys wanted to talk about? I don't think we've really... spoke before."

"Jeongguk, if you don't wanna sit with us, you can just say so," Yumii said, "no one is forcing you."
"No! No, I'm sorry I just- I don't really know what to say." Jeongguk was turning into himself further and further with every word he spoke. He wasn't even sure why he sat down in the first place.
Hyunae seemed to notice his discomfort, sliding a small bottle over to Jeongguk, "drink this, it's a bit strong, but it should loosen you up a bit."
Jeongguk looked at the bottle. It was soju, of course, but he's never tried it before. "Aren't you both in the same year as me? How were you able to order this?"
"I know right? They didn't ask for ID! In any other circumstance, I would probably be a little offended, but this is fun." Hyunae explained. "Don't feel pressured to drink it if you don't want to though, just thought I would offer."
Normally Jeongguk would never accept alcohol from strangers, but he knew Hyunae and Yumii. He wasn't sure why they bothered to talk to him, but he assumed that they wouldn't put him in harm's way. They didn't seem to be the type.
Jeongguk knew he probably shouldn't, but he still picked up the little bottle, taking a quick sip.

He didn't like the taste, and he surely wasn't used to it, but it wasn't all that bad.
The three of them eased into a more comfortable conversation. They talked about school, summer holiday, and other random topics.

A few hours ago, Jeongguk would have never guessed that he would be sitting with Hyunae and Yumii, but yet, he was actually enjoying himself.
He never spent much time with people his own age, mostly just his hyungs. Sometimes they would talk about things Jeongguk couldn't relate to, like university life or people they knew outside of their friend group.
It made him feel left out at times, but with Hyunae and Yumii, he could easily relate.

He ended up advancing his way through the soju bottle without paying much attention. He felt a buzz going on for sure, but overall he was relaxed.
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He read the text, realization hitting him afterwards. He's been sitting with Hyunae and Yumii for about 20 minutes now when he was supposedly going to the bathroom.
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Jeongguk turned around to see all of his hyungs staring at him.

They all held curious expressions except for Taehyung. His face had no emotion, but he raised a hand and beckoned Jeongguk to come back to the table.
Jeongguk slowly turned back around. "Well, it was nice talking to both of you, but um, I should head back to my friends now."

"Aren't you going to introduce us to them? They look like cool people." Yumii asked.
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"Uh, sure. But it has to be quick, okay?"

Both girls nodded, smiling at Jeongguk, to which he just returned a wary look.
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He was afraid of what his hyungs were going to say, whether or not they'd tease him for talking to girls, or if they'd be more concerned about how Jeongguk knew them.
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Hyunae and Yumii followed closely behind Jeongguk to the table. He stopped right beside Taehyung, to which Jeongguk received a raised eyebrow.
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Ignoring the anxiety that was fumigating his stomach, Jeongguk introduced his new acquaintances. "Guys, this is Hyunae," he pointed to her, "and that's Yumii. I um- we go to school together."
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The group voiced their greetings back before Jeongguk continued: "girls, these are my hyungs; Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon is my brother, and-"

"Taehyung, right?" Hyunae spoke.
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Taehyung gave her a perplexed look. "...Yeah. How'd you know my name."

Yumii spoke up this time. "We've seen you a few times at our school! You go to SNU, don't you?"

Taehyung pursed his lips, "and how did you know that. Are you guys stalkers or some shit?"
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The girls giggled. "No, but we've seen you wearing an SNU sweater once or twice, so we assumed you were older than us and also a student there."

"Is that so."
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Hyunae nodded. "Quite a few people from school know who you are, and we follow your tw¡tter, but we weren't aware that you and Jeongguk knew each other."
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Taehyung looked over to lock eyes with Namjoon. His friend was giving him that /look/, which Taehyung instantly mirrored once the realization hit.

