In a nonstick saucepan, combine the sugars, vanilla extract, coffee powder and water. Stir over medium heat for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and let stand until the mixture becomes clear. Add" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="">
Another try at making cake. 774M is the largest GPT-2 model yet released but it might not win the @BritishBakeOff technical challenge
@BritishBakeOff 774M knows lots of facts about whales and elephants. The facts are almost entirely wrong, but there are a lot of them. 1. Blue Whale
This one might just be my favorite animal in the world. In fact, let's just say these whales are pretty amazing. This blue whale (the size of an elephant) is an amazing creature as it can live up to 20 years, but for that time they can swim up to 10 miles (16 kilometers). The whale can even ride around on land for a while. They do all this while being very sensitive to vibra" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="">
@BritishBakeOff ah yes, Darth Vader's classic white jacket. That he wore to his Death Star.
@BritishBakeOff well, GPT-2-774M got into the spirit of this one, even if there's a noticeable seam where Gilbert and Sullivan ends and deranged AI takes over
Decided to see what #dalle would respond with when asked for
"3D rendered floor plan of an apartment that rents for $1000 a month in new york city"
I like the high ceilings; some questions about the light fixtures and also the location of the kitchen.
Another #dalle output for "3D rendered floor plan of an apartment that rents for $1000 a month in new york city"
Quite a lot of space; some concern about the inaccessible rooms and the hallway bidet.
Another #dalle output for "3D rendered floor plan of an apartment that rents for $1000 a month in new york city"
Not sure if $1000 gives you the entire room or just one of the cots. Is that a pleather floor?