to grab 'em by the pussy
to mock a disabled reporter
to shoot tear gas at asylum seekers
to cover up adultery
to commit fraud against the U.S.
to shut down the Government
to lock kids in cages
to fake a national emergency
to have secret meetings w/ Putin
to hide the Mueller report
to threaten the free press
to disseminate conspiracy theories
to defund education
to increase taxes on the poor + middle class
to say Neo-Nazis are good people too
to do nothing re: Gun violence
to leave the Paris agreement
to host Russians w/ election dirt during a U.S. Presidential campaign
to commit tax fraud
to commit election fraud
to commit inauguration funding fraud
to install a Muslim ban
to call Mexicans "rapists"
to call poor countries "shithole"
to create fake news
to lie every day to America
to erode away at our National Parks
to dismantle the E.P.A.
to undermine the F.D.A.
to hand huge tax breaks to big corporations
to strip healthcare away from millions of Americans
to defund the special Olympics
to flout the rule of law
to violate the oath to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution
to abuse the power of the Presidency
to ignore Science
to deny climate change is real
to build a giant racist symbol w/ taxpayer money
to side with Putin over U.S. intelligence
to denigrate the FBI + DOJ
to waste the most $ of any U.S. President
to increase the federal deficit
to bribe businesses
to campaign on lies
to speak ill of war heroes
to speak ill of the dead
to undermine elections
to cover up crimes
to lie about voter fraud
to embolden domestic terrorists
to pay hush money to porn stars
to gas-light the American people
to be the worst President ever
to suggest we arm teachers w/ guns
to not honor WWI veterans because of a little rain
to defund the N.E.A.
to embolden hate speech and white supremacists
to profit off of the Presidency
to threaten states that didn't vote for you
to divide America
to obstruct justice
to attack Democrats for doing their job
to not stand up for murdered journalists
to jail patriots who uncover proof of a threat to our voting system
to do nothing about Russian interference in our elections
to incite fear
to have an un-indicted co-conspirator as President
to cheat to become President
to attack the Special Counsel
to launder money
to incite violence
to not contact the FBI when contacted by Russia
to have no ethics
to suborn perjury
to witness tamper
to defund planned parenthood
to fake bone-spurs to elude the draft
to have your campaign manager convicted for crimes
to have your personal lawyer convicted for crimes
to discriminate against LGBT
to make up false statistics
to have a POTUS unfit for office
to circumvent Congress
to attack Social Security
to attack Medicaid
to withdraw from the TPP
to use derogatory terms about your opponents everyday
to kowtow to dictators
to weaken alliances w/ US allies
to restrict emergency funding to Puerto Rico
to take more vacations than any other POTUS
to undermine democracy
to hide tax returns
to lose track of separated asylum families
to make veiled threats
to dangle Presidential pardons
to lie about WH security clearances
to believe dictators over US Intelligence
to have an immoral POTUS
to have a POTUS who constantly tweets + watches Fox News
to violate the emoluments clause in the Constitution
to threaten use of the nuclear button
to mock the #metoo Movement
to fire the FBI director to end an investigation
to confiscate the translator's notes
to insult a gold star family
to attack daca recipients
to not pay federal workers
to direct a criminal campaign-finance violation scheme
to call people: pencil-neck, horse-face, Pocahontas, crazy, crooked,
nasty, deranged, fat, clown, low IQ, miss Piggy
to lie about contacts w/ Russia
to create alternate facts
to discriminate
to weaken the United States
to commit crimes against humanity
to have the most corrupt campaign in U.S. history
to have the most corrupt WH administration in U.S. history
to have the most corrupt POTUS in U.S. history