He turned to his other side to see Jeongguk looking at the floor.
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Taehyung noticed that Jeongguk was wiping his hands on his thighs - an indicator that his hands were probably clammy, which was a further indication that he was anxious.
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Taehyung nonchalantly wrapped an arm around Jeongguk's lower back.

"Uh, yeah. Anyways, Gguk hasn't got a chance to eat his food yet and it's probably cold by now since he was busy entertaining you two, so, if you ladies wouldn't mind..."
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"Right, sorry Taehyung," Yumii said, "We'll be on our way, but it was nice meeting you guys!"

Jeongguk noticed how they apologized to Taehyung for ruining his night, but not him.
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With that, girls left in unison, taking Jeongguk's cheerful mood with them and replacing it with bitter embarrassment.
Namjoon hit Taehyung's arm. "See? I told you-"

"Yes Joon I know okay, should've blocked them when you first brought it up, but I didn't know they were fucking crazy stalkers with a crush."
Jeongguk didn't speak a word for the rest of the night, picking at his food in silence. He was obviously upset, everyone at the table could see that. It wasn't hard to piece together that those girls were only ever interested in Taehyung.
They used Jeongguk to fulfill their obsession with the 'hot college guy', and now Taehyung knew that he was somewhat 'popular'.

Jeongguk was worried that the other would start to question the reason why he took so long to leave school.
He couldn't help but feel stupid for not seeing Hyunae and Yumii's little stunt coming.

But at the time, he didn't expect to deal with this issue outside of school.
He already hated having to hear things about Taehyung in passing, and it was so weird to him how common it was.

It wasn't a daily occurrence, more so two or three times a week, but for someone who didn't even go to the institution, Taehyung sure was a hot topic.
Most students didn't even know his name, but Jeongguk knew who they were referring to. He could assume now that Hyunae and Yumii knew Taehyung's name from his social media based on what the elder said to his brother.
The group collectively decided to all go home instead of going to Taehyung's afterwards. Jeongguk was the one who had the idea to use the pool, but now that he wasn't feeling up to it, it would've been cruel to go in without him.
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Jeongguk opposed the idea, asserting that he didn't want to ruin the night, but they all reassured him that they could easily reschedule.

The two brothers were still going to stay at Taehyung's however, that was a given.
Once they arrived back home, Jeongguk rushed towards the bedroom he's been sharing with Taehyung.

But before he could make it through the bedroom door, Taehyung called his name.
Jeongguk reluctantly walked back down the hallway and into the living room. "Yes hyung?"

"Are you sure you don't wanna talk? About anything?"
Jeongguk looked down at his feet. He felt so small under the other's gaze, and he knew Taehyung only meant well, but standing there in front of his brother and his best friend after being humiliated made him feel uncomfortable.

"N-no, I was just gonna go to sleep."
Taehyung analyzed Jeongguk, wondering if it would be better to leave the boy alone or if he should try to convince him to sit down, but he ultimately decided to give the younger some space for now and try again later.
"I'll come to the room a little later, okay? We'll talk-"

"N-no, hyung it's okay-"

"Baby, I know you're upset. We will talk later." Taehyung's voice was stern, and Jeongguk knew he wasn't getting out of this one.
He wished his hyungs goodnight before heading to his room and shutting the door.

Jeongguk wondered if maybe he was being overdramatic, but at the same time, he couldn't suppress the negative feelings no matter what he did.
Changing into some pajamas, Jeongguk slipped into bed.

He wasn't actually going to sleep, nowhere near tired, so he decided to watch a show on his phone.
It was only about half an hour later when Jeongguk saw the door slowly open.

"I knew you'd still be up." Taehyung said. He shut the door behind him, walking over to his dresser. He opened a drawer and took out some sweatpants and then searched for a basic t-shirt.
"Um, yeah, I couldn't sleep."

Taehyung turned around with a smirk. "Please, you just didn't wanna sit with me and Joon. Are we not good enough for you now, Gguk?"

