For the last few years, I've worked in evaluation, a field that does a LOT of surveys. Now that I use R, I've figured out ways to automate the tedious process of getting people to actually fill out surveys.…
I've been supporting Prosper Portland, the business development agency for the city of Portland. For the last two weeks, they were taking applications from businesses affected by COVID.
What's your favorite example of a visually appealing report?
Looking in particular for examples that communicate with data to non-technical audiences.
One more clarification: looking for static reports right now. Love me some digital ones, but I'm designing a PDF-based report and need some inspiration for that.
ggplot is, to me, the perfect level of abstraction: complex enough that it forces you to think about what you're doing, but simple enough to pick up (semi) quickly. #rstats
With Excel, I always felt like I was just hacking things together without thinking about the underlying issues.
Moving to #rstats forced me to think more deeply about data viz — and become better in the process.
I don't use private spaces, which I feared might lead to issues with bandwidth.
This works fine for me because I'm typically doing one- or two-day workshops and I don't need people to "turn in" materials, which can only be done with private spaces.
I also send out a link to a zip file with materials to all students beforehand and tell them to download it and have it as a backup.
If you're having internet issues, the chances of folks being able to download large files is slim.