Low and Behold the 2019 GOP Politician, feigning righteousness, hiding behind a flag + a cross. Silent when the POTUS drops another level of racism. No where to be found when another kid dies inside a cage at a concentration camp along our border. 1/
2019 GOP Politician, who can only come up with "thoughts + prayers" + "it's too early to talk about sensible gun legislation" when yet another white nationalist terrorizes US w/ an assault weapon + a fresh slew of body bags. 2/
There is 2019 GOP Politician when things fall quiet for a few days + they stick their complicit head out of their hole to lambast liberals + democrats, throwing around words like socialism + communism as fear-mongering scare tactics just like the repressive McCarthy’s of yore. 3/
2019 GOP Politician is willing to lie to their constituents that massive tax cuts to the obscenely wealthy + largest corporations are good for America + that that $ will trickle down to everyone in the form of jobs, wages + prosperity. 4/
2019 GOP Politician is willing to throw away the environment, our education department, millions of citizens’ healthcare, + carve up our national parks. They are in cahoots with big Oil, big Pharma, lobbyists + grifters. 5/
2019 GOP Politician lines their pockets w/ so much lobbyist $$ it is an utter joke when they vote themselves another pay raise + then scream bloody hell about raising the minimum wage, ignoring research showing that it would be good for the economy. 6/
2019 GOP Politician is more concerned about an embryo than a living child. They want to control women's bodies. They hold contempt for gays, the disabled + people of color. They sow discord through dis-information + are ok with the undermining of US intelligence agencies. 7/
2019 GOP Politician is willing to look the other way as an accused rapist + liar gets hoisted onto the highest court in the land so that votes can be bought, districts gerrymandered + more elections swayed their way, altering history. 8/
With the 2019 GOP Politician the rule of law doesn’t apply to them. They align with Pedophiles, Sex-traffickers, Tax frauds + embezzlers. Their white collar crimes, their dark money, bribery + the financial rape of the American people are their milieu. 9/
2019 GOP says they are for pre-existing conditions + then eliminates them from the law. Says they are fiscally responsible + then balloons the deficit to record heights again. Says they will help 9-11 first responders but at vote turns their back on them once again. 10/
2019 GOP Politician vowed to protect, preserve + defend the constitution but is OK with Russia attacking our elections, is OK with POTUS siding w/ Putin over US intel., is OK with their candidate committing a felony to violate election law, cheating to win the Presidency. 11/
2019 GOP Politician looks the other way when POTUS obstructs the search for the truth, lies, + then covers it up. They are OK with a corrupt AG coming in + acting as a “fixer” for POTUS, lying, distorting the truth, obstructing more justice + holding the POTUS above the law. 12/
2019 GOP Politician is OK w/ a Senate majority leader that lives on an ego-power trip, not working for the American people, blocking everything. A racist Senate leader who stole a SC seat + made it his mission to have our first African-American POTUS fail at every step. 13/
The worst 2019 GOP Politician hypocritically hides behind their faux-Christianity, bible quoting while ignoring the deaths of innocents, the struggle of asylum seekers, the persecution of Muslims, + the volumes of vile, bitter hatred spewed by their self-appointed leader. 14/
2019 GOP Politician is deplorable, despicable, reprehensible + un-American. They have aligned themselves w/ the very worst of America. They are the party of white-supremacy, the KKK, white-terrorists + the willfully ignorant. 15/
2019 GOP Politician opposes the core American values found in the Declaration of Independence (all men are created equal), the Constitution (establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility) + the statue of liberty (the mother of exiles) 16/
The 21st century GOP has sold itself to the devil. They have become the party of greed, hatred, racism, divisiveness + white-nationalism. They deceitfully hold onto the constitution in one hand while pissing all over it w/ the other. 17/
American voters will be asked to make a simple choice in 2020 + it is not just a choice between Democrat or Republican. It is not just a choice between right + left but rather the choice between right + wrong. 18/
The 21st century GOP has made the choice easy for real Americans who hold the values of the Declaration of independence + the Constitution dear to them. American voters who believe in the rule of Law, Ethics, Morality, Liberty + Justice for all. 19/
The choice is to be complicit with the GOP + their utter moral turpitude or to say enough with their lies, crimes, corruption, fake news, alternate facts, science denying + hypocrisy by ending this American nightmare through an overwhelming mandate from the American people. 20/
Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, Bannon, Gates, Giuliani, Stone, Weisselberg and now Barrack all either convicted, guilty, indicted or under criminal investigation. 1/10
to grab 'em by the pussy
to mock a disabled reporter
to shoot tear gas at asylum seekers
to cover up adultery
to commit fraud against the U.S.
to shut down the Government
to lock kids in cages
to fake a national emergency
to have secret meetings w/ Putin
to hide the Mueller report
to threaten the free press
to disseminate conspiracy theories
to defund education
to increase taxes on the poor + middle class
to say Neo-Nazis are good people too
to do nothing re: Gun violence
to leave the Paris agreement
to host Russians w/ election dirt during a U.S. Presidential campaign
to commit tax fraud
to commit election fraud
to commit inauguration funding fraud
to install a Muslim ban
to call Mexicans "rapists"
to call poor countries "shithole"
to create fake news