Laurence Badgley, M.D. Profile picture
Aug 16, 2019 38 tweets 7 min read Read on X
An interesting inquiry: what is primary and what is secondary?
The question is whether the primary etiology of hypermobility of soft tissues is ineffective nutrition having been used. Also, could improper nutrition be a co-factor in development of hypermobile tissues?
NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES IN GI DYSFUNCTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH HYPERMOBILITY SPECTRUM DISORDER (#HSD): Issue has been raised about nutritional deficiencies associated with #HSD & whether deficiencies lead to connective tissue defects manifest as abnormal soft tissue hypermobility.
IMO, hypermobile tissues of #HSD are genetically determined. Attendant with hypermobility, musculoskeletal tissue functions include excessive “open form” of minor & major joints:
Tissue variations of hypermobility induce increased “open form” of joints; whereby loose ligaments that tether joints enable greater than normal ranges of joint motion.
For example, vertebral disks are specialized ligaments that hold vertebral spine vertebrae together. Many with #HSD can easily bend over & touch their toes &/ or palms to floor because of super-flexible spines.
How do musculoskeletal dysfunctions of #HSD generate GI dysautonomias, including Gastroparesis? The answer might be found in bio-mechanical functions of soft tissues + overactive mast cells.
Autonomic nervous system tracts are often contiguous to spinal bony processes; whereat they are subject to bone impingements during abnormally wide arcs of joint ranges of motion caused by hypermobility.
I speculate that intermittent exaggerated neural jarrings, caused by bony impingements, result in dysfunctional neural messages manifest as dysautonomias. #Gastroparesis is a dysautonomia.
Sympathetic nervous system autonomic tracts transmit messages of hypotonicity (intestinal quietude) & diminished digestive juice secretion. IMO, exaggerated sympathetic neural discharges manifest as Gastroparesis intestinal dysfunction.
Some patients clearly have Gastroparesis symptoms, but a normal gastric emptying test. Perhaps the defective function is not motility but global spasm of the gastrum, leading to lesser organ capacity...
I would think that chronic sympathetic ANS predominance might generate chronic gastrum smooth muscle spasm. Is there a study to monitor quantitative stomach volume; with a nomogram listing average volumes as a function of body mass?
I have observed a curious relationship of #Gastroparesis functions & thoracic scoliosis in bendy women. They have spinal curves (scoliosis) when upright but not when prone. These associations have caused me to reflect that evolution of malnourishment in #HSD occurs as follows:
Sympathetic tracts are repetitively impinged at the spinal column level & this leads to GI inactivity & distress (bloating & sluggish food advancement) which leads to patients’ food aversions; which lead to inadequate &/or improper food choices.
Aversions to food results in weight loss & malnourishment. Resultant fatigue leads to inactivity & need for less food. The Gastroparesis problem becomes self-begetting & self-perpetuating.
Therapeutic solutions might include strengthening muscles of the spine tower via Aquatherapy; to compensate for super flexibility of the spine & to compensate for functional scoliosis.
One therapeutic solution might be transcutaneous stimulation of the vagus (parasympathetic nerve) with properly placed (neck region) electrodes of a TENS device. Parasympathetic activity stimulates pleasure functions: sleep, digestion, evacuation, & sexual pleasure.
Another partial solution might be medications that mimic parasympathetic activity & stimulate intestinal motility & digestive juice secretion.
Amongst #Cannabis cultivars the Indica (Kush) varieties are the most parasympathomimetic (induce parasympathetic functions). The intestine is replete with CD1 & CD2 cell receptors activated by the fat soluble cannabinoid molecules found in Cannabis.
Extracting fat soluble cannabinoids into butter or chocolate at temperatures below 200 degrees prevents decarboxylation of THC-A (A=acid) thereby avoiding the psychotropic effects of neutral THC.
The medicinal butters & chocolate are simply eaten. People uninitiated and without tolerance should start with ingesting fat portions infused with the amount of dried flower used to make one joint (1-2 grams of dried flower).
An coconut oil or butter or chocolate fat-flower mixture might be soaked in a crock pot at low heat (less than 200 degrees) overnight & strained of plant matter in the morning.
The resultant oil/butter/chocolate extract solidifies & is preserved in the refrigerator until eaten. Just remember not to heat to over 200 degrees when eaten; unless you want the “high”.
Another partial solution to the problem of Gastroparesis is to consume a concentrated nutrient dense food & like the regimen I posted in a tweet thread about 2 weeks ago (08/06/2019). In this way important nutrients can be ingested in small bulk amounts.
The Cannabis oil/butter/chocolate can be added to these small volumes of ingested high density nutrients.
GI tract mast cell wall-stabilization might be an action to prevent histamine degranulation. Quercitin stabilizes mast cells membranes (cholesterol films) against lipid peroxidation caused by harmful free radical molecular species.
The best defense against free radical injury of mast cell walls is to consume generous amounts of free radical scavengers (pigments, Vit. C, etc.) & to avoid fats that have been oxidized (fried) by exposure to heat & oxygen.
Orthodox clinical medicine seems at loss to cure Gastroparesis & does not teach understandings of cause & therapy. Within this vacuum of knowledge, any theory of causation &/or treatment that is safe should be given an hearing & therapeutic trial.
The above described ideas & propositions are my own inventions. The therapies advised should only be conducted under the supervision of a knowledgeable & licensed medical doctor.
Persons who find benefits from the above described “Badgley Protocol for Gastroparesis” should notify (DM) me so that I can gather worthy empirical data and inform others.
Please, you diehard Double Blind Random Placebo Controlled Trial (RCT) types, do not send me any editorialized discourse about the scientific purity of your favored method, the RCT.
As you well know, there are too many parameters in my protocol (the Badgley Protocol for Gastroparesis) to control for. I am espousing a natural non-toxic holistic approach; one that needs no physician legal prescribing.
Empirical data gathering has been an hallmark of medical science schema for over 5,000 years; until European doctors became enamored, in recent decades, of statistical analysis & contrived mathematical equations ...
Methods which were enacted in order to average data analysis over 100’s of patient’s; each with idiosyncratic life stories, environmental interactions, & differing genetic milieus.
Despite purported subjugation by & obedience to statistical analysis, modern medical scientists continue to daily prescribe > 50% of their common therapies absent RCT evaluation!
In US, millions of patients are seen daily & prescribed therapies including 2-20 prescription medications; almost as many med combinations as patients. There have been no RCT trials of these millions of synthetic medication combinations; only for single medications.
Every patient treated by western medical doctors is a therapeutic trial with a patient cohort of N=1. Ergo, why insistence on RCT for holistic therapies? RCT methods perpetuate a $ alliance vs. Big Pharm., Big Gov., Big Med., & Big Ins.
Gastroparesis is widespread, current, & disastrous. We do not have 15-20 years for hit & miss so-called RCT proofs; including years of wading through contrived & distorted academic publishing processes.

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