Jeongguk let out a quiet giggle, sitting up so his back was against the headboard. "Did Joonie go to bed?"
"Nah, not yet. We were on facetime with Seokjin before I came in here, Joon's still talking to him."

Taehyung begins to change into the clothes he picked out, putting his outfit from the evening into the hamper.
Jeongguk caught himself glancing at the other in his peripheral vision before forcing himself to stop.

He didn't want to be creepy, but then he remembered the conversation Taehyung had with Hoseok at Jeju.

He let himself take another quick look.
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Jeongguk always knew Taehyung had a great body, but he still liked to be reminded.

Focusing his mind elsewhere, he started thinking about what happened earlier.
Something really irked Jeongguk about what Hyunae said at the restaurant; that she and Yumii were unaware that he and Taehyung knew each other.
Not that she would know, since Jeongguk always waited until no one was around to meet Taehyung at school, but it still rubbed him the wrong way.
He knows more about Taehyung than those girls will ever know in their entire lives, and that goes for all the other crazies that also obsess over his hyung.

To Jeongguk, he feels an intimate connection with how well he's acquainted with Taehyung.
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The fact that they fall asleep with each other more often than not, the way Taehyung always mindlessly touches him, cuddles him, cherishes him - that meant something to Jeongguk.

No one else got that type of treatment, only him.
"Not to add salt to the wound," Taehyung starts, sitting down on his side of the bed, "but I saw you drinking with those girls, babe."

Jeongguk froze, looking straight ahead. He felt the other's eyes on him, but he was afraid to meet them with his own.
"Do you realize how that could've gone horribly wrong? Underage drinking in public? And what if they put something in that bottle? You barely even know them."

Jeongguk's face dropped. "...You're mad at me, aren't you hyung."
Taehyung let out a small sigh. "I- no, no I'm not. But please be more attentive when it comes to something like that. I don't care that you were drinking, that's not the issue. Just... be careful. What if I hadn't noticed you with them and they did something-"
"But hyung, they aren't really like that I don't think, a-and Hyunae said they didn't even ID her, so..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Yeah, obviously. How would they of gotten alcohol."
Jeongguk knew he considered some of these things while that the restaurant - not needing to be told to do so, but he also knew Taehyung was just being protective and that he was trying to go easy on him right now.

"I'm sorry hyung. I'll be better next time."
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"It's not that you need to 'be better' Gguk, I just... I worry about you."
Jeongguk stayed silent, giving Taehyung the chance to continue. "I should've started off with an apology, so I'm sorry for lecturing you and I'm sorry for what happened. Those girls had me on tw¡tter and Joon told me to remove them but I didn't."
Jeongguk waved a hand at him. "Honestly hyung, I'm over it now. Sure it was embarrassing in the moment... and many moments afterwards, um, but it's not a big deal."
Taehyung blinked, then shifted to sit in front of Jeongguk, who was sitting cross-legged and leaning against the headboard. He mimicked the sitting position, also crossing his legs.
Taehyung grabbed ahold of Jeongguk's hands, lightly rubbing his thumbs over the other's knuckles.

"You know, Gguk..." he stopped to think, pausing for a moment before proceeding, "I thought you looked absolutely ravishing tonight."
Jeongguk immediately began to blush. He tried to move his hands away to cover his face, but Taehyung gripped them in his hold leaving Jeongguk vulnerable under his gaze.
"I'm being completely serious, babe. I could tell you really put effort into your look tonight, which in my opinion makes a respectable man. Truly an attractive aspect of yours."

"The aspect of me... dressing up?" Jeongguk asked.
Taehyung squeezed his hand. "Not only that, but the way someone could easily tell that you took time on your appearance - from head to toe. It's the way you carefully matched your jewelry to your clothes and how you effortlessly picked a cologne that can describe a look for you."

"And aside from the intricate details you put into your ensemble, you have a talent for picking clothes that effortlessly hug your body in all the right places. You made a simple but flattering outfit look so expensive, as if you were modelling the brands yourself."
Taehyung watched as Jeongguk slightly unravelled with every word he spoke, his posture becoming much more relaxed as he tilted his head to rest against the headboard. He looked at his hyung with hooded eyes and a soft grin, an expression that had Taehyung melting.
The embarrassment Jeongguk had from Taehyung's compliments vanished and was replaced with an almost sensual feeling. For once he wasn't in his head denying Taehyung's flattery but instead was enjoying the praise.
Taehyung could see that confidence was replacing Jeongguk's bashful demeanor and he couldn't help but find it a little bit hot.

He loved it when Jeongguk was flustered because of him - it was cute - but this was different.
"Don't get me wrong, Gguk, you always look great, but I just love a man who can curate a look as well as you do. Even your hair was meticulously placed in a way that framed your face so beautifully. I can't imagine how amazing you'd look in a more extravagant outfit."
Jeongguk took notice of some choice words Taehyung was using.

It seemed as though his presence at the restaurant affected Taehyung in some way.
Jeongguk usually wore looser clothing and often wouldn't add much else, so he supposed it was quite a different look for him and he somewhat understood Taehyung's reaction to it.
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"I guess I just wanted to stand out a little, but not too much. I'm glad you noticed my efforts hyung."
Taehyung let go of his hands and placed them on his own thighs. "Of course I noticed. As someone who is really interested in fashion, it just surprised me a bit. And like I said, if you looked that good in jeans and a t-shirt, I'll have to pick out an outfit for you myself."
Taehyung suddenly sat up straight, eyes wide with a smile growing on his face. "Oh, in Paris! Yes, okay, I've got a mission for myself now. We'll go shopping- well - we were going to anyway, but we'll go and I'll pick you out something-"
Taehyung suddenly realized what he was saying and snapped his mouth shut, aghast by his own stupidity.

Jeongguk gave him a puzzled look. "What are you talking about, hyung? Shopping where?"
Taehyung started laughing nervously; he decided to try and play it off. "Oh um, sorry... I got a little ahead of myself there." He sounded just as nervous as he actually was, so he cleared his throat and tried again.
"I just meant that, I don't know, it would be nice if one day we could go out and I could pick you out something nice to wear... designer, of course, I'd want to spoil you."

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. "In Paris?"
Taehyung internally winced, he was hoping the other hadn't picked up on that part.

"Yeah but, um, you know Joon and his rules," he laughed awkwardly, "one can dream, right? Maybe someday but not any time soon, I don't think, um, I don't know."
Nailed it.

Jeongguk's confused look morphed into a blank stare. He breathed out a sigh. "Yeah, him and those fucking rules. Thanks for reminding me."
Taehyung didn't say anything, he just watched as Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair, appearing slightly irritated. "I don't care if I need to fight with him at this point, hyung. I'm an adult. He's an asshole for thinking he can put restrictions on where I can and cannot go."
Taehyung stared at him. "I don't know if I'd call him an ass-"

"All this time you've been on him for not letting me travel with you and now you're suddenly defending him?"
"Gguk, please don't start, okay? I agree, it sucks that he's being overprotective-"

"An asshole-"

"No, overprotective. But it's not to punish you, it to protect you. He cares about you." Even though he agreed with Jeongguk, he needed to make him forget what he said about Paris.
Jeongguk lightly shook his head, rolling his eyes with an aggravated smile. "If he really cared about me he'd let me escape this life for a while, with you. But he doesn't and little does he know it's k¡lling me."
It was Taehyung's turn to be confused. "What do you mean, 'killing' you?"

Jeongguk scoffed. "Of course you wouldn't understand."

Taehyung could only stare at him as he tried to figure out what was happening.
Jeongguk annoyed expression faltered. "I'm sorry, just... It sucks having to watch you and the other hyungs go on these insane trips where you meet new people and experience new things, all while I stay here, completely miserable."
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Taehyung was quiet, sporting a concerned expression. Jeongguk waited for him to say something, but he stayed silent.
"Hyung, this is basically an outline of my life. I go to school, come home, do homework, and go to bed. I rarely get to spend time with you because either you're busy or you're away, and if it's not that, then I'm usually smothered in homework."
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"But, recently we've been spending so much time together-"
"That's because it's summer. As soon as school starts again it'll go back to my rinse and repeat life. Waking up for school miserable, dealing with people I don't like because everyone is annoying and rude, then coming home just to be studying all day."
Taehyung was seriously debating whether or not he should tell Jeongguk about the trip, but he didn't want to ruin the surprise. It hurt him to know how the younger was genuinely feeling, and if he were being honest he would've had no clue.
He felt horrible. Jeongguk was a lot less giddy and carefree than he had originally thought, and he feels like an idiot for thinking that the other was breezing through life with no problems like a child would.

Like a child would.
Taehyung put his head in his hands. "Dammit, Jeongguk. I didn't even realize. Why haven't you ever told me this kinda stuff? All this time I assumed you were as happy as can be, like how children have no worries. I was treating you like a kid without even realizing-"
"Hyung, it's okay, I'm not that upset about it, really."

"I still feel like an idiot. You're an adult, of course you would have your own problems..."

Jeongguk pursed his lips. "Yeah. I do. And I never told you because I felt like you would never relate let alone understand."
Taehyung swallowed, not sure how to respond. He had unanswered questions and a heavy heart, both of which were muddling his brain. He chose to ask the most important question first.

"You're not... depressed or anything, are you Gguk?"
Jeongguk shook his head frantically. "No no, hyung. Nothing like that. I just, I don't know. When I have the privilege of knowing someone like you, someone who sets an example of what a seemingly perfect life is like, it just makes me wish I could live that life with you."
Taehyung's heart stammered at the other's words, leaving him full of various emotions. What Jeongguk said was so bittersweet, and he just wanted to scream that they're going to Paris, but he couldn't.
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Without thinking about it, Taehyung chambered down onto Jeongguk's lap, catching him off-guard.
He cupped Jeongguk's face as he spoke. "Baby, I promise you that someday we will do something amazing together, something unforgettable, and you're gonna love every second of it. It'll become your new favourite pleasure, and you'll want it even after it's over."
Heat slowly crept up Jeongguk's face as he thought about how that could be interpreted in different ways. Taehyung noticed the blush and quickly smacked his shoulder.

"Not that, you perv. You're almost as bad as me, jeez."
Jeongguk smirked. "How did you know what I was thinking about, hyung?"

Taehyung mirrored his expression. "Well, why else would you blush while I'm describing us /travelling/ together? Obviously you took my words the wrong way."
Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "Oh please, as if you didn't purposely word that sexually."

Taehyung leaned in and began grazing gentle kisses along Jeongguk's neck. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Jeongguk enjoyed the affection - the sultry feeling of the other's lips and tongue merely grazing his skin. Hyunae and Yumii would never have Taehyung's attention like this, he thought.
This was the type of connection he was proud to have with his hyung, because he knew no one else would compare to him in Taehyung's eyes.

The two understood that these kisses weren't meant to be lewd, but rather Taehyung's way of letting Jeongguk know how much he means to him.
Taehyung pulled away with a soft smile adorning his lips, before rolling over to his side of the bed. He shut the lamp off next to him and slid under the covers, much too quickly for Jeongguk's liking.
With a huff, Jeongguk shut off his lamp. He wasn't ready to let go of Taehyung just yet, but they were both tired and he knew that.

"Oh and Gguk?"
"Yes hyung?"

"I was being serious about my promise. Not the pervy way you interpreted it-"
"Shut up-"

"But I mean it. I promise someday we will travel together, and I'll make sure it's everything you'd ever want and more."

• • •

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